Is the fight for Scottish independence over?

in uk •  last year 

In 2014, the UK government (to the horror of continental politicians in countries like Spain), granted Scotland a referendum on whether they wanted to leave the UK.

David Cameron even generously agreed to Alec Salmond's request that the ref be held on 12th Sept 2014, the 800th anniversary of the battle of Bannockburn. (If Cameron had been spiteful he'd have insisted it be held on the anniversary of the battle of Flodden).

Turnout for the referendum was a huge 85%, and No won by 55% to 45%.

But like Remainers after the Brexit referendum, the SNP simply couldn't accept their defeat. They've spent the last eight years picking fights with the UK govt to "prove" independence was required.

Their latest wheeze was to pass a gender bill that would allow male rapists to self-id as female, and get placed in women's prisons where they'd be free to rape again. The UK govt vetoed this - which led the SNP to say, "See? The UK is ignoring the will of the Scottish people".

Only to find that Scots, who had been watching these antics with horror, sided with the UK govt.

The consensus is, Thank god we're in the UK, otherwise there'd be no-one to protect us from the idiocy of the SNP.

Yes is now polling at 37%, down from what they achieved in the referendum, and today Nicola Sturgeon resigned. The argument about independence that has been raging since 2011 seems over. (Well it should have been over in 2014, but it takes a while for the losing side to reach acceptance).

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