"The Twitter Files" phenomenon already officially proved the FBI has been using Twitter to manipulate Americans and secretly govern the USA. Each installment reveals how deep the rabbit hole goes - it's not just the FBI that is corrupt, it's not just Twitter being used, and it's not just Americans being targeted. Just how big is the rot which has been partially exposed by the Twitter Files?

Musk's purchase of Twitter earlier this year allowed many conspiracy theories to be exposed as actual conspiracies. Over the past few weeks, there has already been a release of thousands of internal emails, employee chats, and private messages - and the document dumps continue. Platforms dedicated to exposing truth like ZeroHedge and GatewayPundit have been helping amplify the message, and countless millions have already had their eyes opened as a result.
Several years ago, a brilliant French artist created this song and video, which captures the essence of Twitter's dark place in society:
Not just the FBI
Thanks to the latest chapters of the Twitter expose, we now know the FBI was joined by other covert agencies in the conspiracy to use Big Tech to control the people and guide history. For example, the CIA was heavily involved, as were other bureaus and their branches, like the FITF (Foreign Influence Task Force).
Not just Twitter
New reveals show Twitter is just one of many conduits of manipulation and censorship. YouTube, Google, FaceBook, Wikipedia, LinkedIn, Yahoo, and many more Big Tech platforms are heavily involved in doing the deep state's bidding to control the narrative and steer history. Major media outlets (TV, internet, newspaper, magazines, etc) are controlled in the same way.
Not just Americans
Perhaps it began with Americans being the only ones subject to the secret tactics at the whim of the deep state, but it is now anyone in the world who opposes the official narrative. The latest document dumps make it clear - if you don't tow the line, you're an enemy of the state, and will be treated as a terrorist.
In other words, hundreds or even thousands of rich and powerful people, from all the secretive globalist and deep state entities, have been conspiring - and continue to conspire against - the rest of the world, using every major Big Tech platform, media outlet, and prominent figure. Almost everything that has happened on Earth in the past several years was not at all organic, natural, or free.
What kinds of things are being manipulated?
The Twitter Files have revealed that Trump was conspired against by the deep state - something he theorized about openly and was mocked for by Democrats, so-called liberals, and other ignorant people. The Hunter Biden laptop dirt was cleaned up and hidden. The deep state influenced (and likely stole) the 2020 presidential election, and changed the course of the war in Ukraine. The CIA (and possibly Democratic Party) was involved in the assassination of JFK, an event that many see as the beginning of the end of Liberty in the USA. Any criticism of the Covid-19 narrative, lockdowns, mandates, and vaccines was heavily stifled, and anyone who spread the truth about it was dealt with (some killed, some discredited, some censored).
Thanks to my own investigations, and my observations operating a truth-telling YouTube channel since 2006, very little in the Twitter Files is news to me. I am a proud conspiracy theorist who is adept at spotting patterns and inconsistencies. I have been heavily censored on YouTube and FaceBook, including shadowbanning going back to at least 2012 on YouTube and a lifetime ban on FaceBook simply for speaking the truth as I see it. Everything I've said, no matter how outlandish-sounding to the average person, has either since then been confirmed as correct, or is now beginning to finally see the light of day.
I remember thinking during the first year or so of the Covid scam, "I am waking up... again." I had seen further into the depths than ever before, given another glimpse at how far the deception runs, by the deep state's (or globalists') plans and techniques. "It's not about our health, it's about controlling us!" was the cry of the newly-awakened... something I had known as a cannabis activist battling Big Pharma for many years. I was suddenly aware that no matter how strongly I worded it, how wild I allowed my theories to be, and how paranoid it may seem to the unconscious masses, it was likely still miles from the full extent of the corruption.
