There are some social customs in the village which are observed by all together.

in there •  2 years ago 

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helly my all dear .The social and economic cultures of rural life are completely different from the urban cultures. The people of the village inquire about each other In the north. The social bonds of rural life are very strong. Kinship. As well as maintaining social relations as neighbors. The same culture comes to the fore in the perils of others. There are some social customs in the village which are observed by all together. In the case of rural economy, agriculture is considered as worship. Own small business occupations are seen more. Everyone works in the field together. And all the children of the village play sports and perform various rituals together. In this way, friendship has been formed between them since childhood. So their social bonds are very strong. Task 5: Compare the festival and binaadan culture in rural and urban areas. Work No. 2 on page 23 of Chumte Haomang textbook] Ethnic Answer: There are many differences between the festival and binaadan culture in rural and urban areas. Below are some of the differences between the culture of rural and urban pleasures and pleasures. Pahela Baishakh and Pahela Falgun goes to Pahela Baishakh and Pahela in the city. It is generally celebrated in the village. Falgun is celebrated with pomp and circumstance

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