
in tpusa •  4 years ago 

Seattle is considering making it legal to steal as long as you're poor and plan to sell items. Wait, what? Mad cow disease arose when cows were eating other cows. A zombie disease is coming as people eat people via Covid Vaccines which contains a boy's DNA. Vitamin D deficiency is one of the biggest pandemics which causes millions of billions of people to die. Here's an idea! How about instead of giving everyone a measly $600, we just open the country back up and let everyone go back to WORK? Too many police are the enemies of America when they take their orders from China through Democratic Leaders. How did the Berlin Wall fall? Patriots came and did not leave and then more people came and stayed and stayed. It was Occupy Berlin Wall. No violence and they won.

2020 Election

America is 50 states. Minus the states in question Trump won 25, Biden won 16. Hospitals are empty and NOT packed, says doctors and nurses. Watch the videos. Masks spread disease. Everything that touches your hands touches your masks. Costco employees & customers told curious people to move along, ignore that man who forgot his mask, don't listen to what he's saying as he stands up for freedom, nothing to see here, move along folks. New Symbol of Tyranny is the Mask. I have a chained fence to keep out mosquitoes. It totally works. NO LIE! Patriots are trying take the Oregon State Capitol. Police are going after them and not going after Antifa Terrorists. Watch the live stream. The war between Communist Police and Patriots in Oregon which is happening today will be happening in the other states too very soon. Masks spread disease because what your hands touch gets onto your masks.

2020-12-21 - Monday - Weekly Photos - 451pics | Mirror | Video

1900s - Rising tall with milk in the gene for your spleen

1900s - Taking it back with love with each step and gradually

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2020-12-21 - Monday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-12-21 - Monday
Published in December of 2020

Screenshot at 2020-12-22 02:11:31 TPUSA Women Panel.png

TPUSA Women Panel

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

For more information, visit Banned Video

America is 50 states. Minus the states in question Trump won 25, Biden won 16.

What is WW3 Twitter? Does Twitter have a secret wrestling ring in their basement?

Bill Gates will not vaccinate his own children.

Elections News

For more info, please visit Stop The Steal


How did the Berlin Wall fall?

Patriots came and did not leave and then more people came and stayed and stayed. It was Occupy Berlin Wall. No violence and they won.

Law Prohibits Pence From Accepting Electoral Votes From Fraudulently Certified States on Wednesday, the 23rd of December of 2020.

200,000 fake votes in Wisconsin should not be counted because they're fake. They must be taken off the final tally.

Covid News

For more info, please visit Banned Video

Vitamin D deficiency is one of the biggest pandemics which causes millions of billions of people to die.

Masks spread disease. Everything that touches your hands touches your masks.

I have a chained fence to keep out mosquitoes. It totally works. NO LIE!

Here's an idea! How about instead of giving everyone a measly $600, we just open the country back up and let everyone go back to WORK?

Oatmeal English

Learn English You Can Eat: Communication is Fundamental

Vitamin D deficiency is one of the biggest pandemics which causes millions of billions of people to die.

Oatmeal High Council

Telegram Chat | Phone App Version | Web Browser Version

Vitamin D deficiency is one of the biggest pandemics which causes millions of billions of people to die.

Oatmeal Health

You Are What You Eat: Natural Remedies

Mad cow disease arose when cows were eating other cows. A zombie disease is coming as people eat people via Covid Vaccines which contains a boy's DNA.

Taking a flu shot doubles your chances of getting the flu the next year.

Hospitals are empty and NOT packed, says doctors and nurses. Watch the videos.

Vitamin D deficiency is one of the biggest pandemics which causes millions of billions of people to die.

Chat with me on Facebook

Here are some of my Facebook posts, comments, etc

25 States vs 16 States

2020-12-21 - Monday - 01:29 PM - Facebook

America is 50 states. Minus the states in question Trump won 25, Biden won 16.

I have a chained fence to keep out mosquitoes. It totally works. NO LIE!


Chat with me on Twitter

Here are some of my Tweets on Twitter

I have a chained fence to keep out mosquitoes. It totally works. NO LIE!

Oh, speaking of McDonald's, have you seen what is inside a vaccine?

Law Prohibits Pence From Accepting Electoral Votes From Fraudulently Certified States on Wednesday, the 23rd of December of 2020.

Chat with me on YouTube

Here are some of comments, activity, etc, on YouTube


Watch While the Rest of Us Die Online

02:55 AM - Watch Series - Saw a few seconds of this series

From the Cold War to COVID, the secret history of the government's Doomsday plans. Based on the book by Garrett M. Graff, the six-part series exposes the U.S. government’s flawed plans to protect its citizens. The show unpacks America’s national security spending on hidden underground cities, a secret air force and a plan to suspend democracy in order to serve the interests.


Truther Talk

02:48 AM - Where are all the men at?

You had at me the puppet.

I never wear masks.

I hate masks. Men who don't are meow meow.