That's not to say that any silly idea one can dream up must be correct - this is where the "flat Earth" and "there are no such thing as infectious diseases" people have gone awry. But it means that when I stretch my educated opinion to the utmost of its current ability, I'm still not taking it far enough. I'm aiming the right way, but I'm falling short of the target. I'm held back by the desire to not appear too crazy, and yet I've never been far off the mark, and proven correct year after year, decade after decade. The truth is extreme, and few of us come close to grasping it. Many recoil in horror when they get a mere taste.
One thing is certain: Whatever is currently conceded as correct and legitimate, the rabbit hole goes deeper. The Twitter Files are merely a hint at the reality that has been hidden from us.
How deep does it go?
Well, first, I'll take you just one step further than you're probably going to accept: Individualized censorship, surveillance, and control isn't just for important people like Donald Trump, Alex Jones, and Julian Assange... it is now being waged against everyday men and women, including myself.
As a group, "conspiracy theorists" and anyone who goes against the official narrative are now being labeled "domestic terrorists". But over the past 5 to 10 years, anyone who has enough reach or is good enough at uncovering the deception is considered for this special secret treatment. It now goes right down to otherwise-insignificant people like me. And not just the shadowbanning I've experienced on YouTube and FaceBook for a decade or so. I'm talking about manipulation of thoughts, targeting of family members and friends, and even tactics like meddling in mundane aspects of the person's life to unsettle, disrupt, and manipulate them. If this already sounds too crazy for you, you may want to stop reading this article. If you're just slightly unsure, let me point you to something you may not have heard of; Zersetzung. This was a psychological warfare technique used by the Stasi (Ministry of State Security) to repress political opponents in East Germany during the 1970s and 80s. Agents went to great lengths to secretly harass and control individuals, sometimes entering their homes during the night or when the target wasn't home, moving or removing an item, changing part of a letter or document, and so on. It was extremely effective, and much was learned in those times.
No doubt you've heard of MK Ultra, something which was once nothing but a conspiracy theory, now officially recognized as state sponsored psychological warfare, mental manipulation, and mind control of unwilling test subjects in Canada and the USA. If you think it only happened during a particular time frame, or only in one part of the world, then it is YOU who is a crazy theorist and out of touch with reality. These covert tactics continue to be used to this day, under different names, and they are far more advanced now.
Why not just murder someone, if they're a threat to the narrative? There are many answers for this, one of which is you simply can't kill everyone that opposes you. If only a single person knows of your treachery and is going to expose you, sure, you could kill them off to protect your plot. But it's not one person, or even a thousand. With the widespread use of the internet and social media, more people than ever before are potential targets for the agents of untruth. To kill them all would be a massive undertaking, and likely to raise suspicion. In modern times, instead of dozens of potential victims, there are millions. A few important ones will be (and have been) killed, but most are now being managed through a combination of advanced MK Ultra techniques, neo- Zersetzung, and the censorship and shadowbanning practices that have become so prevalent they can no longer be hidden.
I worked in psychiatry for 10 years. One of the common delusions (fixed and false belief systems) my patients had was that the government (or similar entity) was watching, manipulating, and/or controlling them. Before I was awake (we're talking the early 2000s), I got to know quite a few people like this. I kept an open mind (unlike a lot of other nurses and doctors), but I did not "feed into" their delusions. Alleged delusions, I should say. Because I fully believe some of those people, being held and medicated against their will, were NOT psychotic. They were merely ahead of their time. Unaware, I was taking a paycheck to hold and treat perfectly healthy people against their will. How frightening that must have been for them, to know what so many others do not know, causing them to be seen as crazy and unfit to join the rest of society. It would explain their often fearful, withdrawn, or hopeless demeanor (which was often chalked up to a symptom of "their illness").
