Some thought, maybe some tonic, maybe some icing.....

in twat •  last year 


I make the bikes, @frot does not like my messy garage, but my end product goes well.

I like fixing things, bikes, cars, stuff.
My mother has spent 14 years trying to break my relationship with my wife.
So here you go @drutter is this better, do you approve, not that I or anyone else requires your approval.

Yes I do not like rules, they are for fools, I do what I want, when I want.....

So how do I make this over a thousand words just so you feel better about your own self imposed rules? You may note that is my bike, that is my photo, I put over 100 hours into making boxes of bits a bike again, as the useless tosser I bought it from, for 10 years thought about it.......

I go through anxious moments as do most, though I have no I need my mom moments, like politicians seem to.
I also do not need your standards thrusted upon me, I have no idea what you write about, or if you even do.

What do you write about, out of curiosity?

No I am not going to go looking, I have standards lol, That bit made me laugh.
I appreciate this site, and I spent over an hour voting for witnesses yesterday, some that do not even like me, I am adult enough to think, as you do, or as some do, that I do not have to appeal to everyone, I have my own family, and they come first, at times before me, needs must......

I respect the fact others made this site, maintain it, but you can stick your I do not deserve votes I did not pay for, and did not buy, up your own arse......

If you fail to find your head, look in your ass.

I like making friends, not enemies, try it, or get a job being a poli, named tician...............

Now where is it at, my middle finger?
To everyone else, have a superb day........

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  ·  last year  ·  

For a moment , when you where lost in Bali , i thought you lost it .
But no , after this last post's i know ,. alive and kicking ,. ass .

( joking ;-), loved your travel post's , it was just different , in a good way .)

That bike ,. awesome work , love how you have the patient to do it , pure skills .
I could , if i could find the patience for it , i just drive of with a plastic jerrycan for a tank and might even forget to put some brakes on .

I hope your are doing well .

Have one from me .
Source unknown , probably created to be shared ;-)


Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

I loved the freedom Bali offered, but it comes at a price, you have to pay for a visa on entry, 30 days, then pay again to extend for another 30, and do 3 trips across Bali to the immigration office, you see, everything costs a little.

  ·  last year  ·  

The bike is looking like brand new 👍

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

Cheers brother, better than new now, modern front brake.

  ·  last year  ·  

Tidy your garage, its a pigsty!
I come back here for a quick look, but its really not inspiring, its sort of micro circle jerking.

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

Hence why I now do FB more than here.