Shackled minds - set yourself free - helping hands

in ukraine •  3 years ago 


I needed a day off, a release from my own mental bondage.

They are all best of friends really and we are collateral damage, so they say.
My mother sent money, my oldest sister too, for the refugees that have arrived, share it I do.
Some look horrified, others like it is just a holiday, the latter is my kind of mindset, what will be will be as others have decided it, not me.

With unshackled mind and the series ended, for me at least, I want to offer you some food for thought, right here

Listen to what that man, what he and his family are going through via medical tyranny, you can say you had the jab, you can be proud of being part of the experiment if you want, that is up to you, the consequences of any adverse reactions are also on your own head, you queued up for it not me.
159,000 adverse reactions they state, Pfizer, to the mRNA jab for a virus that was "never" isolated or proven to be real.

If you want proof it is real, do as I do and not as I say, request proof via a freedom of information request to your own government, asking for peer reviewed proof it exists, I did it 9 times, 9 times they said they have no peer reviewed proof.
Do as I do not as I say!


I am making things today, benches, doors, BBQ and more, why not.

4 million people so far have arrived, Poland unlike others countries are not just signaling their virtue, they are taking these people in, there is no "look at me" going on, just boots on the ground, real people, giving and sharing.
Poland is not my birth country, but if it was, I would feel very proud of it and them, the people, and what they have done, I do feel proud of them, for what it counts.

People have taken entire families into their own homes, fed them, clothed them, helped any way they can. Maximum respect to the Polish people, while the government crime ministers head to Kyiv/Kiev to signal their virtue and do nothing else but that.

We ran a facebook poll yesterday on a thumbs up basis, like to vote - the question was simple, "who wants the Polish (crime minister) delegates to stay in the Ukraine?" the vote was 44,000 and 100%.......


I have made some pastries for the refugees too, apple in some, jam in others, all home made, chicken and beef too. Unsure if they will like them, but at least I can say I tried, not just talked.

Have a superb day, the sun is out, time to make some other peoples life shine.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This is beautiful

People have brought entire families into their own homes, fed them, clothed them and helped them in any way they could. Utmost respect to the Polish people, while government crime ministers head to Kyiv/kyiv to point out their virtue and do nothing more than that.

If people dedicated themselves to helping others, the world would be different, that generosity would always exist, not hate, in wars it is always the innocent who lose, they lose everything, it is good that there are people with good hearts.

Venezuela has always been characterized previously for being a sister country where it opened its doors to many foreign people without any discrimination. Here in my small town live Chinese, Arabs, even Italians. I feel sorry right now for our rulers who should proclaim peace, not support war.

When Venezuela opened the doors to foreigners.


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Every country could be oh so much better, but for the greedy few. superb photo, thank you.

Glad ur feeling better today 😘
I'm feeling quite chuffed, made my first crypto purchase with the stuff I earned on Hive. We can ride out this blurt dip. Stay with it.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I forget my own advice at times gal and get down, silly me, chin up and onward and upwards, I just had a bad few days, tis all.

I can totally relate, I have those often enough. I just ignore the internet for a day and come back refreshed.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Works well t/gal.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Great to have a day off at times, and good that you and the Polish are helping these people.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Bro the Polish put me to shame, they have been utterly brilliant, to say the very least.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Is there a source for the picture?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Wasn’t doubting ya just these days I wanna link a source before sharing. Thanks friend👍

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Find the links, look for the information, research, by gawd it is turning into a lazy world.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I did
It’s photoshopped