Parque Nacional Laguna de la Restinga | Restinga Lagoon National Park [ESP-ENG]

in travel •  last year 

Laguna de la Restinga/ Restinga Lagoon










Querido amigo invisible

Este paseo lo hice hace algunos años, pero siempre he pensado que es un espectáculo maravilloso natural. El Parque Nacional Laguna de la Restinga se encuentra en la isla de Margarita en Venezuela y es una espacio natural de diferentes especies de animales y plantas. El paseo por los canales es sorprendente, porque se puede apreciar todo tipo de especies que hacen vida en este lugar. Este parque es cuidado como una perla, debido a que es reservorio de muchos insectos que han tenido que adaptarse para sobrevivir, pueden leer un poco más Aquí.

Este paseo lo hice acompañada de algunas amigas y fue la primera vez que visité este hermoso y muy interesante lugar. También tuve la oportunidad de comer unas ostras que además de grandes estaban deliciosas y muy frescas porque eran extraídas en ese mismo lugar, ya que se crían en la base de los manglares, porque el fondo a demás de ser fangoso, funciona como un excelente lugar para cultivar toda clase de moluscos.

English Version

Dear invisible friend

I did this walk a few years ago, but I have always thought that it is a wonderful natural spectacle. The Laguna de la Restinga National Park is located on the island of Margarita in Venezuela and is a natural space for different species of animals and plants. The walk through the canals is surprising, because you can see all kinds of species that live in this place. This park is cared for like a pearl, because it is a reservoir for many insects that have had to adapt to survive, you can read a little more Here.

I did this walk with some friends and it was the first time I visited this beautiful and very interesting place. I also had the opportunity to eat some oysters that, in addition to being large, were delicious and very fresh because they were extracted in that same place, since they are raised at the base of the mangroves, because the bottom, in addition to being muddy, works as an excellent place to cultivate all kinds of molluscs.

I hope one day to return, to enjoy again this natural paradise full of beautiful colors and wonderful energy, in addition to being able to hear a symphony of wonderful sounds when the breeze touched the mangroves and leaves of the trees, it was an unforgettable experience.



Los invito a compartir sus paseos y viajes, para que cuenten una historia detrás de sus fotos. Me encantaría poder viajar con sus fotos y conocer otros hermosos lugares.

En este link puedes leer la publicación de @newvisionlife donde compartimos algunos temas que puedes desarrollar según sea tu gusto. Te invitamos a leer y unirte, para compartir contenido en referencia de tu experiencia sobre lo que haces, para sentirte feliz sin pensar en la edad.

Te invito a besar despacio, disfrutar de cada detalle por simple que sea, abrazar más, conéctate con la naturaleza y expresa lo que sientes, no silencies tu voz interior.

Blurt es un lugar bonito, para conocer gente especial y estamos encantados de invitarte a conocernos y formes parte de esta gran familia en Blurt e invites a tus amigos a unirse, para conocer esta linda plataforma.

Antes de despedirme, deseo decirles, que los quiero a todos y que la buena vibra se comparte, si eres capaz de pensar en positivo y poner a tu mente a crear, todos tus sueños se pueden hacer realidad.

Para todos los que me leen, los invito a seguirnos en todas las redes sociales de Blurt, y unirse al reto de vivir feliz sin pensar en la edad, porque todos vamos a envejecer y tú decides cómo llegar a ese capítulo de tu vida. Comparte tu experiencia con nosotros en Blurt, ayuda a otros a cuidar de su salud.

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I invite you to share your walks and trips, so that you can tell a story behind your photos. I would love to be able to travel with your photos and see other beautiful places.

In this link you can read the @newvisionlife post where we share some themes that you can develop according to your taste. We invite you to read and join, to share content in reference to your experience about what you do, to feel happy without thinking about age.

I invite you to kiss slowly, enjoy every detail, however simple it may be, hug more, connect with nature and express what you feel, don't silence your inner voice.

Blurt is a beautiful place to meet special people and we are delighted to invite you to meet us and become part of this great Blurt family and invite your friends to join, to get to know this beautiful platform.

Before I say goodbye, I want to tell you that I love you all and that good vibes are shared. If you are able to think positive and put your mind to creating, all your dreams can come true.

Follow us
For all of you who read me, I invite you to follow us on all the Blurt social networks, and join the challenge of living happily without thinking about age, because we are all going to get old and you decide how to get to that chapter of your life. Share your experience with us at Blurt, help others take care of their health.

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  • Fotos: Propias
  • Cámara: Dispositivo móvil

Blurt eres tú, soy yo, blurt somos todos // Blurt is you, it is me, blurt we are all

Que nadie apague tu luz interior // Let no one turn off your inner light

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  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

looks like interesting place to visit
while reading the post first thing I though was what kind of animals are there, since among those trees and their roots many things can live and hide
So continuing on the link you put it says there are snakes, turtles and birds in Resting Lagoon National Park
roots of the trees look magical

  ·  last year  ·  

Hello sammy, how nice to receive you in my publication and it is a complete honor that you like my photos, because you are a professional photographer, thanks for sharing your thoughts.
This place is very interesting and mysterious, some fishermen swim under those roots to get the shellfish, and you can find and see many animals of all kinds.
Good vibes.

  ·  last year  ·  

Nothing professional about me. I just take photos of things that are interesting to me
Swimming under those roots takes courage and dedication in my opinion
It was good read

  ·  last year  ·  

Muy bonitas fotografías, se ve un lugar muy increíble, que bueno que tuviste una grata experiencia.

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

Gracias, me alegra que te hayan gustado mis fotos.
Buena vibra.

  ·  last year  ·  

Me gustan mucho este tipo de paseos porque estar rodeado de tanta naturaleza me da mucha paz, debe ser increíble visitar este parque.

  ·  last year  ·  

Si es muy lindo y sobre todo interesante, me alegra que te guste.
Buena vibra.

  ·  last year  ·  

Nice place! Nature has really good effects So relaxing even on pictures!😍

  ·  last year  ·  

Thank you, it's a pleasure to receive you.
Good vibes.

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