Krynki is under the control of Ukraine. Components from the USA and Europe in missiles from North Korea

in ukraine •  7 months ago 

Sanctions against #Russia, #Iran and North #Korea should become more effective.

75% of the parts in the North Korean missiles with which Russia is currently bombing #Ukraine are American-made!

Санкции против РФ англ.jpg

00:00:00 - 01:00:00

In this section of the YouTube video titled "21.02 Крынки под нашим контролем. Комплектующие из США и Европы в ракетах из КНДР," the speaker discusses the military situation along the Ukrainian front lines and the discovery of foreign components in North Korean ballistic missiles. The speaker laments the passing of Ukrainian politician Stepan Hmara and begins by providing an update on the military situation, specifically in the second and third operational directions where Russian forces are attempting to advance against Ukrainian positions. They mention the destruction of a military training camp in the Donetsk region and the subsequent losses suffered by the enemy. The video then shifts to discussing geopolitical events, such as the request for a NATO general to assist in operational analysis of the Ukrainian situation and the potential supply of 400 missiles from Iran to Russia. The speaker also touches on ongoing economic tensions between Ukraine and Poland and global events including conflicts in Ukraine and Israel, as well as the upcoming G20 summit. Additionally, the video covers ongoing trials in Germany regarding Russian military crimes against the Ukrainian population, the isolation of North Korea from the international community, and the potential use of electromagnetic weapons. The speaker also mentions the suicide of a Russian military journalist under the pressure of the military and propaganda institutions.


