Being Human 101: Overcoming my Feelings of Pointlessness

in topics •  3 years ago 

Over the past almost 25 years, I have kept blogs in more venues than I can possibly remember or hope to count.


One of the things I learned about myself along the way is that I seldom stick to something consistently unless there's a specific point or theme or purpose involved.

What I mean by that is, I struggle unless I can look at something and say "the reason I am spending time and effort on THIS particular thing is ________" and then something meaningful — even if just to me — needs to fit in that blank.

Otherwise, the whole thing just ends up feeling like a rather pointless exercise, after a relatively short while! And no, "the rewards" does not stand alone. As an analogy, I am sure I could "make money" flipping burgers somewhere, but that doesn't mean I have ANY interest in doing so.


It's one of the reasons I did really well when Facebook (indirectly) became responsible for the proliferation of niche blogs.

The nice thing about niche blogs is that their scope tends to be very clearly defined, and I can work with that.

I realize this is probably not much of an issue for most people, in the sense that they only maintain a single social content venue. I've sometimes had as many as twenty, running (somewhat) concurrently.


Anyway, to get beyond rambling randomly, when I started on Steemit in January 2017, I did so because I was ready to have a "general social and psychological commentary" blog again. At the time, I felt a bit bored and "fenced in" by the relatively narrow scope of the niche blogs I was keeping up with. Stamp collecting, writing, beach combing, creativity, the enneagram, sensory-processing sensitivity...

Which returns me to the present moment of finding myself interested in being more active on Blurt, but at the same time feeling the need to strike out in a direction that's not one of my existing niche blogs, and not just a copy of Steemit/Hive.


So, I am just churning some of that over in my head... and for the moment actually using this Blurt blog as a bit of a "whiteboard" to sort my thoughts out.

No real idea where this will "land," but at least I've made it to a point where I'm interested enough to start working on it!

That's all, for now...

DO leave me a comment — engagement matters! Communities are built because people INTERACT with each other through the content that's created! So share your opinion, be part of the conversation! I do my best to answer all worthy comments!

Sequence: 047 — Timestamp: 2022.03.03 - 22:32 PST

All content and photos by the author unless otherwise specified — this is UNIQUE content, created expressly for this platform. NO CROSS-POSTING!

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