RE: From Kyiv, Maidan: The main message: Ukraine needs more weapons

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From Kyiv, Maidan: The main message: Ukraine needs more weapons

in ukraine •  2 years ago  (edited)

I think others wanted to help the Ukraine with drones and other Humanitarian Aid. What radio sets do you need ?

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks a lot! Regarding radio sets, I heard that many people use Motorola

I think to make it easier, let's assume the amount of Blurt upvoted/dedicated to this, and I will send fund to Evgen Karas (who is on the frontlines, and also became famous doing youtube streaming with all the updates).

For example, here is one of his latest videos where he speaks about army necessities

Video has requisites of bank card number, and also paypal, IBAN

I will send fund there from my bank card, and then will make screenshot and will post it on Blurt
And no need to wait a week for Blurt to come, I'll do it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow

Let's just figure out for what amount

Here is also one of his speeches which he did in English, we made text version of it

And it also exists in French, I have small team of translators who help me translate to other languages

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Are we going to sanction russian account here on blurt while we are busy involving ourselves in someone elses war?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Russians in general are not the proponents of war they are the victims of sanctions affecting families who have nothing to do with one man's war. Blurt is a place where anyone can post, Ukrainians, Russians and even Putin himself. The more dialogue is had between the two countries the quicker the war can be resolved.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Unfortunately, many russians support putin and war. This information I get from multiple interviews of russsians on the streets and also from personal communication.
Let's see soon how the negotiations in Istanbul will go on.
My understanding is that the more weapons Ukraine will have - the more chances russians will agree with peace and will remove their forces.
They understand only the language of force..

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

My understanding is that the less educated side with more ego in their judgement is going to have a bad habit die hard. I am only going to laugh at the fools who think this war achieved anything, Ukraine has every right to independently join NATO as much as russia has every right to disagree, the stupidity comes out with the guns and 100% of people who are using the guns irl, and not stock piling and building their numbers, are morons. They will just become targets if they dont arrange themselves well. Id argue you deserve what's coming to you if you're walking around in public with a full auto.

if that was my battalion, the guns would be hidden until the Russia were surrounded. then they wouldn't know what hit them. there wouldn't be Russians retreating.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I agree that is the only thing Putin understands, he laughs at sanctions as if paper airplanes are being thrown at him :)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes thanks echo chamber... I am aware of the moral tangible propoents to a war.

I was asking the people who were dissenting Russia this question to see where their ethics are centered on blurt to judge this platform by the bigger picture, not just the echo chamber of the node operators.