How to Start the Day With a Positive Affirmation

in thinking •  4 years ago 

Many people find that they are more productive and happy when they start the day with a positive affirmation. These statements tend to be short, sincere, and easy for the subconscious mind to understand and accept. Positive affirmations are very powerful tools when used properly. When you start the day positively each day, you will notice yourself starting the day in a much more positive way. When you want to start the day positively, here are some simple techniques to try.


  • Start the day positively with a positive affirmation. One of the easiest ways to start the day positively is to repeat a favorite positive affirmation. You can find many affirmations online or in books written about the topic. They are a great way to begin the day and keep yourself on track as you work toward being successful in whatever area you choose.

  • Start your day positively by reading something that makes you smile. If you don't already love to read, then finding something enjoyable to read is an easy way to start the day right. Reading uplifting material can give you an energy boost and help you deal with the stress of the day. Whether it's fiction, poetry, song, or article, any positive material can help you get through your day with more enthusiasm than you usually experience.

Give yourself a treat each morning. What would your start of the day be without a cup of coffee, a piece of fruit, or a slice of chocolate? If you give yourself this treat every morning, your positive affirmations will become stronger. This is just one more way that you can "reprogram" your mind to think positively.

Start your day positively with meditation. Meditation is a wonderful way to quiet the mind and focus on things that are important in your life. It helps you de-stress and gives you a chance to look at your life from a different perspective. When you meditate, you focus on the present moment and take time to listen to your body - what it feels like, what it sounds like, and what it smells like. By doing so, you begin to develop a positive affirmation machine that can work wonders for your life.

  • The end of the day can be a good time to end your day positively. Even though you know that your job or daily chores need to be completed, sometimes you just need a little relaxation. One way to end positively and still feel good is to repeat a positive affirmation. For example, if you were asked 'what's on your mind?" and you answered, "nothing," you could say, "Honey, I've had nothing on my mind." This is a great affirmation that will make you feel relaxed.

  • You don't always have to be reading a book to start your day positively. Some people sit down at the computer and work for hours. If this is the case, be sure that you have a cup of tea, a cool glass of milk, and some snacks on hand. Instead of working on your negative affirmations, work on replacing them with something positive - such as a warm bath, a delicious dessert, or a long, hot shower.

  • Another way to start the day positively is to think about the good things that happen to you in the day. This helps you to stay motivated and focused. Instead of thinking about the negative things that happen, think about the good things that happen to you. When you constantly remind yourself of these positive events, your mind begins to shift into believing these possibilities. When you want to start the day positively, it's best to repeat affirmations over again.

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