In this section of the video, the speaker, who is from Ukraine, begins by expressing condolences for the passing of Ukrainian politician Stepan Hmara, who fought for Ukrainian independence and helped write the Ukrainian constitution. The focus then shifts to the current military situation, which involves repeated attacks from the enemy using aircraft and missiles. During the past night, several types of weapons were used against Ukraine, including the S-300 missile system from Russia's Rostov region and the H-22 missile from Belgorod. Ukrainian forces successfully shot down one missile and managed to evade 13 out of 19 drones. Furthermore, there were 66 battle engagements along the front lines, indicating a potential decrease in the intensity of military actions. However, the Ukrainian forces are in need of reinforcements to maintain their efforts against the Russian forces, which have launched five attacks using rockets, 125 aerial strikes, and 124 artillery barrages in various regions. The civilian population has been affected by these attacks, resulting in damages to residential areas and critical infrastructure. The heaviest shelling occurred in the Hарівska, Luhanska, Donetska, Zaporizka, and Hersonska oblasts. Despite the ongoing violence, the Western Front remains stable, with controlled situations on both the Volynske and Poleske fronts.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "21.02 Крынки под нашим контролем. Комплектующие из США и Европы в ракетах из КНДR," the speaker discusses the military situation along the Ukrainian front lines. In the Sumy, Chernihiv, and Har sponsky regions, the enemy is attempting to both shell artillery and conduct sabotage activities on Ukrainian territory. Ukraine's forces are observing the construction of defensive structures in the Belgorod region and controlling the situation. There are four operational directions along the front line, each with varying levels of enemy activity. The first active area is the line of contact, in the Cu pkinsk direction near the settlements of Senkovka and Belogorovka, where the enemy made two unsuccessful attempts to attack Ukrainian positions. Activity has decreased in the Limanske direction, but clashes continue near Bezhavka and Terenovo. In the Bahmut direction, Ukrainian forces have repelled two enemy attacks, and there is also ongoing fighting around the settlement of Ivanovka. Most combat is positional and involves artillery exchanges. There is also ongoing activity in the Avdeevka direction, where the enemy continues to try and take ground, resulting in heavy losses for both sides. Despite the intense fighting, the line of contact remains unchanged. The Mariupol direction is where the enemy is focusing significant resources, and the speaker expects their main offensive to come from there. Overall, the speaker notes that while the situation is stable, it remains tense and fluid, and further developments are expected.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "21.02 Крынки под нашим контролем. Комплектующие из США и Европы в ракетах из КНДР," the speaker discusses the current military situation, specifically focusing on the second and third operational directions in Eastern Ukraine where Russian forces are attempting to advance against Ukrainian positions. The first direction, Mariinka, is the main focus of fire from both artillery and aviation, but the enemy has not yet significantly increased their forces there. The second direction, Novopavlovsk, is where Ukrainian troops have repelled several attacks, with the enemy attempting to level the line of defense and potentially launch a serious offensive towards Orekhov. The speaker notes that while the enemy may not have the necessary resources for such a deep operation, they have made partial gains in the area and both sides have had tactical successes. The third direction, Zaporizhzhia, is identified as the most threatening, as Russian forces could concentrate their main efforts there with the goal of cutting off Ukrainian forces and possibly launching a major offensive towards Suvorovka. Ukrainian forces are currently trying to hold their lines amidst ongoing fighting.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "21.02 Крынки под нашим контролем. Комплектующие из США и Европы в ракетах из КНДР," the commander of the operative-strategic group of forces in Hortitsa, General Tarnavsky, reports that there have been no significant changes to the front lines in the area they are responsible for in Odessa and the Herson direction. The focus of the conversation shifts to the accusations that collaborators with the Federation have been spreading, claiming that the left bank placidarrm has been liquidated and Ukrainian forces have retreated to the right bank of the Dnepr. This allegation is refuted by footage shown from the Russian side, which depicts soldiers planting Rashi flags on the ruins of a building. However, the attempt to storm Ukrainian positions was unsuccessful, and the enemy suffered losses and retreated to their original positions. Ukrainian forces continue to hold the placidarrm firmly on the left bank of the Dnepr, and over the past few days, Ukrainian aviation has targeted enemy personnel, weapons, and military equipment in ten areas, causing significant losses to the invading forces. Overall, the Ukrainian forces are maintaining control of the left bank of the Dnepr.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "21.02 Крынки под нашем контролем. Комплектующие из США и Европы в ракетах из КНДR," the speaker provides an update on recent military losses sustained by the enemy in the ongoing conflict, specifically mentioning the destruction of a military training camp in the Donetsk region of Ukraine. The camp was supposed to receive a general as a new commander, but instead, the forces there received a shipment of Ukrainian-used Patriot missiles, which exploded on site, resulting in approximately 65 military casualties and ongoing efforts to confirm additional injuries and damages. Additionally, the video mentions that Italian military expert Thomas Teicher reported that 18 aerial targets, including three helicopters, one SU-24, six SU-34, and three SU-35 aircraft, have been shot down by the Ukrainian Patriot defense system since its deployment. It is important to note that the report does not include statistics for bills of material (BOMs) or ballistic targets destroyed by the Patriot system.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "21.02 Крынки под нашой контролем. Комплектующие из США и Европы в ракетах из КНДР," the speaker discusses the military-political situation in Ukraine and surrounding countries. A notable event mentioned is a request from the political leadership of their country to the Supreme Allied Command of NATO in Europe for a General, currently named Zhuzhanov, to be sent for operational analysis of the current military situation in Ukraine. The speaker believes this general, who was previously in high demand but replaced as Chief of Staff, should be allowed to assist NATO due to his expertise. The discussion then shifts to an investigation into North Korean ballistic missiles, which have been attacking their country. Findings from the investigation reveal components of US and European origin found in these missiles, making it the first public discovery of North Korea's dependence on foreign technologies in its ballistic missile program. The speaker notes that this situation presents a paradox and hints at the US and European responses to these findings. Additionally, Russia is scouring for new ballistic missiles since its production rates have slowed, particularly in the Roshchinskiy Federatsiya, and has found Iran as a potential supplier of around 400 ballistic missiles. This supply began in January, but details such as the number of missiles or deliveries are not clear.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "21.02 Крынки под нашим контролем. Комплектующие из США и Европы в ракетах из КНДР," the speaker discusses the potential transfer of 400 missiles from Iran to North Korea, along with the associated launching platforms. However, these missiles reportedly are not compatible with current launching systems such as the Iskander or other complexes, so their delivery would require new launching platforms. This news, published by Reuters, could be significant if it is true, as Iran should have provided the launching platforms along with the missiles for them to be functional. The speaker also mentions interesting events in Europe, where Polish farmers are blocking the railroad to prevent German grain from entering Poland. This move is part of a larger disagreement over agricultural subsidies in Europe, with Poland urging Brussels to release more funds and the farmers blocking the railroad in response. Despite the farmers' protests, the majority of trade goods moving between Europe and Ukraine are actually going in the opposite direction, making the blockade an ineffective solution. The speaker notes the importance of Polish grain imports for Ukraine and criticizes European politicians for not paying attention to this issue in Brussels or Warsaw.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "21.02 Крынки под нашим контролем. Комплектующие из США и Европы в ракетах из КНДР," the speaker discusses the economic dependency between Ukraine and Poland, specifically in relation to agricultural products. The speaker explains how Ukraine relies heavily on Polish imports, including dairy and meat, which would negatively impact Polish economy if blocked. Poland, in turn, is a significant consumer of Ukrainian produce, with Polish supermarkets stocked with Ukrainian goods. The speaker warns of a potential trade war between the two countries and mentions that farms in Poland have accounts on Russian social media platforms, raising concerns of Russian influence. The speaker also mentions that the first signs of separatist tendencies in Poland were seen during a farmer's protest and that Russia may intervene militarily in the future. The video also discusses European Union sanctions against Russia, with Hungary announcing its intention to vote in favor of the thirteenth package of sanctions on February 20, the anniversary of a massive Russian military intervention in Ukraine.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "21.02 Крынки под нашим контролем. Комплектующие из США и Европы в ракетах из КНДР," the speaker discusses global events including the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and in Israel, as well as the upcoming G20 summit in Rio de Janeiro. The United States is preparing to impose new sanctions on Russia, specifically relating to the detention of opposition leader Alexei Navalny. The Economist reports that Russian spies are returning to Europe and are more dangerous than ever after the Salisbury poisoning incidents. In response, European security services have been cleaning up their ranks and have uncovered and arrested many Russian agents. However, Russia has reorganized and is creating new networks and agencies to infiltrate Europe, using tactics such as the deployment of bots in social media, creating false websites, conducting cyberattacks, and influencing institutions to undermine European support for Ukraine and NATO from within. The West is reportedly in shock as the number of Russians fleeing to Europe is massive, with fears that some of these individuals may be agents of the FSB or GRU. A Russian committee called "Комитет особого влияния" and the "Служба специальной деятельности" are leading this new Russian campaign in Europe, using various means to recruit and coerce individuals and subvert European institutions.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "21.02 Крынки под нашим контролем. Комплектующие из США и Европы в ракетах из КНДР," there is a discussion about ongoing trials in Nuremberg, Germany, regarding Russian military crimes against the Ukrainian population, particularly children. The Minister of Justice of Germany, Marco Buschmann, addressed the audience, emphasizing the importance of keeping evidence of these crimes for potential investigations. simultaneously, Europe's Parliamentary Assembly passed a resolution stating they would not recognize Putin's legitimacy if he were to run for office again or recognize the legitimacy of elections in the Russian Federation. Meanwhile, in Russia, a military commander, Andrey Morozov, reportedly committed suicide due to the pressure he faced from both the military and Russian propaganda institutions. Morozov, a military officer serving in the Fourth Motorized Rifle Brigade, was an influential figure in military propaganda and the implementation of new technologies in the Russian Army. He organized fundraisers and provision of drones and rap systems for the Russian military, and was a fervent supporter of Russian peace and unity. The military reportedly suffered heavy losses during the battle of Avdeevka, and Morozov was asked to hide this information. Despite his refusal, he faced intense pressure from the Ministry of Defense and Russian propaganda outlets, which ultimately led to his suicide.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "21.02 Крынки под нашим контролем. Комплектующие из США и Европы в ракетах из КНДР," the speaker discusses the isolation and financial disconnection of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), or North Korea, from the international community. Major Chinese banks have stopped accepting payments from North Korean entities due to international sanctions, and banks from Turkey and the United Arab Emirates have followed suit. The military and political situation is the first topic covered in their ongoing overview. The speaker then proceeds to explain electromagnetic bombs, a type of weapon that generates high-frequency electromagnetic fields, which disrupt communication systems and electronic devices by inducing currents. These bombs are primarily designed to target command and control centers, as well as communication and radar systems. They can be delivered using diverse methods, including ground teams, aviation, and artillery. Despite earlier Russian Federation attempts to revive the development of electromagnetic weapons, no definite proof of their existence or practical application by the DPRK has been documented as of now. Most likely, any progress in this area remains at the research and development stage, and their use on the battlefield is currently unnecessary, as testing must be carried out first on a secure test site before employing them in combat.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "21.02 Крынки под нашим контролем. Комплектующие из США и Европы в ракетах из КНДР," the speaker discusses the electromagnetic effects of nuclear weapons and their potential use as electromagnetic bombs. Nuclear explosions emit electromagnetic radiation, which can damage or destroy all types of electronics except for lamp-based systems if they are in the off position. Semiconductor systems, however, burn out completely under such exposure. The second application of this technology is as an electromagnetic generator or an electromagnetic bomb, with high-altitude nuclear explosions aimed at disrupting entire regions of electronics or orbital explosions meant to damage enemy satellites. The speaker then brings up the topic of militaries' use of land mining systems and their effectiveness, mentioning a complex based on the KamAZ platform using Grad rocket launcher principles for mining, capable of covering a distance between 5 and 15 km. These systems were used in the Harків region and in areas near Mélitopol during counteroffensives, effectively halting enemy advances by laying down remote minefields.

