Russians attack, Ukrainians defend: 127 military clashes per day. “Let’s start with Alaska”: Putin wants to take away assets from the West

in ukraine •  8 months ago 

00:00:00 - 01:00:00
In the YouTube video titled "19.01 Враг атакует, 127 боевых столкновений. "Начнем с Аляски", Putin is aiming to seize assets from the West. The video reports on increasing military activities along the eastern front line, with over 127 engagements in the past day. There were 45 russian artillery attacks and 2 rocket and 81 air strikes on ukrainian civilian areas and infrastructure. Regrettably, civilians have been injured and killed. The portions of the front line most affected include Chernihiv, Sumy, Harkiv, Luhanks, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, Dnipropetovska, and Nikolaevska. The intensity of attacks is highest around Avdeevka, where Russian forces are attempting to advance towards the settlements of Winogradnik and Zapadnoye Dachnoye, evoking concern that Ukrainian forces may struggle to hold their ground. Russian forces also experienced losses in the Klescheyka region, where they attempted to improve their tactical position but failed. A potential development in military technology is the testing of laser weapons by the British military. Meanwhile, the military head of NATO has expressed concern over the possibility of Russia receiving missiles from Iran, which could reach up to 1,000 km. Tensions also remain high between Pakistan and Iran, although no significant casualties have been reported. Russia is facing challenges regarding weapon stockpiles and is attempting to secure assets owned by the West, including in Alaska. The speakers also discuss the role of snipers in modern warfare and resource vulnerabilities like chlorophenol, a precursor to TNT, which Russia relies on from global imports. The speaker argues that these conflicts are a response to Western countries' efforts to protect their freedom.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "19.01 Враг атакует, 127 боевых столкновений. "Начнем с Аляски" putin wants to seize assets from the west," the speaker begins by reporting that the night before was relatively peaceful in terms of air activity, but the front line causes significant concern due to the increasing number of armed conflicts. Over the past day, there were 127 military engagements, and the adversary carried out two rocket and 81 air strikes, as well as 45 artillery engagements against both military positions and populated areas and civilian infrastructure near the front line. Regrettably, civilians have been injured and killed, and homes and other civilian infrastructure have been destroyed. Aviation attacks were carried out in the Harkiv, Luhanks, Donetsk, and Zaporizhzhia regions. Approximately 110 inhabited areas were targeted by artillery fire, with many regions bordering occupied territories or the state border experiencing this instability. The regions affected include Chernihiv, Sumy, Harkiv, Luhanks, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, Dnipropetrovska, and Nikolaevska. The speaker will then discuss areas of responsibility, starting with the operational-strategic group of forces on the Northern, Volynske, and Poleske fronts, where the situation remains stable but the enemy is also present along the border. The Eastern Slobozhanske front also experiences high levels of military activity, with 18 armed attacks taking place near the villages of Syn'kovka, Trapalova, Tabayevka, and Berezova. Regrettably, our forces were forced to withdraw from positions in the Orlyanka area, and the enemy successfully took over part of their territory. The situation regarding the progress of this breakthrough and the restoration of the front line is still being assessed.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "19.01 Враг атакует, 127 боевых столкновений. "Начнем с Аляски"" Putin aims to seize assets from the West, and the map shows ongoing battles with over 127 engagements, starting with Alaska. The enemy has intensified activities near the settlements of Ternov Yampol, Vika, and Silver Forest and Silverrik, with over 15 attacks recorded. They are attempting to push towards the River Oskol to drive us back, focusing on the zones of Jerberec on the left banks of both rivers. The enemy's tactics include scaling up pressure along the entire front line, with recent intensification near the Cuppin Liman region. A significant pause had occurred in the area for nearly two months, but fighting is once again increasing. The battlefield with the highest military activity is the Bahmut region, where Ukrainian forces have managed to repel only two attacks. The enemy has almost taken control of the settlement of Veseloie, captured the adjacent line, and is now seeking to push further. Additionally, the fate of lost positions and their recovery is currently being determined, potentially leading to counterattacks in the Bahmut area. Russian forces also attempted to improve their tactical position in the Klescheyka region but were unsuccessful, and they continue to encircle our garrison. Other developments in the area include the Ukrainian forces' repulsion of 27 attacks in the north of Avdeevka, in the Novokalynivovo region.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "19.01 Враг атакует, 127 боевых столкновений. "Начнем с Аляски". Putin is attempting to seize assets from the west. The last few days have been difficult for the town of Avdeevka, as the enemy launched nearly 100 attacks over the past two days, using guided aerial bombs. The situation remains uncertain, as Russian forces are attempting to advance towards the outskirts of Avdeevka and the neighboring settlements Winogradnik and Zapadnoye Dachnoye. The intensity of the fighting is highest around Avdeevka, as both sides battle for control, with Russian forces seeking to establish a foothold in the area. Elsewhere, Ukrainian forces are managing to hold off Russian advances in Marinka, Novomikhailovka, and other areas, including the Shahtersk direction near Staramayorske. The line of the front remains unchanged, but Russian forces have suffered losses and retreated to their initial positions. Despite the challenging circumstances, Ukrainian forces are holding their ground, preventing the Russian advance. Other directions, such as the Ozersk, Verkhnetoretskoye, and Zaporozhsk directions, also saw intense fighting, but the situation is more stable compared to other fronts. The operational-strategic group of forces in Odessa and Herson is managing to keep the situation under control, despite heavy losses.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "19.01 Враг атакует, 127 боевых столкновений. "Начнем с Аляски". Russian forces have been attacking Ukrainian positions for several weeks, with over 100 shocks reported in the last days. The enemy has made attempts to dislodge Ukrainian troops from their positions along the Dnepper riverbank, primarily using infantry and artillery. The Dnepper River is under heavy artillery fire to disrupt Ukrainian logistics. However, the enemy has not been successful in taking Ukrainian positions or disrupting their placentas. There are significant communication problems within Ukrainian forces, particularly between commanders and the middle rank, leading to the same issues and mistakes recurring. Russian forces have suffered losses, including 920 personnel, 20 tanks, 35 armored vehicles, 19 artillery systems, one anti-aircraft system, and four unmanned aerial vehicles. A significant innovation in military technology is the testing of laser weapons by the British military, marking the first publicly announced laser weapon test at the UK Ministry of Defense's test range. The cost of each laser shot is less than 10 pounds, making it an effective and cost-efficient weapon. Dragonfire is a British-developed system that has an accuracy equivalent to a 1 pound coin's striking distance of 2.3 cm from a target 1km away.


