Loss of Tabaevka. Trump is plunging the US into chaos.

in ukraine •  8 months ago 

00:00:00 - 00:50:00
In this section of the YouTube video titled "28.01 Потеря Табаевки. Трамп погружает США в хаос," the speaker provides an update on the military situation in Ukraine, including ongoing battles in various regions. They discuss the loss of Tabakovka and attempts by Russian forces to expand their gains. The speaker also mentions the mysterious crash of an Il-76 plane and the involvement of Russia and Ukraine. Furthermore, the speaker discusses the protests by French farmers, a migration policy deal in the US, the destruction of a British tanker in the Red Sea, and President Trump's actions impacting the US economy. The video concludes with a discussion of the historical relationships between Ukraine and Russia and the division of families due to the conflict.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "28.01 Потеря Табаевки. Trump пгружает США в хаос," the speaker describes an unsettling night in Ukraine during which eight unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and two missiles were launched at civilian objectives and infrastructure in the regions of Poltava, Donetsk, Donetsk, and Dnepropetrovsk. The speaker notes that four of the UAVs were shot down, while the damage caused to an infrastructure object in Poltava was quite severe. The Russian aggressor carried out 82 rocket attacks on Ukrainian troops and populated areas along the front line and state border, causing harm to civilians and damaging residential areas. There were also over 100 attacks on settlements along the Ukrainian-Russian border and the administrative boundary between the two countries. The speaker provides an update on the operational situation, reporting 79 military engagements and the use of drones and artillery. The situation in the areas of responsibility for the Northern and Hortytsa military groups is relatively stable, but there are ongoing attempts by Russian forces to penetrate Ukrainian territory through diversionary groups and the construction of new defensive positions along the border.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "28.01 Потеря Табаевки. Трамп погружает США в хаос," the speaker discusses ongoing military conflicts in Ukraine, specifically focusing on the regions of Senvolkje and Avdeevka. The enemy has partially seized the settlement of Tabakovka, and Russian forces are trying to expand their gains towards Peschnoye. Ukrainian forces are taking measures to stabilize the front line, but the outcome depends on available reserves and their ability to recover lost positions. The enemy has also been active in the Ternov region, attacking near the towns of Terновaya Yam, Polievka, and Belogorovka. In the Bahmut direction, they have attempted to encircle Ukrainian garrisons, while concentrating their main efforts on a frontal assault near the positions in the area of Csarska Hunta or Czar's Hunt. Overall, the enemy has made 28 attempts to attack along the operational direction during the previous days, with the most significant attempts being in the regions of Stepanovka Andreevka and Avdeevka itself. Ukrainian forces are continuing to hold their ground and are not observing many direct assaults, as the enemy is instead trying to find weaknesses and attack from the side, such as in the direction of New Michailovka.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "28.01 Потеря Табаевки. Трамп погружает США в хаос," the speaker provides an update on the military situation in Ukraine, specifically the ongoing battles in the Zaporizhzhia and Odesa regions. According to the speaker, there have been two failed enemy attempts to expand their forces on these fronts, resulting in significant losses. The enemy has retreated to their initial positions, and Russian forces have sustained personnel losses of over 700, along with destruction of nine tanks, 19 armored vehicles, and 12 artillery systems. The enemy still possesses approximately 900 long-range missiles, with an estimated monthly production of 100 such weapons. Despite sanctions, Russia continues to acquire components and equipment, such as from a trade show in Taiwan.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "28.01 Потеря Табаевки. Трамп погружает США в хаос," the speaker discusses the mysterious crash of an Il-76 plane and the involvement of both Russia and Ukraine. The buyers purchased almost all the machines from the exhibition, with a large portion being bought in cash, and these machines will now be produced into weapons or drones for the Russian military. The US Intelligence Agency (GUR) made a statement that neither side can answer what happened to the Il-76, but Russia's stance is suspicious as they have not provided any proof of the reported military personnel on board. The bodies of the supposed victims are missing, and no concrete evidence, such as photographs or witness statements, has been presented to the public. Many different theories have surfaced, including the possibility that the plane came from the Middle East and that there may have been Russian negotiators or Iranian instructors on board. The Russian Federation is trying to erase all traces of the incident, and a possible motive is to launch an attack in retaliation. The quality of the videos related to the incident is low, and there is no clear information about where they were filmed, who uploaded them, or where the second plane, which was also reportedly present at the airdrome, is.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "28.01 Потеря Табаевки. Trump пgeschгая США в хаос," General Budanov reports that the main intelligence agency is making great efforts to exchange prisoners of war, but the lists of those who should be exchanged have not been made public. The Russian Federation insists on their list, which includes people already exchanged on January 3rd. The disagreement stems from the fact that the bodies and a legitimate list of those who perished in the downed Ilyushin-76 have not been presented. Russia is firmly holding its ground in this matter, despite the lack of apparent reason, possibly due to having had cargo or people on board the ill-fated plane. The European Union is planning to create its own replacement for Starling, a satellite system for uninterrupted communication and internet to counteract the strategic importance that this system holds during the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Europeans learned this lesson after a failed operation involving drones and Starling's ownership and control became a source of contention. weekend goes on, pirate activities continue elsewhere in the world, and budgets for European space projects, such as the development of a European GPS system to avoid dependence on the US, have been cut in favor of the Russian GLONASS system. There are conflicting reports about why Europe turned to GLONASS, with some suggesting that Putin convinced Merkel to abandon her own system in exchange for full access to GLONASS. As of now, Europe may be returning to negotiations for the defunct NASA project.