I am join for {{Topic of the Week #2}} This contest my subject is writing about our brave mother

in topicoftheweek •  2 years ago 

Always want to let everyone know that I am going to start with the illusion of a bond of sincere love and respect and sweet relationship. Today's topic is that the subject is a noble woman and it can be said that after nine long months of suffering, she waited for these nine months to see a precious object, a gold. Well, I'm going to share some things about my mother's pregnancy and how we neglect my mother, which will be a lesson to you and arguably a very important topic for every child to talk about today, so let's talk. Without further ado let's move on to the discussion

|let's some talk about Every mother sacrifices herself for her child |
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But the human race has come into the world since this coming, but as far as I know, all the people who have been born are from the mother's conception. And this mother is a great asset for us and for us, that is, for the mother's child, I cannot express in words how much our mother is precious to our family, but it is very difficult to know when a mother gives her all to save her child from any kind of big loss. We try but we end up misunderstanding that mother and throw her out of our homestead in old age but we never think about how much a mother sacrifices through which we have grown so much and are able to do so much. For our sacrifices and love and support in the family but playing the role of a father, mother's love is never less or more, mother is always my mother. I still look for discovery channel or the wild entertainment that the channel broadcasts is one of the most popular. When a fed lion attacks a cow or a buffalo, if it is young, it will see that its head i.e. its mother or the father of its family endangers its own life. Till they try to free their child from Singh's hand, just like our head and father both think more than what the family needs to do well for us i.e. for their child but they are very happy even if their child grows up and doesn't let them eat. If our child grows up one day he will stand on his own feet one day he will bring us fame one day we will walk with our head held high our child has done it then the level of pride of a person reaches its peak if a child does a good deed for his parents. That's why it can be said that there is no comparison between parents, they are like an angel.
. @fervi I would highly request you to read and verify each post carefully at least once.. please 🥺🙏

Infant care plan

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Where is there but father gune beta and magune beti i.e. it can be said in open language that the follower belonging to the father is made from the father's cell but the child is a boy child and a girl is made with the habits and qualities of the mother. But for a mother to stay and give her all for her child, a courage never diminishes because they have a child on their head, whether it is a boy or a girl. Time cannot be paid. It is not possible for us to know the price of this fee. To pay that price, the Creator has given a form of mothers who, even after centuries, spread their wings and embrace us before any obstacle is encountered, like a bird when its young. After the new born, they come into the world from eating to growing up and learning to fly, but the mother teaches them that many times the mother birds. go to see their children and go somewhere far away to find a new family but when the mother gives birth to her children she tries to nurture them as much as possible but she keeps her child until death no predators or any harm and big Mother keeps us safe from accidents. She can tell us when we will have an accident or if we are in any danger, she warns us in advance through a message. Why do mothers know that they are connected to the Creator that their child is going to be in any danger? Rituals can provide an opportunity to protect their child from that danger

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Some funny stories about my mother

I mention to you how patient our mother is in certain matters..
1: After we are born in the world we cry a lot i.e. we cry with a lot of noise because we do not have the power of speech we want to express or say what we want to cry our mother knows who understands the language but in this case it is seen that due to a lot of crying our mothers start headache Even then they don't leave us or leave us to do something else but try to stop us by giving us food in our mouth or toys in our hands or moving us around.
2: Any famine or any such natural calamity is actually our parents but they give us food without eating so that we will suffer by hiding the food plate from there i.e. from our parents we are given about 94% food so that we can survive. And can meet the need of food but they eat only 10% of the food, how much this mother cares for the child during the famine but we can see that at the end of the age, they torture the parents a lot, be it in anger or out of jealousy.

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|A story of a brave mother |
|-|“From conception to death, the trials and responsibilities of mothers do not end. Every mother's life is a struggle. A mother not only gives birth to a child, but also teaches the child to live. Do you know that mother is a very small word but it is very difficult to become a mother”.

My mother was not a famous person. And like the mother of ten middle-class families, she was also a very ordinary mother. Although in my eyes she was an extraordinary woman.

We were many sisters in a row. Generally, in the social context of Bangladesh, women have to be victimized from a young age. But the boys of the neighborhood were afraid of my mother and could not say anything bad about us, they could not even give us a bad look. My mother always talked to everyone with a smile. But when someone would stand for a long time in front of our balcony, my mother would go and ask him, why is he standing for so long? What's the problem? etc... etc. Thanks for announcement this contest for us @fervi .
But in the end it has to be said that even after a hundred hurdles, who keeps Mahmud even if we children kill even one person i.e. even if there is a crime report from us or even if it happens suddenly but the mother stands by us know my child can't do anything like that. They trust us and we don't know how to value their trust, so at the last age we used them and treated them with a most heinous crime so that they would have become a matter of great suffering and uncle. Child threw me out this is a very sad thing, I don't know if it happens in all your areas but in our village there are many houses where there are children who don't hesitate to kill our innocent mother in anger. I hate those children forever but in the end I want to tell you that never hurt your mother be it mother or father just that I am here mother's words In this you will not misunderstand that there is only love for mother and not for father because mother and father are the roof over our head. That is why it can be said that I do not neglect anyone and you also do not. Please always be happy with father and mother. Life after death will be very dry stay well stay healthy and thank you so much for creating such a beautiful contest..

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  


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