A Flash Back to my Old Galapagos Hotel Room!

in travel •  2 years ago 

I was just going through some of my old photos and I came across photos of my hotel in the Galapagos in early 2018. This is where I stayed for most of my time there. Not bad for twenty dollars a night, I remember the prices suddenly being much higher than mainland Ecuador, which makes sense. I have good memories of staying here and using it as my base camp to explore the islands. I love the old TV in the room. Don't see too much of that anymore. Especially out here in Thailand. Next time I'll share some of the amazing animal photos I took while here. But I'm as much a fan of hotel rooms as I am animals. Kind of weird, but that's what happens after almost two decades moving from place to place.


Photo Credit: World Travel Pro!

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how did you find it ? I used to know a guy who ran a charity there and he kept inviting me there for free to shoot all the animals there but it felt a bit awkward so I never went. Still kind of wonder if should have just gone.

It's always a bit weird when a guy offers you to stay with him for free isn't it! Fortunately I don't have that problem. haha I would not have gone either, or I would have gone and found my 20 dollar hotel room! lol

To find the place I used my tried and true travel hotel finding strategy. Basically I walked up and down the main street. Went into five different places and was able negotiate a good weekly rate at this place; which knocked about 10 dollars off per night. That's a nice 300 dollars a month savings. In Ecuador that's almost entire month's salary.

When I tell people about that back in the states, many are confused. They ask, you can negotiate for a hotel room? YES! I tell them. In 80% of the planet it's actually quite normal, just not the western countries.

Well not with him in his second house but yeah still weird I tend to avoid such situations although some are prob genuine

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

So you're travelling one place to another? What a lucky one you're.