What I wanted for the first time

in tikatarot •  last year 



Once upon a time, it comes this far
I want to see what life really is
There was a life that I used to call mine
And there I had my whole life in my hands...

I knew it was what I wanted so I chased it
But then it all changed without warning
Once upon a time, you promised yourself
That you will never pass any day unchanged m, with no regrets…

Staring at the weather, day by day
I can't turn my right days off
For how long I don't know the wrong days with off
All I know is that I've been fighting for peace…

And now it's time to make it right again and again
Staring at the sky for the first time
Can't turn away, any time I want to
For how long I don't know what to expect...

All I know is that I've been fighting for everything else
And now it's time to make it right!

What to expect
Fighting for your peace
Turn off the wrong days
You’ve promised yourself


Here is Tikatarot, who dares you to answer the question, “Who am I?”..

As and will always be reminding you to dream:

“As you are still the Master of your own destiny and the maker of your own dreams…”

tikatarot sign.png

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