Looking back, I feel remorse at being part of a system that kept many healthy people behind bars, discredited among their peers, and injected with antipsychotics that left them drooling and confused. Yes, many people are legitimately off their rockers, and there are proper uses of medications like Haldol, Loxapine, Risperidone, and Olanzapine. But I'm certain a lot of psychiatric patients were just intelligent people who could see things clearer than the doctors with the power to imprison them for their unpopular statements, actions, and beliefs. For example, we locked up people in those days for believing aliens might be visiting Earth, something now openly discussed by prominent members of major governments, including the USA. Or for being worried cellular phone technology would advance to the point harmful EMFs would be prevalent all around us. Or for theorizing the moon landings of the 1960s never happened. Or for worrying the government was watching them.
What is now seen as mundane was once a conspiracy theory, and before that, reason to keep people in straight-jackets.
Where does it end?
Good question. It's one I can't answer yet, but with an open mind, understanding of the past, and keen ability to discern fact from fiction, I'm going to keep on trying.
For years, I've believed that vast machine intelligence is being used by the deep state against the people, especially those of us who dare to reveal their evil ways. I've said before: We are no longer playing against a purely human opponent. My mind is powerful, but even I can't effectively compete against the globalists and their agenda anymore. We know their technology is 20 to 30 years ahead of what the military has, which is at least 20 years ahead of what civilians have. They've had what some call "A.I." for a long, long time.
I think they have incredibly powerful programs - simulators - beyond what anyone else knows about. They use these computers to simulate the world and all of society, effectively giving them the ability to run through every possible scenario. It's like being able to see into the future. They basically know what's coming, and have plenty of time and resources to prepare for it. And their computers are getting exponentially more powerful all the time. Anything you can imagine falls light years short of their current capabilities. The Twitter Files are really just the tip of the tip of the iceberg.
Now going out on a bit of a limb, I'm going to suggest that the very nature of what we consider "reality" is nothing like what we believe. What seems like magic to us now will one day soon be mundane. The wildest stories and prophecies of religion probably contain more truth than any encyclopedia written by conventional minds. The rabbit hole may be too deep for us to fathom.
The irony is that if I'm right, and I fully expect to point back to this post in the near future when the above changes from "conspiracy theory" to "conspiracy fact", this post itself will trigger a further escalation of the tactics being used against me. If I'm still around, I'll be on yet another secret list, watched by another agency, analyzed by another advanced machine intelligence. Truth is treason in an empire of lies.
So, yes, the current president of the United States is a fraud. John F Kennedy was killed by the CIA he vowed to destroy. Covid is a bioweapon made in a lab, and the mRNA injections are genocide. We are being manipulated, and our minds are being controlled - some almost completely. Humans have never walked on the moon. Big Tech is abusing us and Big Pharma is killing us. A small group of people intend to inherit and rule the Earth.
But that's just the start of it. The Twitter Files have revealed many things, but the full truth is much stranger still.
No laughing matter
You locked people up for not believing ing in the moon landings????.i think k people gullible enough to believe that crap need to get an exerimental injection...
Id say musk is a cia asset, as is trump, and the entire internet, google, microsoft, and apple, are all deep state, and that is just the tip of the iceberg
Yeah, probably so! Those of us who haven't been bought, or coerced, or threatened (etc etc) into being assets for the deep state are probably controlled opposition and/or useful idiots to some degree. The tentacles are everywhere, no doubt. I only know about myself (and perhaps my wife lol) for certain, but even then, we can be used/manipulated to some degree. I think about it a fair bit.
One thing I've noticed is that I've NEVER been accused of being corrupt, or working for the cabal, or anything like that. Maybe some people have suspected it, but in all my years of spreading truth, analyzing and reporting on these topics, activism, etc nobody has ever outright asked me or accused me of being in on it. I would have thought that would have happened by now. Perhaps I give off genuine vibes, and people pick up on that. If that's the case, perhaps "they" could (or are?) study me, in the hopes that they can emulate those vibes, and avoid detection. Man, you got me started, thanks a lot :P
I haven't either but I've certainly pissed a lot of people off
two researchers I'm really into:
some of the miles mathis essays are game changers - eg
Oh my God!!
That's not nice
Thanks for sharing
Curated by @ultravioletmag