La persona mas rica del mundo (ESP-ENG)

in team-mexico •  3 years ago 


La persona mas rica

La persona mas rica del mundo no es aquella que lo tiene todo, sino aquella que encuentra la felicidad siendo útil a otros, aquella que sabe encontrar la sincera sonrisa de un niño desamparado.

Sin mi padre que nos ayudara la situación se puso muy difícil para la familia, ya de por si era un problema encontrar trabajo, pero además cargar con tres niños a todas partes complicaba mas las cosas, mi madre era buena cocinera, sabía poner inyecciones, sabía coser ropa y lavarla. Se la pasaba trabajando todo el día, un poco en aquello y un poco en lo otro mientras le permitieran tenernos con ella.

Una mañana consiguió trabajo en un restaurante y la encargada al darse cuenta que tenía niños pequeños se negó a aceptarla, mi madre salió muy triste de ahí pero la encargada del restaurante de enfrente se dio cuenta y decidió darle trabajo. Recuerdo que nos encerraban en un cuarto pequeño que daba al patio, pero nos prohibieron salir ahí. Un día la hija de quince años de la encargada nos sacó al patio y se puso a jugar con nosotros, cuando la encargada la vio le llamó la atención, pero ella le dijo que cuidarnos no era problema para ella, que era hasta divertido y que no era justo que estuviéramos todo el día encerrados. Su madre ya no le dijo nada, solo la abrazó y le besó la frente, pues sabía que tenía una buena hija y que su única intención era ayudar.

Richest people

The richest person in the world is not the one who has everything, but the one who finds happiness by being useful to others, the one who knows how to find the sincere smile of a helpless child.

Without my father to help us, the situation became very difficult for the family, it was already a problem to find work, but also carrying three children everywhere made things more complicated, my mother was a good cook, she knew how to give injections, he knew how to sew clothes and wash them. She spent her time working all day, a little on that and a little on that as long as they allowed her to have us with her.

One morning she got a job in a restaurant, but the manager, realizing that she had small children, refused to accept her. My mother left there very sad, but the manager of the restaurant across the street noticed and she decided to give her a job. I remember that they locked us in a small room that overlooked the patio, but they forbade us to go out there. One day the manager's fifteen-year-old daughter took us out to the yard and started to play with us, when the manager saw her she caught her attention, but the girl told her that taking care of us was not a problem for her, that it was even fun and that It wasn't fair that we were locked up all day. Her mother no longer said anything to her, she just hugged her and kissed her forehead, because she knew that she had a good daughter and that her only intention was to help us.


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