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "28.01 Потеря Табаевки. Трамп погружает США в хаос," the speaker discusses the destruction of a British tanker carrying Russian oil in the Red Sea by Hutus and the potential implications for US military operations against them. The speaker notes that the tanker, while registered in the UK, was owned by a British citizen or company. The Hutus reportedly attacked the tanker, causing a fire, but its ultimate fate is unknown. Meanwhile, in US news, the Senate in the United States has reportedly reached a deal on a migration policy, with the document set to be unveiled soon. The speaker notes that this might prevent the passage of another bill providing financial assistance to Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. Protests by French farmers over administrative procedures, rising fuel costs, and pesticide restrictions are also addressed. Despite some skepticism that Trump is attempting to sabotage the migration policy bill to launch his reelection campaign, the speaker suggests that its rejection could lead to the passage of other legislation, such as military aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. The video continues to discuss protests by French farmers, their desire for looser regulations on pesticides and the sale of domestic produce, and historic tensions between French and Spanish farmers.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "28.01 Потеря Табаевки. Трамп погружает США в хаос," the focus shifts to the farmers' protests in France, specifically against grain purchases. The farmers are threatening to block Paris and disrupt all highways leading in and out of the city, causing concern over food shortages if the city is blocked for more than 72 hours. The farmers, primarily in France, are also opposing the simplification of administrative procedures and the use of pesticides for farmers in Ukraine and Lithuania. Furthermore, Ukraine and Lithuania have agreed to co-produce drones for the Ukrainian military, but the mass production of these drones is not yet in place. While the enemy continues to threaten Ukrainian industries, the production of drones in Ukraine is being slowly developed. Hungary, which had previously positioned itself as an ally, is now asserting its claim to Ukrainian territories in the event of a Ukrainian loss in the war. Despite signing an agreement to forgo territorial claims when joining the European Union, Hungary's leader is now demanding Ukrainian territory. Such actions conflict with the conditions set for EU membership.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "28.01 Потеря Табаевки. Трамп погружает США в хаос," the speaker discusses the military power ranking of European countries, specifically the placement of Ukraine's army in the European listing published by Global Fire Power. The Ukrainian military is ranked fourth, with Britain in first place and France in third. Ukraine's lower ranking is due to their lower index of military might, and openly available information suggests that Greece has provided Ukraine with outdated Soviet-era weapons as part of a deal for Greece's procurement of American F-35 fighter jets. The situation in the United States is described as unstable, with Texas withdrawing troops and several states deploying their national guards to close their borders. The country continues to build barriers to fully secure its borders.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "28.01 Потеря Табаевки. Трамп погружает США в хаос," the speaker discusses the expired ultimatum of the White House for the unblocking of the border and the deployment of federal forces towards Texas as ordered by President Trump. It is uncertain how this standoff will end, as Trump simultaneously works to prevent Congress and the Senate from imposing stricter immigration policies while seemingly inciting a revolution amongst Republican governors of 25 states. Some of these states have agreed to send their National Guard units to support Texas, potentially breaching the Supreme Court's ruling to unblock the border. The implications of this situation are unclear, as columns of federal military equipment and troops are in motion towards the Mexican border, and the outcome of this confrontation is difficult to predict. Additionally, Europe is providing financial aid, with 5 billion euros pledged through the end of the month for war efforts. Russia's frozen assets in Europe and the US are being seized and allocated for Ukraine's benefit, with Ukraine already receiving the initial proceeds. Trump's preparations for a presidential run indicate that he could already de facto administer the United States, even outside of the primary elections. Many politicians are consulting with him to avoid his disfavor, and Trump has declared his intention to initiate economic retaliation against China if elected. These actions suggest that the Republican Party may rally behind Trump's candidacy.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "28.01 Потеря Табаевки. Трамп погружает США в хаос," the speaker discusses how President Trump's actions, including imposing tariffs on China, could significantly impact the United States economy. Many companies, including those of Elon Musk, have factories in China. Trump's potential escalation of the situation with higher tariffs could lead to increased production costs and potentially prevent US consumers from purchasing these products. This situation could cause significant economic strain not just for the US but also for the global economy. Trump's attempts to challenge China and NATO, as well as forgetting the history of NATO's involvement in providing aid to the US during crises, add to the instability. Additionally, an engineer from a Russian weapons factory responsible for modernizing S-300 missiles recently committed suicide due to a tragic accident involving one of these very weapons. These events add to the volatile situation the world is experiencing, as the geopolitical landscape continues to shift.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "28.01 Потеря Табаевки. Трамп погружает США в хаос," the speaker discusses the complicated historical relationships between Ukraine and Russia, and how those relationships have resulted in families being divided by conflict. The speaker mentions that there have been many wars between Ukraine and the Federation (Russia) over the years, with some relatives living on each side. The speaker also mentions that those involved in the creation and use of weapons that kill civilians in Ukraine, including some generals with relatives living there, are fighting against Ukrainian interests. Despite this, the speaker expresses gratitude for the viewership of the channel and encourages viewers to subscribe, like the video, and stay tuned for more information on the situation. The speaker also expresses optimism for Ukraine's defense and victory in the ongoing conflict.

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