Some places you must see on your visit to Barcelona, I'll help you to recognise them. [ENG/ESP]

in travel •  11 months ago 


I don't have to deny it. Despite not being Spanish by origin, Barcelona is one of the cities I have visited the most during my long stay in Europe and perhaps one of the cities with which I feel most identified.

And it is not because the Catalans are extremely open to tourists or visitors from other Spanish regions.

My identification has to do with the art, with the lifestyle, with the surprises that the city has in store for you at every turn, with its bustling and lively way of life 24 hours a day.

The immense creativity in the works of Antoni Gaudí that are present all over the city, the Catalan sense of appearance so typical of the Catalans towards their region, their passion for football but also for motor racing and basketball and sports in general, the long strolls along the Rambla.


There are countless places of interest to visit in the centre of Barcelona and tourists or visitors sometimes don't know where to go.

Especially when time is short. In some previous posts I have told you about some typical buildings and monuments in the capital of Catalonia.

Today, however, I would like to propose a game. If you have visited Barleona before, work your mind and try to remember.

If, on the other hand, you don't know this city, use any Internet search engine and try to guess the places I present in this post.

To make the task easier, I have decided to show a gallery of two images for each place to make it easier for you and to give you a wider scope for your search.


The neighbourhoods, the streets, the buildings, the parks, the works of Gaudí with his revolutionary and somewhat extravagant art, make the Catalan capital one of the most visited cities in Europe, to the pride of all Spaniards, not only Catalans, although Barcelona has always been considered very pro-independence.

Its culture, its tourist attractions and even its climate, mean that every year more than 80 million tourists from all over the world, according to the local tourist office, come to enjoy the Ciudad Condal (so called because of the large number of counties that were in this area in past centuries).

So if you decide to visit it one day, you will already have an idea of where to go, especially if you are short of time and are organising the trip on your own.

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I'm not going to name the main buildings and monuments again because that would take away a bit of magic and mystery from the game itself.

I'll simply give you as a reference some links to posts I've already published about the city of Barcelona.

In them you can find all the information you need to guess which places we are talking about in this post.

You can include in the comments area the published image and say its name. It's very simple!

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If, on the other hand, you prefer to see the images in their normal size, I leave you some of them so that you can appreciate them in all their splendour.

Let's get down to work.

Can you tell us which images they are?





No tengo por qué negarlo. A pesar de no ser español de origen, Barcelona es una de las ciudades que más he visitado durante mi larga estadía en Europa y tal vez una de las ciudades con la que me sentido más identificado.

Y no es porque los catalanes sean extremadamente abiertos con los turistas o visitantes de otras regiones españolas.

Mi identificación tiene que ver con el arte, con el estilo de vida, con las sorpresas que te depara la ciudad a cada paso, con su modo de vivir bullicioso y alegre las 24 horas del dia.

La inmensa creatividad en las obras de Antoni Gaudí onmipresentes en toda la ciudad, el sentido de aparetencia tan propio de los catalanes hacia su región, su pasión por el fútbol pero también por el automovilismo y el baloncesto y los deportes en general, los largos paseos por la Rambla.


Son innumerables los lugares de interés que podemos visitar en el centro de Barcelona y los turistas o visitantes no saben a veces hacia donde dirigirse.

Sobretodo cuando el tiempo es escaso. En algunos post anteriores les he comentado sobre algunos edificios y monumentos típicos de la capital de Catalunía.

Hoy, en cambio, quiero proponerles un juego. Si han visitado Barleona con anterioridad hagan trabajar la mente y traten de recordar.

Si, por el contrario, no conocen esta ciudad, ayédense con cualquier buscador de Internet y traten de adivinar los lugares que les presento en este post.

Para facilitar la tarea he decidido mostrar una galería de dos imágenes por cada lugar para facilitarles la tarea y darles una mayor amplitud a la búsqueda.


Los barrios, las calles, los edificios, los parques, las obras de Gaudí con su arte revolucionario y un poco extravagant, hacen de la capital catalana una de las ciudades más visitadas de toda Europa para orgullo de todos los españoles no solo catalanes aunque Barcelona siempre se ha considerado muy independentista.

