Enjoying the Boat Ride

in travelling •  11 months ago 

I normally do not put pictures of myself more, it is more about the place I travel, but this post is all about my pictures. It was such a joyful time. Me and hubby we had taken a boat ride from Lausanne to Cully and the views on the way were stunning. Along with the scenery I clicked many pictures of myself along the ride in all different poses. Hubby was getting irritated after sometime, but I told him he had no choice....hehe

So, while I share my pictures you will get the views also.

This was a random click by hubby, not a planned one, but I liked the way it's come with the backdrop


A nice view also

You can see the joy on my face


This was at the Ferry stop while we were awaiting our boat

Ready to sail

Such wonderful views along the way




The 2 of us. Hubby kept complaining about the pictures, but he too kept on asking me to click his :-)

We both had a jolly time. My friends always tell me that after 27 years of marriage also our honeymoon never gets over and I believe that is true. We enjoy each other's company a lot and would love to keep spending our life together in happy times.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"

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Stunning pics and so are you!❤️

Thank you @rubelynmacion, it was a joyful experience

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