… and I’m powering up!
‘Hey @frankbacon, lets MST3000 these clowns!’
Join us for the circus.
Eat popcorn if you want.
Dance while the world burns if you like.
They got a Committee to get us off the block.
Truth Or Bust ain’t going nowhere.
Bring your own cannabis.
FRANK BACON SHOULD BE IN JAIL! He is behind all of it.
Frank Bacon made me do it and he should go to hell for it.
Hang the DJs 🤬🥓
Wooz News went silent after posting this over 2 years ago... Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less 🤬 https://www.bitchute.com/video/DYlb92zMkj41/
Vaporizing Tungsten with 182.4 watts of power~! 🤬
#VaporizingTungsten Phoenix Arizona August 17, 2017
It takes approximately 6600°C to boil Tungsten. More to vaporize it.
ESP ionage 🌭
Also, have you notices Images can not be uploaded on Blurt... But nobody talked about it for 2 days till I mentioned it to them in Discord... And then all I get are curious answers... very interesting Dr. Jones...

Tore Says Shines Bat Signal Above Ohio~! 🤬
Pictures are overated... 🌭
Personally 🥓
'Roger That' how about a nice🥓 friendly video instead...? 🖖
Don't Fall for Threats from The ILLuma Spanky Hanky
Up stage right 🤬
BTW... Big Thank YOU to @primeradue for all your amazing 'Lazy Curation' Cheers~!
Yep, I jumped into this live yesterday and posted a few 'Blurts' but no response to Spock from this group... 🖖
Frank Bacon Showed Me Blockchain in 2018... And my Life Changed for ever.
True Grit in San Diego... Quantum Party Takes A Stand
We know who FRANK BACON is:

Forgive the Trespass
2:19:00 LOL
You should join the live studio sometime 🤬
In Zoom 🥓
Tremendous 🥓
$5 well spent
Welcome aboard Mike! And all I have to say is......
More 🥓!!!
Re Blurted!
No molesters 🤬
Welcome good work sir bacon