The Philosophy of Free Will in Time Travel Narratives

in timetravel •  10 months ago 

Time Travel Adventures: Choosing Your Own Path!

Let's talk about time travel! It's like when you can go back or forward in time, and it makes stories super duper interesting!


Free Will: Making Your Own Choices

Free will is when you get to decide what to do, and time travel stories often ask, "Can we really choose our own path, or is everything already decided?"


Time Machines: Zooming Through Time

Imagine having a super cool time machine! You press some buttons, and whoosh! Off you go to visit the dinosaurs or see the future! But do you get to choose what happens?


Parallel Universes: So Many Possibilities!

Some time travel stories say there are lots of universes, each with its own choices and adventures. It's like a giant choose-your-own-adventure book, but with universes!


Moral Dilemmas: Doing the Right Thing

When you time travel, sometimes you face big questions. Like, if you could change something in the past, should you? It's like being a superhero with tough choices!

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