Positive and Nagitive effects of Technology

in technology •  2 years ago 

Hello Blurt community!

Hope you are all fine and I am also well. God bless you to all...

Today I am sharing a tutorial related to the Positive and Negative effects of technology. Here we discuss what is technology? Effect of technology benefits of technology? And answer more questions related to technology.

So let's start...

First of all, I am telling you about the effect of technology:


Social media and mobile devices can cause psychological and physical problems. Such as eye strain and difficulty concentrating on important tasks. They can also contribute to more serious situations. For example, overuse of depression technology can contribute to the development of children and adolescents.

Positive Impact of Technology:


Technology has improved communications, transportation, education and learning, healthcare, and many other infrastructure business areas. Technology has revolutionized the world and now everything is based on technology. Man is reaping many benefits from technology. Technology has made many of our tasks easier. Thanks to technology, the man stepped on the moon. Technology made the world faster. But just as there are advantages to technology, there are also many disadvantages of technology that can lead to many diseases. Below we will mention the problems diseases make from technology.

Top 5 Negative effects of technology:


Relationships and social skills issue.
Health issues.
Browsing online can be dangerous.
Excessive use of mobile devices reduces sleep quality.
Eye sight week issue.

Technology effect in future:


New digital technologies are spreading more and more in the economy. These digital technologies enable machinery to work faster than humans could have done before. Production processes and organizations are changing, new product groups and business models are emerging. As technology has created many revolutions in this era and in the coming era technology will give even better and easier opportunities to humans in the future.


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