RE: Is politics a dirty word in the spiritual community?

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Is politics a dirty word in the spiritual community?

in travel •  3 days ago 

Hi @ultravioletmag - ok so I have a bit of a fringe definition. "Politically speaking" imo, is speaking in a way to impress someone. I'm agorist in my views, I envision a world without rulers stealing our stuff and hurting people, oh and I try to break at least 1 law every day. Anyway, again imo, by getting your head wrapped up in this left-right paradigm, you are giving your energy to a beast system. Ask me for my opinion on something and I am happy to give it freely without worry of what the other person's views are. As for waking people up, I gave up on that years ago and lost friends in the process. These days, if someone asks, I will then just plant a fact seed with them and leave it unless they inquire further. Ok, lots of rambling there, but I think you get my point. Even agorism can be seen as a religion and contain political speech. I'm not left, right, or middle. I don't feed that system at all, I just made the choice to leave it entirely. Politics imo, just feeds the beast. Render the beast obsolete.

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