David Lynch on Transcendence

in transcendence •  3 years ago 

This may be an unusual source, but the director David Lynch has spoken about consciousness and creativity for many years.

The master key is the experience of a transcendental state of pure consciousness.

That's it.

This is a brief section of a longer lecture and discussion from 2006. The full event is here.

At this stage of human degradation and global tyranny, this is the only key left to reboot your mind and dispel all beliefs.

Your beliefs are not just worthless but, even worse, dangerous to you and everybody else.

The transcendental experience allows clarity to arise again - to perceive clearly requires no beliefs.

Cleaning the mirror allows you to both see clearly and broadly. You are no longer the screen upon which external projections delude you.

Finding your own projection from your own root consciousness is the activation of your own imagination and creativity - not someone else's.

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Lately I've been contemplating again the recycle/reincarnation themes that have popped up throughout the years. I remember I used to worry about how ones last thought(s) might impact such a thing if true. Lately I've come across the prison planet concept that purports to explain the why of reincarnation. So I began wondering more about a possible escape, which once again leads back to ones thoughts at death, the need for a lucid focus/intent. Possibly a fools entertainment, wondering if there is more beyond the box holding the software, and if so could there be an escape from the container. An escape back to ones actualization.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

In the Tibetan Book of the Dead, the pre-corpse is reminded of the states of mind he has experienced and to keep lucid during the process of dying - either it is a geography of states of mind or is a projection. Even the state of rigpa has a category reserved for the truly defunct. Is interesting, but we can only push knowledge outwards from inside a paper bag - there is nothing outside. As this is a science, whereof one cannot speak one should remain silent ;-) Whether "near-death" is stepping onto a bridge but never truly crossing it, or whether it is a valid glimpse, we shall never know unless we can experience having that bilocation as a repeatable state and not just many one-offs. That's a valid research project :-)

An interesting idea, although I fear it might be to late once one is in the pre-corpse stage.

I remember for years I was adamant about the lunacy of reincarnation being possible. In recent years I've been introduced to possible scenarios that would account for some of the common sense reasons I used to limit my openness to such ideas. Such as if it were true, then how does one account for the growing population. I read a couple of years ago a proposal that perhaps this is a prison like a fly trap, designed to capture whatever the hell we are and then farm us forever off the energy.

Most recently I was reading more speculation that the trick is in not going into the white light. That white light is the doorway to our loss of memory and being forced into yet another incarnation. It was suggested that those farming this reality would appear to us as our God(s), family, close friends etc to trick us into going through that trap door again.

It led me back to my thoughts years ago on what impact our thoughts at death have on us. This was expanded of course under the above speculation, to include how much critical thinking will I have in that state. Based on the (very) few dreams I can remember, it appears to me that sometimes my critical thinking skills are lacking and at times I am certainly more emotionally driven. Most telling was a dream I had years ago of my father a few years after he died. It felt so real, down to his scent even. I cried like a baby as he hugged me. If I'm like that and the above scenario is true, I need to figure out a way to program my intent so as not to be so susceptible in that emotionally charged area, if at all possible.

I appreciate we can have talks like this, you and I. Most would think this is all crazy talk as they demand they are to never look past this moment in these bodies, and the jail the sensations occurring would demand in worship.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Have you read the TBotDead? It does instruct NOT to go to any of the lights ;-)

Thinking may be the driver (albeit often unconscious at the wheel) but the emotions are the engine - I think all such experiences can be used to fine-tune that engine. I disagree... wholeheartedly about the false dichotomy of head v heart - they are both EMFs. Emotions carry information too. Hence, I wouldn't aim to be emotionless - just more aware of them from that POV of your inner core. From that POV, they just look like the "emotional" track of the movie ;-)

I tried to read it many years ago. I stopped as it seemed ludicrous to me at the time due to my

  • believing reincarnation was a foolish proposition based on many factors such as how the population could grow if it was just the same folks being recycled.

  • how on earth could such information on what takes place after one is dead be known to the living.

It was more than that, but those were two of the huge structural constructs within me that saw me quickly putting the book aside with prejudice. As with many things from my youth, it can perhaps be another example of how hasty one can be in judgements based on limited data and understanding.

I did a quick search (which is not always the best method for understanding) and saw one site saying that the book does suggest going through a blue light. I'm curious what happens if one doesn't go through any light. If we would be free to become our potential, what we were before being trapped in this energy harvesting trap (if this is what this is).

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Grrat post sir

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