2020-12-21 - Monday - 03:00 AM - 04:19 AM - Pennyworth 101

Thomas Wayne was off trying to save his sister in England in the 1960s according to this series. Alfred was in the Vietnam war I think and then was trying to start some business. He became like at like a club or bar and then ended up fighting some men who were going to possibly harm or rape the sister. In the end, the drunk sister of Thomas punched Alfred in the nose and Thomas gave Alfred his card and said if he needed money for medical bills, call him. Alfred dates a woman. These guys kidnap her and want Thomas. "Bring us the Yank."

Yank as in Yankee.

Thomas was investigating crime and that was a job of his. The criminals wanted to get rid of him as he was hot on their trail. Raven society.

Answers In Genesis

12:33 PM - Conform to the World - Answers News: December 21, 2020

Science means knowledge or a path to knowing and testing and observing and proving and finding knowledge through tangible evidence.

Seattle is considering making it legal to steal as long as you're poor and plan to sell items. Wait, what?

General Shepherd

12:57 PM - AMERICAN JOURNAL (Full Show) Monday - 12/21/20 - Processing... (ETA: 3:25pm ET)

Clinton and Obama were getting police ready to take guns from Americans.

Mad cow disease arose when cows were eating other cows. A zombie disease is coming as people eat people via Covid Vaccines which contains a boy's DNA.


01:40 PM - David Knight on Being Fired

If there's audio delay, if you're using OBS to live stream video, you could try to offset the audio by a second or less to sync it with the video. Or the issue might be in the GPU.

David Knight seems to be saying Alex Jones has not spoke up enough against things Trump gets wrong. I believe Alex has been speaking up enough against Covid Vaccines, Lockdown, banning guns, banning free speech, etc.

Money is an issue in some ways and to some extent, I agree with Alex Jones in some ways that you sometimes have to cut shows, fire people, etc. Now, of course, we can argue on whether or not firing David Knight in order to save money, etc, was the best move. Perhaps, firing David for financial fortitude was probably not the best choice for Alex to make. If Alex fired David for financial reasons alone, I would say that would not be the best choice, probably. But Infowars does struggle with money. They face lawsuits. The store has too many sales, not a lot of profits. The shows, store, and websites cost a lot of money, millions of dollars. But David's show would probably only be a small percentage of that pie. David's show probably helped bring in money to David and removing that show probably hurts Infowars more than it helps Infowars save money. And American Journal which replaces that show could help in some ways but it is hard to say exactly.

I think David Knight is saying he didn't want to quit Infowars. If that is the case, then it may be that Alex Jones is either lying or is speaking from a delusional point of view. It's possible Alex perceived David to be unhappy.

But it's also possible what Alex was really observing was David being critical of Trump and also potential Steve Pieczenik BS. I'm on the same page as David in regards to giving out constructive criticism to Trump, Steve, etc. I don't want to believe Steve is trying to cause problems. But it's possible Steve was given disinfo, etc. Steve may be partly misguided, etc, to some extent. Steve may be inaccurate on the blockchain watermark ballots and sting theory and also on how dangerous or not dangerous the Covid virus or the more deadlier strains of Covid may or may not be. Steve did say Covid is not that deadly and that is true to the extent people have enough essential vitamins in their body. People have to be healthy to fight viruses. But at the same time, there are deadlier strands of Covid which is deadlier and some which are not very deadly at all. The ballot theory may be partly inaccurate. It's hard to say exactly what happened.

Alex Jones fired David Knight listing three excuses and not necessarily reasons for doing so, being money, David's health, and the Steve thing. Plus, two main allegations of David threatening to quit Infowars and in being unhappy working there. I really don't want to call Alex a complete liar in all of these details. I believe that both Alex and David are right regarding certain aspects of all these things as life is nuance. It's possible David had mixed feeling regarding whether or not he would ever leave.

Sadly, Alex may be exaggerating, he may be too inaccurate, and worse of all, Alex may be lying regarding some of the accusations, some of the details. I'll keep my eyes open. I believe Alex means well. But Alex probably should of had a board meeting with at least David and Owen Shroyer assuming they didn't to talk about whether or not they should cut David's show. It's possible they didn't have a discussion to debate everything. And to make matters worse, Alex's decision to replace David's show with American Journal is going to confuse people. I like the American Journal show. I understand what Alex said (his perspective on things, be them right or wrong) and what Alex did in replacing David's show with American Journal. I understand Alex is trying to save America and the world from globalism as an end result or goal.

But how Alex went about firing David, which Alex has the right to do, was probably not the best way of going about it. Alex probably should have treated David like a partner as opposed to just an employee assuming Alex didn't sit down to talk to David about all of this. I'm going to assume Alex didn't. But I do know Alex has been saying especially since 2018 that Infowars could possibly die before 2021. Alex has said many times he was going to crash the Infowars Titanic Ship into the Globalism Glacier at full speed. It is kind of like a suicide mission in some ways. Alex makes mistakes, is not perfect. Alex can struggle to do certain things, like firing people, in the best ways possible.

Alex probably should have given David the choice to stay or to not to stay assuming Alex didn't do that. They should have brain stormed options and possibilities. And also, on top of that, Alex could have at least suggested David get paid less money and that he would have to do the American Journal show. But it seems like Alex didn't offer those things to David is my speculation. If Alex is right that David really didn't want to work there, then Alex probably did a somewhat ok thing in firing David and even that is iffy in how Alex went about firing David.

