Where Is The Outcry?

in tyranny •  3 years ago 

I'm one of the lucky ones, one of those who have not for one single second believed that the illness covid posed a danger any greater than the common cold to any of us. I have, from the start, feared instead that the goal of the covid con is tyranny.

This morning, while looking for another poem about the covid con to repost on Blurt, I went back to my earliest postings to see at what point I started squawking, and found this freewrite from March of 2020, reproduced below.

Thank you for reading my work.

Where is the outcry? After more than three years of the so-called left (meaningless now) screaming "TRUMP IS AN AUTHORITARIAN AND WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!", I sit here and listen to my fellow liberals claim he has not been authoritarian enough regarding Covid 19.

I think I have had this illness. In late January, before any of us had heard of covid, I got quite sick. It started with a tiny cough at a dress rehearsal for a choral concert that was to take place two days later. I did not have a fever, just an increasingly difficult cough.

I performed on that Saturday, dousing myself with essential oils to both quell the cough (that by then was kind of bad) and to protect the other 50 or so folks in the chorus. That night, I was coughing my brains out and had a fever of over 102. Sunday was even worse so I skipped a visit to the doctor that I'd made earlier in the week for a different issue, because I still felt too sick to go anywhere. I went Monday instead, put a mask on while there, found out I still had a fever of over 100. I proclaimed I had the flu. The doctor disagreed with my diagnosis, but prescribed that I go home and get in bed, which I was happy to do. By Tuesday I felt nearly well, and by Wednesday I was fully recovered except for a mild post nasal drip cough.

I did not go to the chorus party that night, but I inquired "Did anyone get sick from me?" Nope. Everyone was fine, the turn out for the party was excellent. When the chorus came together again the following Monday, 11 days after I was likely contagious, there was nearly 100% attendance. I had not contaminated the people I stood on a stage and sang with.

My daughter, who has two auto-immune diseases got it from me though. She followed the same protocol and had an even easier time recovering.

Both of us are in supposedly high risk groups for this illness. Neither of us has ever had a flu or pneumococcal vaccine.

So here we are today almost under house arrest because a bad cold is going around. Our liberty has been stolen from us for very little reason, the economic and social fall out from this over reaction will do far more damage than just letting the illness take its course would have done. No one is asking "have the vaccines made us less able to fight a bad cold?"

And the left are now crying "Trump did too little too late." I fear we have been hypnotized by watching MSM non-stop for more than three years now.

Please note, I have been a registered Democrat for 47 years.

I am far more afraid of our complacency in the face of truly authoritarian measures put in place for our supposed safety than I am of the bad cold that's going around.

Where is the outcry?

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This was my entry to @mariannewest's daily freewrite challenge on Hive, where we are now punished for saying such things.

All images are my own unless otherwise stated.

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