Travel Diaries - #Throwback - Visiting one of the Best & Largest Museum of the World - Louvre Museum

in travel •  3 years ago 

Paris the city of Love, I am forever in love with this place and had an opportunity to visit twice to this place, and if I get a chance, I may visit it again also. In the past I have done these things of visiting the same place again and again. Like Switzerland another place which I am totally in love with and I visited there 8 times, some visits were for work and some for fun. it sounds crazy, but I am that type of a crazy traveler, who likes the explore the length and breadth of the place and do not like to just do the touch and go thing.

So today I am going to share my Louvre story from both my visits. The first time I went all alone and the next time I went with my family. But both the times I was equally excited to visit this Museum. And it is not a day's job, if you really want to visit the whole of this place and explore it out well.

The pictures are going to be mixed from both the visits.

This one does not need an explanation, the outside Pyramid of the Musuem, truly a state of art. It is also known as the inverse pyramid.


This is the art structure in the glass pyramid.

The Roman structure of a half horse and half man with a cherub.

Roman goddess Artemis, the goddess of the hunt.

I am not sure of this one.

The statue of Goddess Venus

The Statue of Athena


The greek goddess of victory

From the Egyptian gallery. The great Sphinx. A lion body and a human head, in the egyptian culture a form of the powerful sun god.

This comes from the Iran gallery. The bull with wings, called as 'Lamassu', they are basically considered as the Guardians or the Protectors and in the ancient Persian culture were used mainly at all the entrances.



And some other statues, where I do not recollect the names, but they were interesting and from the look of it you can make out as to what it signifies.




These little cherubs are so adorable


The art work in the Louvre is one of the best collections from across the world.

The famous Monalisa painting. This is one piece of art which I feel is overly hyped.

The painting of Archangel Michael killing the demon, one of my favorite.


This one needs no words

The art work on the ceilings are another breathtaking views

Some royalty also at display

Every nook and corner of the museum has art reflecting in it. The courtyards the walkways, the passages are all filled up.



The outside is as magnificent as the inside.

Hope you all enjoyed the beauty at the louvre. It is truly one of the best museums I have visited in my travels. This place is larger than life and gives a peak on almost every ancient culture and traditions. Yes, but you need a good enough time to go around the place. What I have put over here is just a fraction of the place.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"

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