Jesus Christ! Austin Steinbart! Buddy Holly.

in tokillmockingbird •  2 years ago  (edited)

Well then…

Periscope up again.

Normie beast world is even more beastie than my last submersion.

Foot on the land and foot on the sea from here to the end.

Patient Endurance.

Nobody wants to hear about Buddy Holly’s story either. Ironic being early to the relevance of that story decades afterwards.

Been saying time and space time and space for a minute now.

I’ll get back to that. Not making the mistake of telling a story during the investigation this time. Hard to keep from feelings getting hurt doing that way. I’ve learned some things. As for Buddy Holly and annoying you with his name soon enough, I’ll leave it at this for now...

The day the music was assassinated should be the name of the song. Ask Bobby D. We see you too, Dion. Our fugitive’s name is…

Like the American churches and the supposed ‘Christian churches’ worldwide, false prophet operations are full of good and bad seeds. Like kneaded dough.

Teams still ain’t set yet.

I’ve spent much time on that love your enemy thing.

Don’t just look at this website. Send it to your grandma.

Then bookmark it and plan to spend some time with it.

The hacker tools alone are worth your energy and attention. The ‘Mind Control’ page is critical awareness.

I sent that page specifically to some of my most important people.


‘Q Intel Dot Pro’ when you’re telling your grandma.

If you had any familiarity with the Jerone Davison campaign website that his campaign manager @AustinSteinbart designed for him, you wouldn’t need the signature Phoenix to know this is Austin’s work.

Austin is still the coolest truther I’ve ever known.

He has always been a pro in my dealings with him.


So Austin Steinbart is back. Back again. Tell a friend.


You can drop both the ‘Q’ and the Phoenix logo from this website and be left with a valuable resource that you can share going forward with friends and family.

People call it ‘Steinbart Derangement Syndrome’ and it is real. A psy-op nugget rooted into the media intel ops designed to manage the narrative of Austin Steinbart. This has been obvious since Austin first hit the public scene and the likes of Jordan Sather and IET17 were trying to manage ‘AS’ comms.

Summer of 2020 was so sweet.

QAnon John and I still have to talk about that QBQ.

Flynn told the whole world the Q Movement was following him to the mens room recently.


I don’t believe in karma.

I haven’t decided yet about 2022 Karma.

The letter Q is becoming quickly relevant again and the Google results aren’t good.

Been saying a long time that the question has to be asked and if you’re still living in a world where HBO exposed Q then I don’t even want to help you on this.

Ron Watkins ain’t Q so I’m asking.


Who is speaking to who here?

The eye, the ewe and the wee?

Who is this Q that makes declarations about prophets?

The poster boy with the Q Anon T shirt from Jan 6th was sentenced! Always with the timing.


Jan 6 Committee recommendations inbound and they already got the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers.

Such a scary thing! Domestic Terror! International in scope!

FBI can’t figure out who made some posts on 8kun. They can hold people Gulag style and control who gets to say what on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube but they can’t even get one little question of identity answered?

Not time yet?

Better hurry, FBI… the way Elon Musk is coming at you it seems that demise I warned you of is imminent. The Capitol Police may be subbed in as your replacement heroes before the big takedown.


The Twitter Files!

Imagine what our friends will do with that data when Elon realizes he can open source dump the data Wikileaks style and save himself the curating and reporting work.

Which brings me back to Austin Steinbart.

Normies and Q cultists alike are flabbergasted at Elon Musk and his takeover of Twitter.

Mainstream media now has to wrangle a narrative with the richest man in the world owning the biggest microphone in the world.

Telling people to follow the white fucking rabbit.

You could say Elon Musk has taken many by storm!

Yet those who were following the messaging Austin Steinbart was ordered to give are all “it’s about time Elon showed up to the party!”

A story of Elon Musk and Q Anon, which is now undeniably brewing, undeniably will include Austin Steinbart.

Not my fault those who should have been following this story are playing catch up. I damn near begged some of you. You’re not there yet.

While it disgusts me to live in a world where so many who claim to live truth see Tucker Carlson as anything other than the limited hangout operative he is…


Here we are.

The CIA and JFK (duh) disclosure is inbound.

Michael Protzman and his hotel of hopefuls expecting the resurrection of JFK activating?

The Austin Steinbart story intersects here with multiple lacings of both Kennedy rumors and the solid work done by his faithful as he sat in Florence Federal Prison in 2020 on a JFK-CIA documentary.

There is a whole lot of reason for Mockingbird to be nervous. Elon Musk purchasing the crime scene that is Twitter for one.


Don’t sleep on the fact that Austin Steinbart has been telling the world that Elon has been part of the Q Anon Operation for close to three years now.

Space X as DIA front company... Neuro-link... the reply to Shelby Stryker’s tweet...

I’ll call it 'Q Anon' if I want, Sather. I don’t take orders from you or the people who post as Q.

I’ve seen what following orders does to a soul.

Do yourself a favor and check out Austin’s new website.

I’ve been wrong about some things.

The story of the Q Operation coming through the man that the DIA ordered to publicly identify as Q will not be one of them.

Beware of false prophets for sure.

Be aware, false prophets, for sure.

How can you blame a guy for trying to save his country?

Most Americans continue closing their eyes to its fall out of personal fear.

Wanna do something? I know a good man with a plan.


Maybe Elon isn’t ready to ask ‘Who is Q?’ yet.

I bet he would love the Buddy Holly story I was trying to work on.

Ed Sullivans everywhere.

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The Day the Music Died

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Portrait of Frank Bacon,
Blockchain Emperor and cryptographic novelist.
Fotor_AI (2).png
As interpreted by AI 🌭


Good to see you posting again Mike, it's been a minute... 🖖