in this section of the YouTube video titled "19.01 Враг атакует, 127 боевых столкновений. "Начнем с Аляски" Putin aims to seize assets from the West, and the topic of discussion is laser weapons and their potential in modern warfare. Both the United States and Israel have been researching and testing laser guns, with the US even integrating them into their newest aircraft carrier. However, the British have developed a laser weapon that does not require significant energy, making it more appealing. The energy capacity and transparency of the air are cited as potential issues with laser weapons, as they can only operate within visual range. The Russian Federation has also been working on laser technology, but concrete results are not publicly available. NATO is set to conduct the largest military exercises since the Cold War, with around 90,000 soldiers participating, simulating an attack from Russia against a NATO ally invoking Article 5. The main goal of the leaked document suggests a return to tensions reminiscent of the Cold War era, with Russia being identified as a potential threat to NATO.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "19.01 Враг атакует, 127 боевых столкновений. "Начнем с Аляски" Putin aims to seize assets from the West, starting with Alaska. During consultations, it is anticipated that Russia may receive missiles from Iran, who might begin supplying them to their ally, Hamas, for a potential war against Ukraine. The military head of NATO has expressed concern, as these missiles could reach 300 and 700 km, and possibly even over 1,000 km. If these missiles are acquired, it would necessitate the deployment of additional anti-missile defenses and acquisitions from partners in Ukraine. The lack of weapons stockpiles is Russia's most pressing issue and vulnerability. There is optimistic news from Washington. The Democratic Party leader in the Senate, Schumer, has stated that he is more hopeful about reaching a border agreement between the US and Mexico as well as Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan in one package. After meeting with Biden, they held discussions on this issue, aiming to come to a compromise and possibly securing agreements from both parties in the US Congress. However, it appears that no consensus has been reached yet.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "19.01 Враг атакует, 127 боевых столкновений. "Начнем с Аляски"" Putin aims to seize assets from the West, and there are ongoing protests in Ufa, Baškortostan, Russia, over local authorities' attempts to disperse demonstrators. Senate Democrats are reportedly close to agreeing on a bill to allocate $116 billion for military aid to Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and the Pacific region. If passed, this could signal a resolution to the issue and bring the first installment of funding by February. Meanwhile, tensions remain high between Pakistan and Iran, with each side reportedly launching missile attacks against the other's territory. While no significant casualties have been reported, the situation could escalate into a full-blown war. Additionally, Russia's Putin has recently made headlines with new decrees.


