Travel Diaries - # Throwbacks from my Iran trip - Challenges faced

in travel •  4 months ago 

Iran is a very fascinating country, it's so beautiful and rich in resources. Do you know Iran does not have a single U.S. brand outlets whether it is Food or any merchandise, so with that it does not have any Mac D, KFCs or Pizza Hut. Foreign food chains are not entertained much in Iran, you may find a few but that would be a rare scene and only in major cities like Tehran, otherwise you will only find local food outlets in most of the places.

Honestly during my travel, I did face challenge with the food. Most of the time I was eating Kababs and rice, which is actually not my type of food on regular basis. The real problem was our tour operator. He thought we would enjoy local cuisine and hence he had planned it that way. The local food mainly consists of this only kababs and rice. Since we were in a tour with a group of other people it was not very easy to break out for meals from others. Also there were times when we were in places where there would be nothing available except for what was planned by the tour operator.


After the tour we had extended our stay by 2 days to just explore the place on our own, which was in Tehran and that was the time we could have some different types of food. We also managed to find an Indian restaurant and trust me it was such a relief for me. Nothing better then an Indian curry rice.

The other challenge also that I faced was being covered head to toe all the time. We are not used to such type of dressing, the scarf would keep falling off my head and in public places, someone or the other would always come and point out on that. Even in the hotel lobby the staff would make sure that our heads were covered all the time. And then we had to be all covered even in the hot sun, which would get so sweaty and sticky.

One more challenge was the language, barely people speak English there and we did not know Persian, so it was tough to interact during shopping.

It's a beautiful place but I felt it is not a very tourist friendly place.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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