Ya sea su cultura, como sus atracciones turísticas e incluso su clima, hacen que cada año más de 80 millones de turistas de todo el mundo según datos de la oficina de turismo local vengan a disfrutarla de la Ciudad Condal (asi llamada en función de la gran cantidad de condados que había en esta zona en siglos pasados).

De esta maner si algún dia decides visitarla ya podrás tener una idea hacia adonde ir especialmente si tienes los días contados y organizas el viaje por tu cuenta.

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No voy a nombrarte de nuevo los principales edificios y monumentos porque sería quitarle un poco de magia y misterio al juego mismo.

Simplemente te doy como referencia algunos enlaces de posts que ya he publicados relativos a la ciudad de Barcelona.

En ellos podrás encontrar toda la información que necesitas para adivinar de qué lugares estamos hablando en este post.

Puedes incluir en la zona de comentarios la imagen publicada y decir su nombre. Es muy simple!.

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Si, por el contrario, prefieren ver las imágenes en su dimensión normal les dejo también algunas para que las puedan apreciar en todo su esplendor.

Manos a la obra.!

Puedes decir de qué imágenes se trata?




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Camera.Nikon Coolpix P950.
Effective pixels16.0 million (Image processing may reduce the number of effective pixels.)
Focal length4.3-357 mm (angle of view equivalent to that of 24-2000 mm lens in 35mm [135] format)
Image sensor1/2.3-in. type CMOS; approx. 16.79 million total pixels
ISO sensitivity (Standard output sensitivity):ISO 100-1600
LensNIKKOR lens with 83x optical zoom
Monitor8.1 cm (3.2")
Still images6 M [2816x2112]
LocationBarcelona -Spain-
DateJunio 2021
  • Este tema ha sido tratado en los blogs que enuncio al final del post, reproduciéndolo en forma parcial y/o total. Todos los blogs que se enumeran son de mi propiedad.
  • This topic has been discussed in the blogs that I list at the end of the post, reproducing it in part and/or in full. All blogs listed are owned by me.
Blogs, Sitios Web y Redes Sociales / Blogs, Webs & Social NetworksPlataformas de Contenidos/ Contents Platforms
Mi Blog / My BlogLos Apuntes de Tux
Mi Blog / My BlogEl Mundo de Ubuntu
Mi Blog / My BlogNel Regno di Linux
Mi Blog / My BlogLinuxlandit & The Conqueror Worm
Mi Blog / My BlogPianeta Ubuntu
Mi Blog / My BlogRe Ubuntu
Mi Blog / My BlogNel Regno di Ubuntu
Red Social Twitter / Twitter Social Network@hugorep


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  ·  11 months ago  ·  

Thanks for curating and voting for my posts @curationcoconut.

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Hi @hugo1954, great news! Your content was selected by curators @ten-years-before, @nalexadre to receive a special curation from BeBlurt 🎉 Don't hesitate to upvote this comment as the curators will receive 80% of the rewards for their involvement.

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  ·  11 months ago  ·  

Thank you for curating and supporting my content @beblurt.

What do you think of the initiative to burn the tokens in @null? I intend to write a post with arguments for and against

Regards @nalexadre & @beblurt team.

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  ·  11 months ago  ·  

Hi @hugo1954, thanks for your nice post; it's always a pleasure to read :)

Regarding the initiative, the only positive aspect I see is that it brings animation to Blurt. However, for the goal it aims to achieve, it may not be effective. Firstly, only authors are impacted, as the burn is just adding @null as a beneficiary (curators aren't affected). Secondly, the volume burned remains small, as the exchange volume is still insufficient to have any significant impact on the price of Blurt.

In my opinion, the better approach is onboarding campaigns with gamification and incentives. Currently, I'm working on something related to this, and a post explaining how it works is currently in progress.

  ·  11 months ago  ·  

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. Read my last post to make sure that BLURT burning is profitable for you. Learn how to get more upvotes

  ·  11 months ago  ·  

Thanks @ctime for the info.

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