RE: When Is A Vaccine Death Really Suicide?

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When Is A Vaccine Death Really Suicide?

in tyranny •  3 years ago 

If you read a book called the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion you will see they laid this plan out in it. Without discussing or arguing who actually wrote the book, as it is a book one is charged of being anti semitic for discussing or reading, it is telling they lay this all out there and in the many ensuing years since it became public we see clearly the plan put into action.

The book describes making citizens lose faith in their politicians, that the politicians will lie so obviously as they implement the worst schemes on the citizens that we will be desperate for a leader to put common sense and justice back into the public arena by authorities. That they will then install these leaders and we the citizens will be grateful to them, all the while they laugh as they were the puppet masters who installed the inept corrupt leaders we needed saving from.

It is interesting to note this book was first made available in 1897. I find it also interesting that Russia was conquered by the Bolsheviks a scant 14 years later, funded and toppled by those one would assume responsible for such a book if it is indeed not a hoax as they claim. If interested you can read it here.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Phew. I have started to read that book. I would not recommend it to people who are easily frightened. It's tough stuff, though I had to laugh on some passages.

Never heard of that book, just some terms were vaguely familiar.
While reading the thing, I thought, maybe Hitler read it and that caused insanity and utmost fear, for he could have believed in anything written there?

Not easy to tell, if hoax or not.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hello! Nice to see you here!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I thought I answered you, but then I might not have pressed the button.
I was browsing through your comment section on hive and saw the screenshot made here on blurt. So I followed it and came here.
Now it got me all into commenting with the peoples.

Hey, what a pleasant surprise. When you briefly came here before I was elated. While I consider myself to be a simple man, ever since I was a young child I've had a love affair with books and the many mysteries and pictures they could paint.

While we never interacted on the other chain(s), I noticed your interactions with several I did interact with when I would go peek at their blogs. To say I was appreciative of your mind, and more so by your ability to paint vivid pictures with your words of the landscapes your mind sees was and is captivating. While I wouldn't hang every picture you paint on the walls of my mind, you are indeed a true artist of the mind.

As to the book, yes it is a tough read.

I can't comment as intelligently as I would prefer regarding Hitler. There was much from that time that doesn't add up, and for what it's worth given the recent events of those times (the Bolshevik revolution as a large example) coupled with the supposed treaty from WW1 that was purposely impossible for the people of Germany to endure they needed an outlet, a way out.

I lean towards he was given a script to provide that outlet. In his book Mein Kampf I saw years ago many similarities between the culture he railed against and the one that has been installed here in the U.S. since my childhood.

I believe and have said for many years now that I believe they tweaked it a little for Trump here in the U.S.

Real problems demanding a leader who actually acknowledges the problems and offers solutions. While the rest of the politicians pretend reality isn't happening as they get richer.

There are rumors that he was actually a Rothschild, but there is no definitive proof of that. They faked his death and allowed him to live out a long natural life, as well as imported many of the evil scientists to the west and gave them high security clearances and funding to continue those experiments I question all of it. I like to say in recent years Germany lost the war but the Nazi party won.

I question the narrative on Germans bad the West good after the atrocities committed on innocents in Dresden. If Churchill had been given a freer hand he would have razed Germany from the earth. However the narrative insists that Germans were the evil ones, England such heroes.

I could go on but will refrain. I felt compelled to speak on Hitler since you brought him up. I find most unwilling to mention him unless they disagree with ones ideas and then they will sometimes accuse one of being a Nazi or worse than Hitler. Such exaggerations used to leave me speechless.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Oh, thank you so much, it is very kind of you to let me know that you have read some of my comments on others' blogs and also how you interpret them for yourself. I am very happy to accept the compliment. And I hear that you disagree with some of my views. I welcome that. I love talking to someone who offers me different perspectives. If I want to be in an echo chamber, I can easily get it, but I'm not interested in that.

