Aberystwyth, Wales, June 2019

in travel •  3 years ago 

1st of all I wish you:

CRO: Sretna Nova godina!
EN: Happy New Year!
ESP: Feliz Año Nueovo!
IT: Felice Anno Nuovo!
RU: С Новым годом!
SRB: Срећна Нова година!
BUL: Честита Нова Година!

As I'm trying to clean my phone memory I keep finding some old shots which I believe are still good to publish before I delete them... These are photos from my pre-morona trip to Wales where I visited my 3rd mother ❤ Jude ❤. She hosted me in her trailer in a camp in some small village in continental central Wales for approximately 9 days. Aberystwyth was just 20 min ride by bus.

img_0.2308298704620217.jpg This is a view on the town from a cliff on the North side of the beach.

The beach is sandy but dark & grey, probably volcanic heritage. The sea is called - Irish Sea - & supposedly dangerous to swim. I remember there was a huge warning sign on the beach forbidding swimming without the presence of a lifeguard. As I am Croatian, born & raised on the seaside, I consider myself a good swimmer & the day was pretty warm, even though the weather was changing constantly, so I was thinking to go for a swim but I didn't after all. Later in a pub in another Welsh village I met a local guy who explained me how dangerous is the Irish sea & that at least his 3 friends from childhood have drowned. Our conclusion was that Adriatic sea is much more tranquilo.




I like to explore a bit the rocks wherever I travel. Here the rocks were grey to black but the small sandy-rocks on the bottom on the following photo were very colorful, probably brought by the many rivers flowing from inland & joining the sea.


I like a lot the texture of these layers of the rocks:



img_0.769845597412608.jpg The green hill in the distance is a "cliff" from where I shot the 1st photo.

img_0.559454184181866.jpg This nice majestic building is the university.

If you continue walking by the sea to the South after the university, you'll pass like a small art corner with murals describing the history of the town. I can't remember it exactly but surely there were some proud memories of war battles with English invaders, but also about the terms of English rule after they finally defeated the Welsh. Apparently, the Welsh had some kind of higher independence in the English kingdom.


At the South point there's another lower hill with the remains of the fort which was probably sacked in one of those wars with the English.



There's a huge monument with 2 female characters probably protecting & awaiting the sailors & the dragon, the symbol of Wales. The most interesting part of the Welsh history for me is the fact about their Celtic roots & one of the last nowadays living Celtic strongholds with their preserved living language & a special way of interacting with Mother Nature! Wherever I went in central Wales, I saw green hills, forests, eco farms, clean rivers & streams, no trash scattered anywhere & no dirty industry. The Welsh are very hospitable & polite & not caring working more than 4-6 h per day! I love those people!





The 🐲 dragon 🐉 is still alive in Wales!

img_0.5071426875413354.jpg Even the metal parts of benches are made to look like dragons!

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