Sunken Aircraft & Underwater Musician-Philippines

in travel •  4 years ago 

Hi Blurt World,

When you live and work in a really cool place that has some amazing things to offer there's nothing sweeter than having an old friend visit and being able to share it with them.
One of my oldest friends 'Chung' came to visit me the other year and we jumped at the chance to teach him to dive so he could see why I've been doing this for all these years. He absolutely loved it.
He has traveled a fair bit himself and likes to make beer money playing guitar and singing either in bars or on the street so I joked with him that we should do and underwater Busking Dive.


Captain Eddie took us out to the perfect spot for this and we didn't tell Chung what we would be seeing at this particular site. It was a really nice feeling to be able to be underwater with my old friend sharing my love for this environment with him. His excitement and enthusiasm was infectious and rubbed off on all the other guests. He's just one of those lovable guys. Completely the opposite to me haha.


As we decended and then made our way to the site he spotted the surprise.


A plane underwater. Well the saying goes that their are more planes underwater than boats in the sky, or something or other.


We had everything prepared to stage it all complete with a dish to put coins in and set about underwater busking next to a sunken plane. There's not many street entertainers that can lay claim to having done that I'll wager.


I had such a big grin behind my breathing regulator on this dive watching Chung ham it up, ever the entertainer. The other divers absolutely loved it also. It really was a giggle.


The bad attitude and aggressive clown fish were not overly impressed it would seem and tried to scare us off but as we were incredibly brave we were not deterred by their angry behavior.


After the busking session a bit of a wander around the coral gardens amongst the cat fish and then back to the boat.


I have over 4000 dives in all my time of working in the industry but this was one I will never forget. To not only share the underwater experience with a good friend but to also stage something as a tip of the hat to what he does but underwater. Top fun! It really was a great day.




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