Thank you all. Feeling much better.

in thank •  2 years ago 


Having had food poisoning many times in Asia.

I knew this was much worse and more severe, and a local homeopath who used to be a doctor and is still registered as one, well she confirmed it as arsenic poisoning.

I have no idea how I came into contact with such substance and can only speculate.
The conspiracy theorist in me would speculate our well may have been poisoned as we have refused to sell the farm to people including the local council. I am sending a sample to the lab to find out.
The more rationale in me thinks it might be in pesticides other farmers use when they have their hazmat suits on spraying, who knows not I.

I have never felt so close to the end although glad it was me and not my daughter.
I am back to normal almost and want to say a special thank you to @clixmoney who emailed me to say he would help my wife with my crypto portfolio & @lucylin for the same reason.

I would like to thank everyone for the get well soon messages and admit it really did help when I was at my lowest ebb.

With this in mind I am going to have to educate my wife re crypto and exchanges etc so as to not worry about what I leave behind being lost, even if I have to write it down step by step and leave the info in a drawer.
It is not until I was so unwell and bed-bound that I realised how many bank accounts I had online needing codes to access that she would not be able to access and the crypto that she would have no idea how to use that - it hit me.

A copy of all will also be sent to my solicitor, just in case.

Just a short one as I really need to go and cut some grass that in only a week seems to have grown into a jungle, just happy I can.

Again, thank you all you wonderful people, you really did make a big difference and gave me hope.


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

So glad you're feeling better now. I've been waiting for a blurt post to make sure you're all good.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you kindly, all good now, thank you for caring, have a super sunshine filled day. 🌤️

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Upvoted! I want to thank you for being an exemplary member of the community, one who does not use bidbots. There is a high probability that this bot will stop working soon. Visit the #decentralization-day tag and find out what is going on at Blurt and why the price of BLURT is going down. Write your own post on this topic

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Cheers @ctime, I was reading the posts yesterday and will add my thoughts in a post later today, I have no idea how bidbots work on here, and no interest in knowing, if people like what I write it is better for me than earning what I do not deserve.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm glad you're doing well now. Educating your wife is needed for sure. That's why I'm bringing my wife here and my child will be here as well when he grows up. I'll teach her and him everything I know. Because I'm still the older one among them. So, in case anything happen, they will always be able to use that money. Glad you have so close friends who can help you in such manner. That's why also I created @blurtcast, that to connect people. Because anything can happen to blockchain, just like we saw what happened before, but relations between people will always stay !

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

"but relations between people will always stay !"

Made some great online friends via steemit, hive and here, some superb souls that are open minded, the internet can be toxic, fun or for sharing knowledge, making great friends along the way is a massive added bonus.
Facebook is so closed minded it is not worthy of a mention in the sentence above.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You can't imagine how worthless is facebook especially for non-native speakers who want to just talk to native speakers who may help them to improve their English. Before steem was created, I was like crazy looking for someone from US or UK to talk with. I mean in facebook and other centralized social media. You know what, people there are so ignorant. So, close only to their friends and community, not open to the world at all. In Russia for example and even in other countries, native speakers are paid three times or even four times better than non native even if they know English much better than a native speaker. Because I've heard about native speakers who are not that good in teaching. But it's a fact. I remember one guy who's not even native speaker, he made a lot of money in Pakistan teaching English, just because he claimed that he's a native speaker. lol

Anyway, I would like to say, that it's almost impossible to make friends in centralized social media. I mean native English speakers friends. But in steem/hive/blurt, and in fact all decentralized social media I know, it's so possible to do that, and you can't imagine how many native English speakers friends I made when I joined. It's the total opposite of centralized shit. It's one of the reasons why I'm so active here. While centralized world monetized even relations, and there are even services providing friends for a certain period of time. Here we can do all that for free and even more. ☺

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Facebook I liken to selfie central, it is all about people pretending they have the perfect life, perfect wife, perfect children, and the moronic on there tell everyone when they are going on holiday and are surprised to return to a house that has been robbed.
Why anyone would want to put their real name, phone number, friends, family and their every move online? With their photo too, it defies logic, and it is just that, selfie central, the site that spawned selfies and self indulgence, look at me culture, with no stories, no blogs, no ideas, no sharing thoughts, just "look at me" at it's worst.

