Stabilization of the front. Financial losses of Gazprom

in ukraine •  8 months ago 

00:00:00 - 01:00:00
In the YouTube video titled "22.01 Стабилизация фронта. Финансовые потери Газпрома," the speakers from the Ukrainian channel discuss the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine while addressing financial losses for Gazprom, the Russian gas company. They mention Gazprom's significant financial losses in the European market, totaling over one trillion rubles, as well as the increasing price of natural gas in Russia. The speakers also talk about the military situation, reporting a decrease in enemy activity but significant attacks on civilian areas. They encourage viewers to continue donating to their cause despite the financial losses. The video features discussions on various military engagements and casualties in the border regions, including the southern and Shakhtarsk directions, where Ukrainian forces have successfully repelled enemy attacks. Additionally, the speakers discuss the political and economic situation, including potential aid from the US and Poland, territorial disputes, and ongoing conflicts between Hamas and Israel, which could potentially impact Ukraine and Europe. They also mention the financial crisis Gazprom is facing due to assets being frozen worldwide.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "22.01 Стабилизация фронта. Финансовые потери Газпрома," the speakers from the Ukrainian channel "Мы из Украины и Рад" welcome their viewers on the significant day of Ukraine's Unity Day. They highlight the historical significance of the day and the Ukrainian president's recent decree in defining and protecting the rights of Ukrainian ethnic population living in historically Ukrainian territories in the Russian Federation. They discuss the producer's fund collecting contributions for the acquisition of drones, which have been effective in destroying enemy fortifications on the front line, such as the recent destruction of an enemy's reconnaissance complex named "Ramp." The speakers express their gratitude for financial support through donations, which enable them to continue their efforts. The video also features two recent drone footage recordings showcasing successful attacks against enemy installations.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "22.01 Стабилизация фронта. Финансовые потери Газпрома," the speaker discusses a surveillance complex used by Russia, which can detect humans and vehicles up to 10 km away in daytime and 8 km in nighttime with thermal vision. The system, operated by three people, can also transmit coordinates online, and includes solar panels, batteries, and solar panels for power. The speaker mentions that these systems are causing problems for them because the operators can constantly switch, allowing for quick transmission of coordinates. The complex can be set up on tripods, in trenches, or on high buildings, and there are even examples of them being placed on communication towers. The speaker then encourages viewers to continue donating to their cause despite the financial loss resulting from Gazprom's donations. The speaker then moves on to discussing the operational situation, reporting that the enemy attacked their country with ten drones during the night, eight of which were shot down by anti-aircraft and mobile fire groups. The speaker notes that there has been a decrease in enemy activity and a drop in the tempo of their advance. The Ukrainian army is taking measures to stabilize the front lines, including attempting to reclaim lost positions. There were 68 combat engagements in the past days, and the enemy inflicted four rocket and 102 aircraft strikes, as well as 80 attacks using multiple rocket launchers. The strikes were not only targeting military positions but also civilian areas in the proximity of the front line.


In this section of the video titled "22.01 Стабилизация фронта. Финансовые потери Газпрома," the speaker discusses the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, specifically focusing on military actions and casualties in the border regions. The territories affected include Chernihiv, Sumy, Harokv, Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, and Nikolayev regions where the Line of Contact exists. Russian forces are reportedly constructing fortifications and conducting reconnaissance activities. Ukrainian forces are responding in kind, building defensive structures and counter-battery fire. There have been over 100 settlements hit by artillery fire. Seven attacks were recorded near the town of Senykivka, and five attacks near Yampil and Bilohorivka in the Luhansk region. Despite a decline in attacks on the Kupiansk front, Russian forces continue to attack in the Limansk sector, resulting in 11 attacks in total. Ukrainian forces repelled seven attacks in the Avdeyevka region, but the situation remains critical as Russian forces attempt to take control of Avdeyevka streets. Casualties and damage have resulted from these attacks, with civilians among the victims.


