Unshackled minds - A conspiracy indeed

in ubuntu •  3 years ago 


This is what a drunk computer looks like.

Still no joy with getting it to boot.
I did have a backup plan to my other account, but the computer gods conspired against me. When I bought two laptops a few months ago, the 17 inch Asus was destined to be mine as I like a large screen you see, old fart I am. But somehow my wife ended up with it, as they do.
Now as I had started using it first I had put Ubuntu onto it and also my keys to my ajerkoff account. So yes I had the keys backed up on two computers @rycharde.
Her (my) Asus has two HDD slots, and she asked me to put 1 extra TB in it as well as the SDD 128gb.
This was a mistake as now it does not boot Ubunto which has my ajerkoff keys on it. It goes straight to windows.
I have tried to change the boot order in the bios but no dice.


When it tries to boot ubuntu I get this message.


And then it goes straight to windows.


If anyone has any ideas please shout out below.

Seems a shame to lose $1800 of cryptos just on 1 beer and a keyboard.
I paid for that account too, is it possible to get it reset? Anyone know?

This proves one thing for sure, everyone needs a spare account to use as a reset. And everyone needs to keep a copy of posting and all other keys in different locations so if a HDD or pc dies they have them somewhere else.

I thought I had it covered with two computers but the computer gods conspired against me.
Have a better day than me.

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