Really glad you're on the road to recovery mate - onward's and upwards for you. I'm working away at the moment - so just checking in. Back next week - have a great weekend brother.! :)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Cheers brother, working away can be real good fun, hope it is for you, catch you when you get back home, thanks again.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Glad you feelin' better darling, I knew we didnt need all that effort digging your grave. . .
You are a tough cookie 💪🏻

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

So tough even supermarkets will not sell me, a dentist would though, good for business 😂

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Good to hear you are recovering.

Here on the other side of the world there are so many people sick this week its unbelievable ...including some people who do not believe the narrative or get the jabs

I think they are poisoning everyone with the chemtrails, and also in the water supplies

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I rarely get ill so this shocked me tbh, only managed to sleep last night, first time in almost a week, never known it so that as soon as I dropped off I would have a bad dream and wake up a minute later for days on end. Pretty trippy in a bad way, delirious and all, strange feeling indeed.
What weather you got over there? As bad as Aus?
Cheers brother.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Yeah its been pissing down for a week straight, and they are spraying chemtrails at night

There has been 11000 lightning strikes in one week

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

For the first time here we had a massive storm with huge hail stones in the middle of summer last week, it was that bad trees were ripped from the ground, got to go and asses the damage at the farm today, expecting the worst tbh, could not even get out of bed to go and check, will let you know later if we have been let off lightly. It was 25c when the storm hit, went down to 5c with 100 mph plus winds.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

They seemto be throwing everything they have at us now, all around the world

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Indeed, wait for the mass food shortages, fuel you cannot afford, money devaluing by the day via hyperinflation & the hunger games. Then "hey, we can help with UBI if you hand over the keys to your home you can no longer afford to pay the mortgage on".

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

20 years ago a doctor told me id be dead within a year...i told him to fuck off...i also did pretty much the opposite of what he said...

If 90% of the population want to suck George Soros microdick, so be it, but we are not all cult members.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

True that brother. CBD oil is ace, 30%.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That hail the other day would obliterate that brolly, and the wind would have ripped it apart too.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Woohoo he's alive and feeling much better 👍😃

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Fighting fit and up and at it brother, I live to fight another day, cheers.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank goodness you’re alright and feeling better, Stay safe and take care.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you, you too.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

good to see you back on track after bad guys trie to sent you to heaven ;)
Regarding to the whole surrounding of our crypto-universe most of us have its a very good choice to write it down and hand it out to wife and daughter you never know what happens tomorrow. I never was surprised by the number of passwords, keys and more, because I´ve done it like all my things in business as a manager you always need to have such essential things at hand for a upcoming hand over to the Girl/Guy who will follow in your steps after resigning or leaving for other reasons or may it be for an accident, we only had this one time but that was our wakeup call I always was very carefull with tose things so kept lists of all, but it became a weekly habit to save this data extern and write down todos for the worst case ;)

So write your raodbook for your girls, don´t wait !

And again good to read signs of the warrior in you again here 😉

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I got the grass cut too, used to think it a burden, thought it a pleasure today, how easy it is to realise how lucky we are to do even the most mundane things hey. 😜


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Good to hear ,.. have a healthy laugh ,.. ;-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Nice 1 buddy.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm so happy you are recovering so well. Well done!

Question: what remedies, more specifically, did the homeopath prescribe? I'm thinking we would all do well to keep these things on hand, and know how to use them, given the current "climate" of poison everywhere.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The main thing that seemed to cure the vomiting was CBD oil 30% I used 10ml over 3 days or maybe 4 days. Just a drop every hour or so straight onto my tongue.
Then linseed oil mixed with herbs (the large bottle, and the other bottle is herb oil but I know not what, 1 level teaspoon 50/50% of each every 2 hours.
Also various mixed herbs that I have consumed so no idea which now.


So glad you are okay. Yeah, prop a good time to take care of financial business while your thinking about it. Stay healthy :)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You too, have a superb day.

OMG that's awful. If you've been poisoned I would go to the police if only to get it registered. Get your well tested too.
Re the codes and passwords, I have all mine written down in an address book but don't have much crypto to worry about, especially now!!
Do hope you are fully recovered now my friend.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

All good here, the police are as much use here as a damp toilet tissue, they just tax by roadside stops, glorified tax collectors, cheers t/gal.

Yeh I know they're useless, dunno why I said that really. If they're spraying arsenic on fields tho it could obviously run down onto the water table and could get into your well water that way. This is why it's so important to stop using chemical fertilizers and pesticides for all our sakes. Could you have a word with the farmers?

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I will, with a fucking shotgun if needed!

Find out what they're spraying before you shoot em lol

Posted from