@Eddie, if they use OBS, they should try to offset the audio by a second or less to sync it with the video. I hope they know how to do that.

The Resistance 1776


Vitamin D deficiency is one of the biggest pandemics which causes millions of billions of people to die.

Masks spread disease. Everything that touches your hands touches your masks.

Alex Jones did a great Fauci Comedy Skit.

Take your Covid Clone Vaccines and peel over and die.

Costco employees & customers told curious people to move along, ignore that man who forgot his mask, don't listen to what he's saying as he stands up for freedom, nothing to see here, move along folks.

New Symbol of Tyranny is the Mask

I have a chained fence to keep out mosquitoes. It totally works. NO LIE!

Here's an idea! How about instead of giving everyone a measly $600, we just open the country back up and let everyone go back to WORK?

Patriots are trying take the Oregon State Capitol. Police are going after them and not going after Antifa Terrorists. Watch the live stream.

Too many police are the enemies of America when they take their orders from China through Democratic Leaders.

The war between Communist Police and Patriots in Oregon which is happening today will be happening in the other states too very soon.


How did the Berlin Wall fall? Patriots came and did not leave and then more people came and stayed and stayed. It was Occupy Berlin Wall. No violence and they won.

Masks spread disease because what your hands touch gets onto your masks.

Check out Lauren Witzke

If corruption fixed itself, we'd still be under the crown as opposed being Americans.


09:07 PM - Luke Skywalker RETURNS | Hollywood BAILOUT - Nerdrotic at Night

Hard to say what Canon Luke would look 6 years after ROTJ

We get 600 Bucks, Yeah! Sarcasm Detected

600 Bucks and millions of dollars, in that bill, goes to foreign countries

People got to go back to work, that is better than $600

If people want more than $600, they must go back to work somehow

@TheFtm22, people have to go freelance, peer to peer, under the table.

@Metatron, but they are fighting at the capitol in Oregon today

@Joe Blow, Yes and Wednesday is a good day for Mike to save the day

Was George Lucas really hired by Disney?

@The Real Circle A, but corporations are SUPER UNIONS

I don't agree with royalties

I enjoy watching The Expanse and The Boys

@The Real Circle A, did the USA become a corporation in the year 1871?

@Santa Claus, did you enjoy the shot Fauci gave you?

@Santa Claus, No way, Fauci would never lie to me, he said he went all the way to you to save you.

Santa then said Fauci is not real.

@Santa Claus, wow, you blow my mind, that's the best present I could ever get for Christmas, a blow job.

DC Organic Act sounds interesting.

@The Real Circle A, maybe not, I think I'm thinking of a different act, I believe what I was referencing was called The Act of 1871. I don't think it had a fancy name. But I like what you're saying.

@The Real Circle A, the collusion between America and corporations has been gradual for a century and has been accelerating the past thirty years.

Privatize Roads

Streets Need Go Fund Me As Opposed to Taxes

We don't need Toll Bridges, just Fundraisers

Transparent Taxes are fine to the extent they publish how they spend your money, dollar by dollar, so we can see where each cent goes and when and why and how.

@RobbySuits, quick, don't tell anybody TERMINATOR TWO GONE WILD in England right now. Reminds me of The Walking Dead. We must work even when governors suggest otherwise.

Zombie Vaccine


The Resistance 1776


Hospitals are empty and NOT packed, says doctors and nurses. Watch the videos.

Watch Mojo

06:24 PM - Top 10 Most Powerful People in the World in 2020

11:20 AM - Around this time, got up with a dream, ate a banana, coffee, for breakfast, and then for work, chores, vacuum living room, moved couch and things by the front door. Vacuumed hallway and the head bedroom. Took out compost, recycling, garbage, chopped up an old black garden watering hose. Did some raking the raised garden and shovel burying the compost area. Now it's 12:23 PM.


11:20 AM - I was with Bill Bailey and like a five year old girl. I see Mandy the pet dog Bill and Janet had at space 39 in Rose Grove where we grew up in the 1990s in Oregon. I was trying to guess how old the dog was and was thinking either 25 or 26 years old. If the dog, he or she, was born in 1994 and it's currently 2020, she would be 26. I think the dog was female and died probably in the mid 2000s in real life. I had my estimation and the dog looked old. Bill was holding the girl. Maybe his daughter in this dream. The dog laying around and moved around a few times in this random house we were in. I don't know if it was North Plains farm house or something else. I don't think Bill was ever holding the dog here in the dream. He started counting and was thinking like 25 or 26, the same as I was thinking and yet he didn't really say a final number but was like counting up to 25 and was probably going to count up to 26 or 27. Not sure and the girl was listening and was curious about how old the dog was. The dog looked wounded and yet still alive. Was the dog an analogy of America who is on the verge of dying if we don't save her? 2 granola bars, Quaker Chewy Dipps Sloth-Tastic Vanilla Cream.

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