I often have the impression that, for whatever reason, I want to be well attuned to an exchange of arguments, that I want to be up to it. I also train myself to ask questions, but people seem to think that I only ask them rhetorically, whereas I really do ask them. The art of asking questions is best learned with someone who is better at it than you are. Difficult to find. But maybe I'm on the wrong portals for that.

I agree, talking about Hitler in any other way than in the context of "he was a monster, he was the spawn of the devil, etc." immediately brings the blush of anger to people's faces. Just the other day I commented on someone's surprising comment about the content in "Mein Kampf" and said, mutatis mutandis, that the content wasn't so far-fetched. I felt the same way when I read some of his texts, but it could also have been other authors from that time, I'm no longer sure.

It seems to me, with all that I think I know, a complete understatement and distortion of logic that Hitler alone was responsible and that everyone else should have had no finger in the war.

In the meantime, I have reached the point where I no longer believe anything, not historical writing anyway, not even before 2020. I've always been a doubter and that hasn't exactly improved. You too?
But how do you keep it from turning into a general mistrust? It's not a good state of affairs and I want to change that.

Edification is a sorely lacking commodity I believe within society. Its use allows for a connection to be had that goes far in cultivating appreciation and inner strength. Along with several other positive manifestations. When used correctly that is (deserved) and not just a form of manipulative flattery, which I despise.

You mention appreciation of not being in an echo chamber and I applaud such sentiment. I've been able to dispel many areas of ignorance within myself by just such an approach. The realization one is not the facts and thoughts one has collected allows one to set aside many of the defensive postures we as a species adopt when we believe we are the scripts that run within us. I've found that either ideas I hold are either more strongly affirmed by a contrasting narrative. Or often as well, there were faults within my own that weren't readily apparent to me when I adopted them.

I too have been a doubter since quite an early age. Due to trauma that occurred quite early, that continued compounding through my formative years there was no escaping from what I saw. When I was around five I can remember praying to God for the wisdom of Solomon. I was confused by all of the contradictions around me, including from those entrusted for shaping my views and responsible for my safety. I was still naive enough to think the fault in understanding surely rested within me that I couldn't understand the pretensions. I laugh in hindsight at the good natured naive little boy I was.

You ask how I keep from having a general distrust. Sadly one must have distrust in my opinion. Once one ascertains however that the person(s) or scheme isn't an unavoidable trap that is harmful however one can modify (a less defensive posture) how one interacts within the distrust.

What I've found goes far in mitigating the damage this distrust causes is discarding to the extent one can the merchant mentality that has been implanted within most of us. In recognizing that others aren't the scripts they parrot, and that if I deal with them from a position of not needing from them I am now free to have understanding and patience with them. I fail at times as the script sometimes thrust at me is sickening to my spirit, but it helps in understanding others to recognize what their actions and words are really conveying which so often is not what they believe they are saying. I also fail at times because there is still much pettiness within me.

I've reached the conclusion that individually we are powerless to save our neighbors from themselves. The best we can do is be as unobtrusive as we can with them unless they give an opening (some would call it an omen) that is inviting for one to introduce a new script that is more beneficial to balance and health.

I mentioned above about operating from a position that is not the common merchant mentality approach. One of the best ways I've found of embracing this is through acts of kindness for another with no expectation of compensation, no expectation that it much of the time will even be recognized occurred. For at least that small position in time, one alleviates the pain on a micro scale another is carrying and chained themselves to. Perhaps it might be enough to make them pause their script, or perhaps the momentary alleviation of their burden will allow them to also have a gesture with another later on in their day. Without even realizing the why, as they were often so absorbed by their script they weren't listening as they waited impatiently to reinforce their script as they focused on what they needed to say or do next to give life to their perceptions.

I appreciate your asking my thoughts on this. I find it refreshing to be asked such things. I choose not to allow my thoughts on such subjects to be obtrusive on others I encounter as I recognized long ago they were not generally interested. So often as is the case, my words are not released. I'm honored you opened the door for this to happen. Thank you.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I have not read the book, having been amply indoctrinated to think that just opening the cover would be a gravely anti-semitic act. It's now on my reading list. Thanks for the reminder.