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I came to the FE with a very open mind - going FE for about 2 days. After 100+ hours of investigation, not only did I discover the psyop was conceived at NASA (ironic, eh?) to distract Us from looking for other reasons They might lie and fake things (like hiding the secret space program, where the $$$ is really going, perhaps...?) and to divide Us, but I also made these observations:

First, the north-centric model (Dubay, et al) is flat wrong - it would have the stars in the "south" whipping by at a fair clip in nearly straight lines, with different stars seen from different southern points. But the stars in the south circle around a point (no major star there) mirroring the behavior of those in the north, always due south from wherever One can see it (anywhere in the southern hemisphere). See: www. youtube. com/watch?v=dsz6yKDrCHM if You think those southern stars are projected into the sky.

Second, on a flat plain, when going upward, once You get above things that block the view, You would see all You can see. Going up further will show no more. But when We go upwards, We see more and more of the planet, exactly like One would going up from the surface of a ball.

Third, the flat earth "movement" is RIFE with disingenuous arguments - ignoring scale, gravity, optics, friction, refraction, AND misstating distances to "prove" flatness. WHY does the truth need even ONE disingenuous argument?

Fourth, though the flat earth proponents have said that if You get a stronger instrument, it will bring ships back into view that sank, hull to crows nest, at the horizon, I have watched ships sink with binoculars and then switched to a fairly powerful telescope - and nope. It does NOT bring them back into view. Once sunk, They cannot be seen, and so... There are People out there LYING to prove the flat earth. WHY would the truth need even ONE lie?

Fifth, the fact that, for aeons, sailors have been calculating latitude in the northern hemisphere by the position of Polaris, with a direct correlation between latitude and degrees above the horizon, proves a globe. This ONLY works on a globe. When Polaris is at the horizon (something that cannot happen on a pancake), One is at the equator (0º), when it is 45º up from the horizon, One is at the 45th parallel...

Sixth, when the sun angles from many places are measured at the same time and mapped to a pancake, they all point in every direction, suggesting that the sun is in widely differing places - like there is a separate sun for every location. When they are mapped onto a globe, they all point in the same direction, out into space, like there's one sun way out there.

Seventh, all navigation here (planes, boats, etc.) is done presuming a globe at about 25,000 miles in circumference, and this works flawlessly. The vehicles get to their destination every time. Challenges have been made (with good money offered) to use the same navigation and succeed on a pancake. So far ZERO successful entries have been made. Thus the probability We are on a globe of that size approaches 100%.

Eighth, on a globe in the heliocentric model, eclipses can be predicted, the movements of the planets can be predicted, the seasons explained, the zodiacal progression, the phases of the moon, and other things the flat idea has nothing to offer for.

On top of that... The FE models keep getting more and more complex, convoluted, and contorted trying (and failing) to explain the southern stars. The globe model explains them perfectly, simply, and elegantly. They fail because none explain why the center of rotation is at the horizon when One is at the equator - the globe has no problem with this.

As for some of the disingenuous arguments for the pancake... I'll give You four. I have seen People pouring water on a ball to "prove" water doesn't "stick to a ball," ignoring the planet-sized gravity well immediately adjacent pulling the water OFF the ball. I have seen People spinning balls on the floor to "prove" a ball will not keep spinning, ignoring the friction of the ball on the floor. I have seen People point to a glass of water saying, "Look! It's FLAT!" As if, at that small a fraction of a single degree of arc (4" is 0.00009% of 1° of arc), We would see the hump in the middle a few MOLECULES high by eyeballing the glass. And They use curvature calculations to determine "how far below the horizon" something should be, when line-of-sight calculations are what should be used.

And before You go on about no such thing as gravity, until We can explain what force it is that defines the direction things buoy in (they don't buoy in zero G - in zero G You can squirt water on a piece of wood and it will spread around the surface, and with enough water, You will have a bubble of water with a piece of wood in the middle), I will call it "gravity."

So. The FE needs disingenuous arguments and lies - and has NO model that explains what We see. The globe needs NONE of those arguments - and has a model that explains what We see perfectly, simply, and elegantly. Which model has the highest probability of being correct?

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Yes… All these stupid concepts are a psy-op… but not from NASA. They all come from one place.… Olgino

Posted from

Well, in My research from, what's it been, 15 years since Eric DuBey came out with all the pancake planet stuff? I found that NASA conceived of the FE psyop to distract from why They pump out BS to Us, and the Pentagon implemented it. Not sure how Russia comes in (If You're talking Olgino, Russia...).

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

You are probably right.

Great tune.