In this section of the YouTube videotitled "19.01 Враг атакует, 127 боевых столкновений. "Начнем с Аляски" Putin is attempting to seize assets owned by the West. The United States responded by attempting to arrest and confiscate these assets, leading to a painful loss for the Russian Federation. Putin issued a directive to find and take control of Russian imperial and Soviet Union territory assets outside of Russia, including those in Alaska. He also recommended declaring Alaska's sale to the United States in 1867 as illegitimate and demanding the return of the paid $7.2 million for Alaska, now worth approximately $8.5 billion. The Russian Federation intended to take possession and provide legal protection of these assets. The discussion then turns to the importance of snipers on the battlefield, whose role was to not only eliminate enemy personnel but also disrupt command and control systems.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "19.01 Враг атакует, 127 боевых столкновений. "Начнем с Аляски" putin wants to seize Western assets, a report surfaced that they have been recruiting soldiers, including snipers and drone operators. However, landmines found on the battlefield are not always discarded andexploded. Instead, those that can be returned to the field are, as long as their technical condition allows. Mining experts disarm and reuse damaged mines and ammunition by detonating them on special polygons. The rest, which appears normal and intact without mechanical or chemical damage, is returned to the front lines for use. Furthermore, there is footage on the internet of our soldiers clearing enemy minefields and carefully collecting undetonated mines, which are then reused to establish new minefields. Addressing a Russian soldier's question, the speaker clarifies that the Self-Propelled Artillery Mount Cesar is indeed a gun-howitzer, with a maximum elevation angle exceeding 45 degrees, and its barrel length falls between 52 and 59 calibers. This heavy gun, which is mounted on a wheeled chassis, has a relatively small horizontal sector of fire, approximately 45 degrees, but a vertical sector of over 66 degrees. The maximum firing range for ordinary ammunition is 40 kilometers, and for active-reaction ammunition, it can reach up to 55 kilometers. The gun's rate of fire is six rounds per minute.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "19.01 Враг атакует, 127 боевых столкновений. "Начнем с Аляски"" Putin aims to seize Western assets. The speaker discusses a Russian self-propelled howitzer called the "gaubitsa," which has a base with a 6x6 chassis and a crew of 4-5 people. The variant on a 8x8 chassis weighs 32 tons. Despite the consensus among military experts that Russia's likelihood of using nuclear weapons is extremely low, the speaker emphasizes that Russia disregarded international norms in the past, such as the suspected underwater explosion at the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant, and could potentially use nuclear weapons if faced with imminent defeat. The speaker also acknowledges that his prediction that the plant would not be blown up was incorrect, as it was indeed destroyed, allowing Russia to avert a potential offensive by Ukrainian forces on the Dnepr river near Hersson and advance towards Crimea. In closing, the speaker suggests that there has been widespread knowledge of the low likelihood of nuclear weapon use and that Russia, with apparent support from Belarusian President Lukashenko, has made threats regarding its possession of nuclear weapons, although Lukashenko himself does not have access to it. The speaker also mentions the US confiscation of 300 billion dollars and Russia's President Medvedev's response, which involved waving a nuclear weapon but then quickly retreating. The speaker also notes that Iran might be closer to using or even creating nuclear weapons than Russia.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "19.01 Враг атакует, 127 боевых столкновений. "Начнем с Аляски" putin wants to seize assets from the west, with Iran being the country closest to creating a nuclear weapon. The discussion then shifts to the importance of uranium for various non-nuclear technologies, including its use in chloralkali industry for producing artillery shells. The speaker notes that Russia needs large quantities of chlorophenol, a precursor to TNT, which is mainly sourced from China, East Africa, and the Middle East. Without these imports, Russia may not be able to produce its own artillery shells, putting its military capabilities at risk. The speaker suggests that the international community has not enforced sanctions or embargos on chlorophenol exports to Russia, leaving it as a potential vulnerability for the Russian military. The speaker then touches on the issue of why Russia is not restricted in purchasing chlorophenol on the global market and mentions that Europe is starting to discuss new sanctions against Russia, which could potentially include a chlorophenol ban. Additionally, synthetic gunpowder is also mentioned as an alternative for producing artillery shells. The speaker then asks why Russia hates Ukraine and how they cannot leave them in peace, to which a commentator responds by mentioning Russia's actions during the 2008 war in Georgia, specifically the downing of Georgian military helicopters by Russian forces.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "19.01 Враг атакует, 127 боевых столкновений. "Начнем с Аляски" putin wants to seize assets from the West, a Russian speaker explains this conflict as retaliation for enabling Western countries to protect themselves from Russian aggression, including their support for Georgia and Ukraine. The speaker emphasizes the importance of self-determination, sovereignty, and inviolability of borders, which Russia disregards. Further, the speaker argues that Russia cannot cope with the fact that Ukraine and other countries are aiming for a better quality of life, which sets them apart and results in envy and hostility from Russia. Historical connections are also cited, with the founding of Moscow and the instrumentalization of the name "Russia," which was originally "Rus," after Kyivan Rus. Ultimately, the speaker highlights that for Russia, the means of survival lies in conquest, expansion, and seizure of foreign assets.

01:00:00 - 01:15:00

In the YouTube video titled "19.01 Враг атакует, 127 боевых столкновений. "Начнем с Аляски," the speaker discusses Putin's intention to seize assets from the West and the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Russian infrastructure, particularly railways, has been targeted, with the Ukrainian military damaging objects on Russian territory. Despite the rapid restoration process, Russia is hindered from damaging western arms supplies. The video also explores the possibility of military action between Russia and other countries, including Iran and Pakistan. Russia's aggression towards Ukraine has led to increased military presence among neighboring countries such as Canada, Germany, and Britain, and Ukraine faces the choice between defending its land and European choices or the risk of attack. The video features a battle between a Russian T-72 tank and a Bradley Fighting Vehicle, with the Bradley emerging victorious. Despite the significance of the Bradley's victory, the speaker argues that the Russian tank's failure was due to a lack of experience rather than the Bradley's superiority. Ultimately, the speaker expresses support for Ukraine's defense and its eventual victory.

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