Never discuss Politics, Religion or Money

in triggers •  3 years ago  (edited)

Unless you are on Blurt.

Then just Blurt it all out… That’s what Blurt is all about. It’s right in the name. Blurt !

A few minutes ago I was discussing the subject of Triggers …

Certain words that trigger people. What does it mean to be "triggered?"

This term has been casually used to refer to the experience of having an emotional reaction to some type of disturbing content in the media or in another social setting. However, there is a difference between being triggered and being uncomfortable.


People seem to be easily triggered these days. I wonder if it has been all the isolation and lockdowns. Is everyone much more sensitive ??? Maybe people need sensitivity re-training ?

There used to be the old adage…

Never discuss Politics, Religion or Money.

Or something like that. How does it go ?

I did find this from Thomas Jefferson.


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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

People have always been triggered - it's just how a naive nervous system works - but the internet, being one step removed from being punched in the face, means one can be triggered and whine about it! lmao.
It's easy - trolling 101.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It’s the sign of the times.

Politically we’re in a really bad place. There are people literally calling for socialist/communist style political policies right now.

You look at the history books and you can see where that always leads. It ain’t good.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I may do a short list - some truly horrific literature of the period just at the start of the tyrannies such as Nazism and Bolshevism - Maoism too, no doubt, but haven't delved there, although I do know people who lived through the cultural genocide there.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

And, what is deeply worrying, is the same passive denial of the tyranny then - just like now.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  
  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Needs to be said, although the author fails to look in the mirror and see how his own "mild" version of relativism was a prelude to the current cultural tyranny; he also doesn't look behind the mirror to see who is the new dictator. One thing the elitescum have learnt over the centuries is to rarely step into the limelight, hence the invention of the corporation as the sock puppet of psychos.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

is discussing the Covid, vaccination, bad economics, loving technology but bad knowledge to use it properly and effectively and Global Warming are about one of these three?
just interesting.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

I think absolutely anything can be discussed “blurted out” on Blurt

Blurted out …. not Blotted out.

Blurt is very different than any place else in the Blockchain Universe.

Blurt promotes Freedom of Speech … and differences in Opinion.

Free thinkers. Agnostics, Gnostics, Atheists, mystics,… even Catholics

All are welcome on Blurt….