Designing Differently: Unleashing Creativity with Reverse Brainstorming Techniques.

in techniques •  6 months ago 


Within the conventional techniques of design thinking methodologies, the reverse brainstorming method represents a dramatic innovation. Reversing the brainstorming process is all that separates this professional creating problem reversal technique from brainstorming, which is often referred to as negative brainstorming. In the event that the brainstorming process falls short of the criteria, you might generate unique and unconventional ideas using the reverse brainstorming method. To produce designs professionally, use the five steps of the reverse brainstorming approach. Below is a list of them:

This problem reversal strategy for professional designing allows you to begin by comprehending the fundamentals of the design in the first stage. You must comprehend the potential of your design as well as the importance it has for both your customer and your target audience. In line with it, your design brief will be conceptualized and generated. Let's take an example where you are working on a website design project and your client wishes to increase website traffic. In this situation, you should comprehend the idea behind the website and the services it offers visitors first. You won't be able to generate ideas for the subsequent steps to professionally produce designs until then.

Introducing you to the ideation phase for your project is the second step in our problem reversal technique for professional creating. It is anticipated that you will be working on your design's concepts during an ideation process. This is not, however, a standard application of design thinking. Focusing on the project's opposing direction is more important than brainstorming ideas. Now let us revisit the example from earlier. As a team, you should talk about the factors that can make consumers leave the website rather than trying to figure out how to get more activity and results on it.

Step 3: Gathering Concepts Gathering ideas from the conversation in step two is the third phase in the reverse brainstorming approach. The important thing to remember in this situation is that you cannot allow criticism of any proposal to occur. Every suggestion ought to be accepted. It is not appropriate to vote out even the most absurd or outrageous ideas. Make a note of all of them and write them down so that you can work on producing professional-quality designs in the next steps.

STEP FOUR.REVERSE THE IDEAS: Reversing the concepts that you identified in the previous phase is the fourth stage in the problem reversal technique for expert designers. First, all of your suggestions are thoroughly discussed. Making sure that the thoughts in this are focused on the exact opposite of what your client needs is your main responsibility. Next, in order to identify the finest concepts for your design, you should reverse all of the ideas you listed. Using the aforementioned scenario, let us clarify.

Let's imagine that selecting a typeface that is challenging to read was one of your list ideas. This would result in a significant number of current website visitors leaving. Following the reversal, you could modify the concept to include selecting a website typeface that is easy to read. This concept will now satisfy your client's needs.

Step 5: ASSESS.
This problem reversal strategy for professional designing culminates in the fifth and final step, which is the accumulation of the assessment of all your reversed concepts. Now is the time for you and your group to talk about how feasible the ideas on the list are. Evaluate each concept in light of your client's needs, then select one that you believe has the best potential to become your design.

These are all the processes involved in using the reverse brainstorming method to develop professional designs. We also have a blog post called "Brainstorming Method for Professional Designing-Level up the Ideation phase" that discusses its equivalent.

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