Hello @everyone We are excited to announce that 100 $TBREEZE tokens have been transferred to all the followers of @tipmeacoffee at other social media platforms like blurt.

As we announced a contest for following @tipmeacoffee at blurt and everyone who will complete the task will receive 100 $BREEZE tokens worth of $40, so here is a list of those who completed their tasks:
Details Sheet
We asked users to submit their bsc addresses to receive their rewards and those who submitted have finally received their rewards.
Check Here:
All the users who submitted their bsc addresses after completing the tasks have received their $40 worth of 100 $TBREEZE tokens. Check everyone and confirm if you have received or if you have been missed and let us know about this.
Add $TBREEZE to your wallet
In order to see your rewards in your wallet you have to add $TBREEZE token in your wallet using the BSC network.
Contract Address: 0x35f58e6573531657E056bBb6c53e81C95E64013F
So add and check your rewards. Boom Boom Tmac 🔥🥳🎈 Tmac is strong.
Guys tell your friends and family and join TipMeACoffee
A new contest is coming soon guys we are going to announce that shortly in a few hours, so stay tuned
Useful Links
Social Media Handles

All the pictures are the authority of the @tipmeacoffee otherwise stated
Looks awesome. I'll participate.
Please add my address
BSC Address