RE: The Zapata Project

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The Zapata Project

in think •  5 years ago 

Interesting idea and would very much like to follow how it grows.
So would a condenser front end be in place where content is posted and there is interactive communication or that would not be part of things?

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  ·  5 years ago  ·   (edited)

The Zapata Project will be run exclusively on Blurt, for now, and once we launch a Zapata flavored Blurt fork/airdrop we will likely experiment with our own front end, if we are able to find the right dev partners, etc.

I've always wanted to make a private front end; like an exclusive club, where everyone inside gets huge upvotes for bringing the project to the broader crypto industry in a very aggressive and strategic way. Note: I would assume a 'community' Zapata Condenser clone would be launched by someone. My plan with Zapata is to support a web wallet, block explorer, and private interface.

Perhaps separate from the above, and further out in scope, is another idea for a mobile-first, Instagram-like (again exclusive - private invite only) hybrid blockchain/traditional app where the Nigerian students compete with each other for new 'scholarship' slots which roll out for Fall and Spring semesters.

Then expand the program one University at a time until we have market saturation on par with Instagram in one specific market. Nigeria has 33 million kids under 20 y/o.

Where we can find information about Zapata Project?

  ·  5 years ago  ·  

Zapata was supposed to launch as such last week but it was delayed until further notice and we may revisit the economics at some point.