It's over (in UK)

in uk •  3 years ago 

Yesterday I wondered if the narrative was over. Today it was confirmed.

So it's over. Bojo announced the end of the con-vid operation due to the 'peoples response to the boosters'. Yeh the response was thanx but no thanx (put very politely). So the passports are now defunct and all the smug triple jab'd are gonna be livid. Where will their anger be pointed tho? At us or at them? Divide and conquer still playing out maybe.
Is this a gaslighting of the vaxd? Will they comply and revolt?
No doubt the bluebloods are regrouping to start implementing not plan C but the next phase of their big plan A.
Just in time for the big switch-on of the 5th generation too.
Just in time to sit back and watch the deaths from the V's. Will they be blamed on the V's OR will they attempt a new variant again or point to the 'letting our guard down' causing it all?
Stay vigilant. This is not over til the fat lady sings.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I said elsewhere - the slaves have been given a longer chain so they can go piss without a passport.
Maybe they have enough injected to be infected - then blame the deaths on a phantom.

Not over... by a long way.

RIGHT. I know it's not over by a long shot too, the title was clickbait really. My thoughts are they tested out their technology at that gig in America to see if it worked so now we will probably be seeing more of the V'd dropping with the switching on of the 5th gen with it's kill switch and yes they will blame another 'virus' no doubt and those without the gumption to work out that the virus theory doesn't work like that, will believe it.
This is why it's so important to re-educate as many as possible to the germ/virus theory hoax.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Kazakhstan scared the fuck out of Boris ,.. i thank the Kazakhstan people.
Now let's scare the living daylight out of the rest of them fake non chosen leaders .
Teach them the hard way , that "informed consent" is the devils trade .

I do not consent , no matter how much bullshit they inform me with .
I do not understand democracy , democracy has to understand me ,.. the individual .
When democracy disrespects the individual , democracy will turn in a monster dictator . Democracy is not a political narrative , it's just the vessel to spread one , like now it's propagating conformist socialism based on informed consent .
Same as communism fascism and every dictatorship form Pol Pot to Stalin , Mao and Hitler .

It's far from over ,.. the poisoning true injection's has reached it's goal .
Time to start starving the masses to death .
Be informed , do not consent and stay free .

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

corporate scamdemics 101 = always blame the masses.

This fakedemic has crippled the world - of both physical and mental resources - next we have a financial meltdown and a climate fakedown. Notice that all of them are synthetic constructs by scum-corps - designed with malice, made in hell.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The fake climate hoax paved the way to , without any resistance from corporations and politics , shift all big resource refiner industry like iron steel and alloys , to Asia . Any western WEF dictated politician get's happy to see all polluting resource processing industry's leave "his" country .
Those politicians even praise china for doing great , having a amazing economy and all .

Some fishy design behind ,.. made in china ,.. i smell .

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks for keeping us up-to-date on this. We can expect what happens next in UK to happen everywhere. On guard!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Useless tosser class, enough of them!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Oh my god yes I listened to the video and it is definitely a tactical move to get us fighting among each other. By suggesting anyone, he tells the zombies what to demand. Awful. England will blow, even more authoritarian measures will be taken.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

by suggesting anything I meant to say

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

another variant right now is a little early but i see how people are scared of eachother .

What country are you in, I'm not seeing that here in Ireland except among a few of the jabd.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

i am from France .

Hmmm I thought the French were bigger than that.
OK then city, big town or countryside?
I find the more dense the population is the more dense the people are, if you get my drift. More compliance and fear in densely populated areas in other words.

Just posted this too lol

HA great minds think alike

Domino effect or is it just lockstep?