In this section, the speaker discusses the unsuccessful attacks by the enemy on various fronts, including the southern and Shakhtarsk directions. The defense forces have successfully repelled the attacks, causing significant losses to the enemy. The Zaporozhye direction saw increased activity from the enemy, with several attacks on our positions, but all were repelled. The speaker also mentions a new development in the occupied territories, where the enemy is mobilizing medical personnel and forcing budget workers to donate blood due to the high casualties they are facing. This shows the desperate situation the enemy is in, as they try to increase their numbers and resources.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "22.01 Стабилизация фронта. Финансовые потери Газпрома," the speaker discusses military actions and losses on both sides during the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and its adversaries. The Ukrainian forces reportedly struck various enemy targets in nine regions, resulting in significant losses for the enemy. These losses included approximately 8,830 occupation forces, 11 tanks, 23 armored vehicles, 21 artillery systems, and six anti-aircraft systems, among other equipment. The speaker also mentioned previous military actions and the subsequent losses, amounting to approximately 6030 enemy personnel and over 600 military vehicles and artillery pieces in the past week. The destruction of two enemy aircraft, four missiles, and 75 drones was also reportedly achieved over the same period. The speaker further shared details of an attack on a gas terminal operated by the company Novatek in the Russian Federation, explaining how the Ukrainian security services were able to carry out a successful operation against it despite the significant distance involved. The terminal reportedly handles 7 million tons of neftegas products annually.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "22.01 Стабилизация фронта. Финансовые потери Газпрома," it is discussed how Gasproms terminal in Ukraine was attacked by drones, causing significant damage to the facility. The drones were able to bypass gas defense systems and hit the area where the nectar and condensate are heated to specific temperatures and pressures for further processing. This resulted in explosions and a fire that paralyzed the terminal's work. The Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) is reportedly responsible for the production of these drones, and their ability to reach these targets indicates that no place is out of reach for them. Additionally, the increase in drone attacks may lead to higher insurance premiums, canceled contracts, and delays in the delivery of goods, causing significant economic damage. Furthermore, there is a discussion of a potential war crime committed by the Russian Federation, as civilians in Donetsk were deliberately targeted and killed by artillery fire, resulting in over 45 deaths and injuries.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "22.01 Стабилизация фронта. Финансовые потери Газпрома," the speaker discusses an incident of shelling in Donetsk, where some believe Russian forces were responsible. Local reports suggest that Russian troops, not the Ukrainian military, were the ones firing. Russia tries to shift the blame to Ukraine, accusing them of committing war crimes, and initiates an emergency session at the United Nations Security Council. Russia's Foreign Minister Lavrov is prepared to speak about the issue in the session. Russia is concerned about agreements between Ukraine and other countries, such as the UK and Germany, regarding artillery and missiles. The speaker clarifies Ukraine's official statement, denying allegations that their forces engaged in the shelling. Russia's actions are deemed provocations that violate reasonable boundaries and show a lack of respect for civilian populations. The ultimate responsibility lies with those giving orders to open fire on civilian targets in occupied territories, including potential generals and special services involved in this operation.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "22.01 Стабилизация фронта. Финансовые потери Газпрома," the speaker discusses the political and economic situation surrounding Ukraine and Russia. The creation of PVO (air defense systems) in the Leninград region was intended to protect against NATO attacks, but systems supposedly failed to intercept drones coming from the south due to misaligned antennas. Analysts at the Institute for the Study of War argue that smaller PVO systems may not be able to protect all potential targets in the region without additional support. The military command has already withdrawn some PVO systems from special operations in the Federation, leaving the European part of Russia with fewer defenses against drone attacks. The military-industrial complex, strained by sanctions, cannot provide a large number or production of PVO systems. The speaker also mentions the potential approval of additional aid to Ukraine by the US Congress. Overall, Russia is struggling to protect its European border against drone attacks with limited resources.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "22.01 Стабилизация фронта. Финансовые потери Газпрома," the speaker discusses the potential financial aid Ukraine may receive from the US and Poland, as well as the ongoing discussions between Ukraine and Poland regarding agricultural exports. The US special representative for economic recovery in Ukraine, Penny Pritzker, mentioned that additional donors and investors could join if Congress approves the aid package. Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki visited Ukraine to discuss security issues and a new package of military assistance for Ukraine. A potential point of contention between the two countries is the export of Ukrainian agricultural products to Poland, which has been affected by border closures due to transit strikes. Furthermore, the Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán, announced that Ukraine should cede some of its territory to Russia to end the war. The Slovakian Prime Minister, Igor Matovič, echoed this statement but did not propose giving up Slovakian territory for Ukraine's sake. The Slovakian Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded by stating that without security in Ukraine, there wouldn't be security in Slovakia or in Europe as a whole. As a result, territorial compromises are not an option. Hungary and Slovakia, led by Orbán and Matovič, are expected to compete for the Kremlin's favor and may try to influence the European Union through pressure and political maneuvers, potentially causing more harm to the European Union.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "22.01 Стабилизация фронта. Финансовые потери Газпрома," discussions revolve around the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, with Hamas suffering significant losses against Israel's professional army. The Israeli Prime Minister, Netanyahu, rejected proposals for a ceasefire, citing concerns over the fate of captured personnel during past attempts. At the same time, Hamas demands the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza, with tensions escalating. The British Defense Minister asserted that Ukraine could face repercussions if it loses, as new power structures may emerge, including potential dictators like Putin. The European Union hopes to provide Ukraine with necessary weapons to counter Russian forces. Moreover, The Economist reported that Gazprom, a Russian gas company, faced a financial crisis, potentially losing $300 billion worth of assets frozen worldwide, and the head of the Central Bank of Russia allegedly sought assistance from Schwab at the Davos Forum to prevent asset confiscation. The analysis concluded that Gazprom suffered a loss of nearly $3 trillion in revenue due to the gas supply disruptions in Europe.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "22.01 Стабилизация фронта. Финансовые потери Газпрома," the speaker discusses the financial losses sustained by Gazprom, the Russian Gas company, due to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. He mentions that the price of natural gas in Russia has increased by 20% for consumers over the past two years, while Gazprom has incurred a loss of over one trillion rubles in the European market alone. On a global scale, the losses amount to more than one trillion rubles. The speaker notes that the military tensions between Russia and NATO, specifically the Russian soldiers stationed in the Kaliningrad region, pose a serious threat to NATO countries due to the deployment of Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) systems, including the Iskander missiles. These missiles have a range of up to 500 km and can reach countries in Europe. The speaker also mentions the ongoing military exercises between NATO and its allies as a response to the perceived threat.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "22.01 Стабилизация фронта. Финансовые потери Газпрома," the speaker discusses the problems in Kaliningrad, Russia, where veterans and disabled war residents beg contractors to sign up for the army and go to Ukraine to fight for money. The speaker mentions that Russia faces issues with supplies and equipment due to the destruction of production facilities, specifically mentioning a tank factory that produces tanks like the S1. The Russian economy is heavily dependent on these industries, and the loss of production capabilities means significant financial losses for Russia. Destroyed factories cannot be easily replaced, and new equipment cannot be sourced domestically. In addition, Russia's reliance on imported technology makes it vulnerable to further attacks on these critical industries, resulting in significant damage to the Russian economy.

01:00:00 - 01:20:00

In the YouTube video titled "22.01 Стабилизация фронта. Финансовые потери Газпрома," the speaker discusses various topics including landmine handling in warfare, the limitations of missile defense systems, the Russian military's strategies and tactics, the alleged disappearance of a Russian military plane, the situation in Chechnya, and legal consequences of participating in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The speaker mentions the use of heat-resistant camouflage to avoid mine detection and discusses the importance of missile defense systems for Ukrainian cities. The conversation then shifts to Putin's intentions and the possible exploitation of resources in countries under Russian control. The speaker raises concerns over the Russian propaganda facade in these areas and the economic struggles, specifically the financial losses of Gazprom. Additionally, the speaker touches upon the potential legal ramifications for individuals from various countries who engage in the conflict and criticizes the Russian population's perceived longing for authoritarianism.

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