Image uploading should work on now

in test •  4 years ago  (edited)

While @jacobgadikian is working on ipfs things for images on, I created an image hoster on my server, so users can at least upload images and see at all the different avatars on :D


Code changes can see here:

Feel free to report any issue.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

It worked ....

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Good it's coming up on now but @yehey's website still isn't uploading any image

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

In progress...

looks nice , it has successfully tested right...?

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

ohk , then will be fixed soon as well i guess. anyways thanks to you , this image thing was bothering so much.
thank you

  ·  4 years ago  · might take a while to fix since @jacobgadikian is working on ipfs things.
I just setup an image hoster on my server, so people can at lease post images for now on

ohk , i saw his post about that. anyways thanks to you and @jacobgadikian.
and yes we don't have to use steemit thing anymore on atleast.

Now i understand the "blurtthings" better.
So Jacob is like the machinist who works on the engine and you on the bodywork with the frontend!
Do you know who manages the frontend
Greetz from South America.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

It should be @franky1 for

Thank you!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Jacob is the founder of blurt, he works mostly on blockchain side. I’m the first community witness on blurt. When I first started, there is no wallet and the front end is buggy, so I helped to setup the wallet and improved the condenser.
Franky1 is the one manages the

Thanks for the info and go ahead with your good work!

Oh - i forgot another question.
I saw it is posible to creat a new blurt account with your tool.
If i do this - is it only a blurt chain account or do i have these account at all other chains and condensers or games like steemmonsters and so on?
Saludos from South America.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

only blurt chain account

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Great... Works now

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

You should use the blurtopian tag :)

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

It was just test post, so don’t bother to add the tag

Thanks for the quick response and update my friend 😊. How are you doing today?

  ·  4 years ago  ·  


  ·  4 years ago  ·  


  ·  4 years ago  ·  

test emoji :+1:

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Off Topic.
Hi @ericet,
It's not so important, but in terms of consistent simplicity in the operation of the front end, it would be advantageous to have all the settings made in one place. Currently we have the settings in two different places (user menu and wallet), which causes confusion for many users, especially the inexperienced. Thank's for reading.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Yah, I understand that. The issue with the current profile is, it needs active key to update. So for right now, it's better to keep the profile in the wallet since most of the operations there require active key.
I'm modifying the underlying blurtjs code, so updating the profile only needs a posting key. Not sure if that needs a hard fork to do it.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thanks for the explanation. I'm pretty sure the job will be done once. I should write more propaganda about WhaleVaults. Then at some point the keys are no longer a big deal, even for beginners.

The images on are not working yet. I hope Jacob will be able to work out with IPFS.