How I spent the whole day today.

in thediarygame •  8 months ago 

Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim.
Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah.
Hello friends how are you all? I hope you are very well by the grace of the creator, I am also very well by the grace of the creator and your prayers and love, I am healthy. Today I will share my daily activities with you inshallah. And I will share with you today some of my photographs that I took after showering at noon.



Before today's Fajr prayer i.e. when the clock struck five in the morning, I woke up and Fajr prayer is at 5:30 in our mosque, so I woke up 30 minutes earlier and performed ablution. After that, I went to the mosque for prayer, recited two rakat sunnah and performed two rakat farz behind Imam Sahib. After finishing the prayer, Surah Yasin was recited. I came to the room and after coming I recited Surah Yasin. There was enough sleep in my eyes, I didn't know what to do, the exam starts tomorrow, so I can't sleep, I have to study.


Whenever I started to read, I felt sleepy, then I went out and came back with tears, then I started reading again. I studied continuously till half past seven then breakfast was served, this morning they gave me rice and vegetables. The vegetables were not very good so I bought vegetables from the hotel and brought them. I slept from 7:30 to 9:00, woke up at 9:00, had dinner and went to class again because tomorrow is the exam, so I have to work hard to prepare for the exam.


After that, I started studying systematically till twelve o'clock. I finished reading many books till twelve o'clock. Then when twelve o'clock rang, I was not in the right mood to read, so I took a break for some time and took the phone in my hand and called for some time. And I was supposed to take bath before noon but today without taking bath before noon I went to mosque after performing ablution and performed Zohr prayer and prepared lunch then finished lunch. This is how I spent today.


As of today, I am concluding my short speech here wishing everyone good health and good health.

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