We should do what we really want to do

in technology •  2 years ago  (edited)

Communication system is the main thing for some many big/ small company’s or institutions. Let me tell a story : there was a dairy farm in a village in our country. From that farm daily they served a lot of milk with some trucks. In that way they thought it will make so much profit for them. The next day they realize that with this plan they cannot make profit and had to go in lose, because the roads are so bad to transport something. The trucks that contain all of the milk of that farm didn’t reach the destination in time and the milk was not useable, they threw it to a river. So the owner changes the way to transport to make some profit.

Before starting something to make the career anyone should know every single thing that can make problem in anyways and in anytime. Nowadays we cannot see any new ideas around us. People always want to make money with other’s idea. And in village people thinks they needs to work in the fields. I am not saying it’s bad. But no one talk about changes or no one making new ideas. There are very few people that are self-dependable. No one can success without loos, without pain, without hard work. So we should take own risk and try to do that we really want to do in life. If you fail then try harder next time, best of luck.

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