The Italian Riviera Ligure seen in a different way

in travel •  21 days ago 


The whole world knows the Ligurian Riviera in Italy, its beautiful beaches, the San Remo casino, the international song festival, etc.

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However, I intend to share with all the #blurtters of this community images of everyday life.

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Images that I take back from my PC and that correspond to different days and months of the year in this place where I lived so many years of my life.

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The Italian Ligurian Riviera is always beautiful, including in our usual daily life, in the simple things we enjoy every day.

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And I remember a period of my life that I remember with nostalgia.

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A thousand-year-old history that is lost in the centuries, in the distant echoes of the valleys, in the undertow of the waves that break on the cliffs. A unique place, made of authentic emotions.

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Squeezed between the high Alpine and Apennine peaks and the underwater meadows of posidonia. The Sanctuary of cetaceans and the salt roads. Walking on the pass roads that climb along the ridges of the valleys that lead from the sea to the Po plain. So far away, yet so close. 2000 meters of emotions.

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Twenty-two itineraries that from the sea climb up the valleys of the hinterland until reaching the passes, the watersheds that descend into the Po Valley.

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And then, the border crossings. Short stops beyond the administrative borders: France to the west, Tuscany to the south-east, but also Emilia and, of course, Piedmont.

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A land, infinite relationships with all those that surround it. Relationships that the traveler can discover in the history and geography of the places, allowing himself to be fascinated and transported. “If you want to find yourself, lose yourself in the forest.” (Giorgio Caproni)

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The sea, the coastal shores, the terraces overlooking the valleys, the forest that seems to never end and high up the mountain pastures on the peaks.

An extraordinary journey into the heart of the Mediterranean: the smell of the earth, the noise of the wind between the houses, the scent of the sea.


Todo el mundo conoce la Riviera Ligure en Italia, sus hermosas playas, el casino de San Remo, el festival internacional de la canción, etc.

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Sin embargo he intentado compartir con todos los #blurtters de esta Comunidad imágenes de la vida cotidiana.

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Imágenes que he ido tomando desde mi PC y que corresponden a diferentes días y meses del año en ese lugar donde viví tantos años de mi vida.

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La Riviera Ligure italiana es siempre bella, incluso en su cotidianidad habitual, en las cosas simples que disfrutamos cada día.

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Y me recuerdan un período de mi vida que a menudo recuerdo con nostalgia.

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Una storia millenaria che si perde nei secoli, negli echi lontani dalle valli, nella risacca delle onde che frangono sulle scogliere. Un luogo unico, fatto di emozioni autentiche.

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Stretta tra gli alti picchi alpini e appenninici e le praterie sottomarine di posidonia. Il Santuario dei cetacei e le vie del sale. In cammino sulle strade di valico che si arrampicano lungo i crinali delle valli che dal mare portano alla pianura del Po. Così lontana, eppure così vicina. 2000 metri di emozioni.

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Ventidue itinerari che dal mare risalgono per le valli dell’entroterra sino ad arrivare ai valichi, agli spartiacque che scendono nella Pianura Padana.


E poi, gli sconfinamenti. Brevi tappe oltre i confini amministrativi: la Francia a ponente, la Toscana a sud est, ma anche l’Emilia e, naturalmente, il Piemonte.

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Una terra, infiniti rapporti con tutte quelle che la circondano. Relazioni che il viaggiatore potrà scoprire nella storia e nella geografia dei luoghi, lasciandosi affascinare e trasportare. “Se volete trovarvi, perdetevi nella foresta.” (Giorgio Caproni)


Il mare, le riviere della costa, i terrazzamenti a picco sulle valli, il bosco che sembra non finire più e in alto gli alpeggi sulle cime.

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Un viaggio straordinario nel cuore del Mediterraneo: l’odore della terra, il rumore che fa il vento tra le case, il profumo del mare.


Everyone knows about the Ligurian Riviera in Italy, its beautiful beaches, the casino of San Remo, the international song festival, etc.

However I have tried to share with all the #blurtters of this Community images of the daily life.

Images that I have been taking from my PC and that correspond to different days and months of the year in that place where I lived so many years of my life.

The Italian Riviera Ligure is always beautiful even in its usual everyday life, in the simple things we enjoy every day.

And they remind me of a period in my life that I often recall with nostalgia.





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