in trustworks •  3 years ago  (edited)

A brief history of the practice and its origination


Dating back to the ancient practice of Hindu and Buddhist religion. Chakra literally, meaning wheel or circle in Sanskrit. According to Ayurveda philosophy, chakra is any of the seven centers of spiritual energy in the body.

Interestingly, it has been written by Sanskrit to be meditative visualizations and combinations of mantras and flowers and physical entities in the body. Chakra has also been used within the kundalini yoga to manipulate the flow of energy, more of psychic and spiritual through techniques of breath exercises, visualizations, and mantras.

In the quest for sound knowledge, few questions were asked, and these led the chakra system to gain Western/modern recognition in the 1800s but still wasn’t renowned and found acceptable by many. However, due to seeking self-power, esteem, and lots more, the 21st century embraced chakra as an energy source and innovation that has long been missing as the seven types of chakra seem to have a solution to all of its problems. One major solution chakra has brought to the 21st-century need is that of sex.

Sex and the pleasure of it have been with a man for as long as man existed but man has always been in search of something new which chakra brings to the light, sex without the natural physical touch of another with even more lasting orgasm and also a technique which ends the dilemma of couples who have been yearning to make love to their partner's spirit and soul. The technique is known as chakra orgasm. This technique births an intersection of sexuality and spirituality. It involves just two types, viz the root chakra and the sacral chakra. The latter controls sexuality and the former controls spirituality.

Surprisingly, when these two chakras in the body are energized, the energy moves across the entire body creating full-body reverberation and orgasm not just to sexual organs but to the entire body.

Moreover, the couple does some chakra play which involves several steps but these steps do not form part of this article.

Conversely, chakra is interesting because. approaching sex the chakra way opens up a whole new level of connectivity with yourself and your partner. It brings you into a new world. Go explore the wonders of chakra orgasm!!!

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