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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Isn't that precisely what the richest people (not all Americans) don't want?!
The finger of blame.
Best have a corrupt democracy and the people believing they have a choice.
Blame the puppet, ignore the strings.
And don't stop the football games!


That is why Graphene / Cosmos dpos systems are freaking genius.

Accountability baked in at a very low level.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Once again you can see how little the critics really have a clue about politics.

First political lesson

If something goes wrong in American politics, the fault lies with the Germans. If it wasn't the Germans, it must have been the Chinese. If it wasn't the Chinese or the Germans, it was surely God's will and the devils sin..

Guilt is nothing that can ever be found out about an American president. Of course, even if his trainee sucks something tiny under his desk, it's the woman's fault. How could the good, believing man know that the devil was lurking under the desk?

you remind the Situation in India. if anything goes wrong here it is because Congress ( a political party in India) was in power for 60 years.
If they can't blame Congress they play politics of religion if that doesn't work they pick the things from the past that were done by other parties.

Thing is that the party in power should be questioned now and what have they done to the country should be seen.

But No....!!!!!!!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I think somehow they already do whether directly or indirectly! Crony capitalism is ruling everywhere.

You can blame the rich for all the misery in the world today but you can't make them accountable :thinking_face:

I think you can make the rich accountable--- just take away their favorite toy:


  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I hope this election will be good and make people happy all over the world. As the chair of USA president is very important for world. This chair can affect all over the world in every section.....

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I hope this election will run smoothly and fairly without cheating and hope everything will be fine.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

That is something we can hope but is unlikely.

I kinda do hope a bit that the USA collapses.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

People all over the world are anxiously awaiting the outcome of the US presidential election.

maybe yes , but i think the elections should be held using ballet box chit method. As there the chances of manipulations of vote will simply not be easy.

So who do you think will win the election this time...?

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Well the shirt thing is this maybe the first election in many many years I fear no one will really win.

If I was America I would call a no vote due to no confidence in either party.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

It is a crazy election season, that is for sure. Whoever wins, we keep on going.