01:00:00 - 01:10:00

In the YouTube video titled "21.02 Крынки под нашим контролем. Комплектующие из США и Европы в ракетах из КНДР," the speaker discusses various topics related to the Ukraine-Russia conflict, including the role of mine fields in warfare, the potential use of F16 aircraft in defending Ukraine, and the discussions around NATO and weapons supplies. The speaker reflects on the effectiveness of mine fields in restricting enemy movements and the lack of equivalent land mine complexes in the Western world. He also emphasizes the significance of air support in the conflict, expressing frustration over the delayed deliveries of F16s and their pilots from companies like Boeing to Ukraine. The speaker theorizes that having a sufficient number of these aircraft could enable constant air patrol and a timely response to enemy missile launches, but acknowledges the high costs of maintaining a large fleet. The conversation shifts to the topic of defending Harkov city with provided missiles, but the speaker admits there are no viable methods to implement this concept yet. The speaker also discusses the role of the US and NATO in the conflict, clarifying Trump's assertions about countries paying dues and the organization's role in providing humanitarian aid. He shares a neutral perspective on the ongoing conflict's losses, victories, and human costs and encourages viewers to subscribe to their channel. The speaker inadvertently incorrectly states that the Bering Strait is 12 kilometers wide instead of 1,200 miles long.

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