Can Hive Be A Competitor To Social Media? here is what I think

in threespeak •  8 months ago 

~image from Pixabay

Can Hive compete with other social sites like Twitter, The short answer, is no. They won't as long as busybodies can report you simply because you're a small creator and Hive watchers come after you with no proof/investigation

Every moment Musk makes Twitter a train wreck is a chance for Hive to draw new users.
I wonder if Hive can be a good competitor to social media.

Hive will not even compete with YouTube with the way this system is
On YT people have videos demonetized for no good reason, YT doesn't tell you what mark
flagged their system, Tiktok removed videos for "harassment and bullying"
when you are not even bullying anyone

Adm removed rewards on a post from a 7-day period of mine, ran and I had to hunt them down for an answer.
when you can just tell me and leave me a link to talk to someone

Stop punishing frequent posts as farming, or stop assuming they are posting more to farm.
I need to keep people updated on my progress. i was having issues that caused me to
delay a video. I also boost content outside of Hive. I post on tiktok sometimes several times a week.
Also, get a block button. There is no protection against bullying. I have faced bullying on these
sites simply because these sites are my means of work. I couldn't block the person. Muting does
nothing. Not just bullying, blocking spam accounts, bot accounts, etc

Nonetheless, properly communicate with the user instead of just assuming their intentions.

Please take this is honest feedback. If these things can happen to me, imagine how many innocent small creators this could happen to if they joined or even a veteran user. It takes
to grow on these sites. EVERYONE of you who are big started small, Don't run people off the
platform for these rookie mistakes.

Summing up the changes I feel could help, to have people vote on this
a better system to catch vote farming
a block button or even improve the mute button
up the GB limit for Threespeak. with this limit I can't upload longer videos, maybe add an
option where people can embed a YT video or a video from Daily Motion etc
better communication to users if you see something amiss

Every moment Musk makes Twitter a train wreck is a chance for Hive to draw new users.
I wonder if Hive can be a good competitor to social media.

Hive will not even compete with YouTube with the way this system is
On YT people have videos demonetized for no good reason, YT doesn't tell you what mark
flagged their system, Tiktok removed videos for "harassment and bullying"
when you are not even bullying anyone

Adm removed rewards on post from a 7day period of mine, ran and I had to hunt them down for an answer.
when you can just tell me and leave me a link to talk to someone

Stop punishing frequent posts as farming, or stop assuming they are post more to farm.
I need to keep people updated on my progress. i was having issues they caused me to
delay a video. I also boost content outside of Hive. I post on tiktok sometimes several times a week.
Also get a block button. There is no protection against bullying. I have faced bullying on these
sites simply because these sites are my means of work. I couldn't block the person. Muting does
nothing. Not just bullying, blocking spam accounts, bot accounts etc

None the less, properly communicate with the user instead of just assuming their intentions.

Please take this is honest feedback. If these things can happen to me, imagine how many innocent small creators this could happen to if they joined or evem a veteran user. It takes
to grow on these sites. EVERYONE of you who are big started small, Don't run people off the
plaform for these rookie mistakes.

Summing up the changes I feel could help, have people vote on this
a better system to catch vote farming
a block button or even improve the mute button
up the GB limit for threespeak. with this limit I can't upload longer videos, maybe add an
option where people can embed a YT video or a video from Daily Motion etc
better communication to users if you see something amiss

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I left Hive because of downvotes. Their system with downvotes makes no sense at all. It's like a company saying to investors: you can buy our shares but if we don't like you, you won't get any dividends

On Blurt you can do whatever you want with your tokens. Even upvote your posts 10 times a day.

Posted from

  ·  8 months ago  ·  

down voting post that they consider spam/farming but they don't have any action if the one who does it is a whale...OCD curation team are doing it by them selves if you are not part of the circle no matter what and how good your content is they don't curate...and they dont support you because you are in blurt it not the very reason of decentralization? Freedom any one?

That reminds me. Been on blurt since 2021. Zero bull shit. No one attempting to ruin my support means unlike Hive and Steemit.

  ·  8 months ago  ·  


hive-Engine is useful

The rest is a farce 🥓