stuck in covid theater

in teaching •  3 years ago 


I live in the twilight zone. While many frolic in the new normal or are entranced by the Russia vs Ukraine drama, I’m still sitting at the Covid show.

K: “We won’t be safe until every child gets the covid vax.”

JNET: “There’s effective medicines and therapies available for people who like to manage their health differently. It depends on where you live.”

K: “All kids will be vaccinated soon. It’s a school requirement. It will be included in the their schedule of vaccines like the rest.”

After TWO YEARS of a pandemic that did not decimate the population as expected, people still fear that either young children are in danger OR they, the kiddos are a threat to their mortality. I didn’t have the energy to mention the experimental gene therapy status of the médicine, the spicy truth of 30+ pages of adverse reactions in taking the not so safe and oversold answer to the pandemic. And that there’s memes of Fauci MIA. Where’s Fauci?!?!


This past week, I experienced my FIRST first piano lesson fail. A mother and I were enthusiastic to start her three year old but we couldn’t get him to sit still and be engaged. Where did my teaching mojo go? I thought I had magic powers making my students super-learners-fun-time-adventurers. This week for the first time EVER, I had to end a first piano lesson early. The child left his mother to me and went on a screeching fit to test the acoustics of the studio knowing he was the only child in the building.

It’s the mask barrier. There is more power to a smile than we give credit. Connection, assurance, validation. Words are nice but it’s encoded in us to read a smile for genuineness. The mother hadn’t thought that my mask might be a barrier. He’s fine in a group setting where everyone is masked up and he follows the crowd.

K: “Just smile bigger with your eyes. Learn to live with masks especially if you work with unvaccinated children. There’s too many parents not vaxxing their kids.”

How many people even make good eye contact? Do we even SEE people with their masks on? I wager that you would not recognize them without their mask on.

Try dating a person that you’ve not seen their smile and don’t know what they really look like. Tell me how exciting that would be. Would their smiling eyes be enough to forge on?

The grown ups may be voicing some Covid fatigue finally. Every single child I know has voiced that the pandemic and masks are BS for a long while. The grown ups not as much. I’m reminded of the story of “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” Kids don’t watch the news; they watch the grown ups. And then they share their grievances with me in hopes that one grown up can help reason and rally on their behalf. Here’s a refresher, in case it’s been a while. Has the world been hijacked by the pretense of a sickness pretending to be more formidable than it really is? Maybe you see what the kids see.

All children will be required the Covid vax and boosters to attend public schools or as some call them: government indoctrination institutions. Not everyone is convinced of the jabs efficacy and safety. I will continue teaching mostly online because there are people still really afraid to meet in-person. I am still stuck in the Covid show. Fortunately, my students that see me in person remember my smile. They wear their masks to follow the rules with a sigh.


And in their full human design, they exude a generous soul: curious and questioning. Full of fun and adventure. These past two years of pandemic drama continues for our younger citizens; a roller coaster not enjoyable. You may enjoy working remotely and the slower pace; but they’ve missed play dates with friends and hugs from family members outside their “bubble.” Adults will work on their smiling eyes to overcome the masks. But the kids, not so much. They rather stand by their truth. They are keen to say they are distinct from those following the crowd.


The powers that be say the mandates are over… for now. We are just in a lull before another round of fear news. The mandates aren’t over for me and a lot of young people.

Along with the kids I also say the emperor wears no clothes. They aren’t watching the news. They are watching you. And they are hoping more grown ups hear them.


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It's a cult for sure, this idea that we must wear masks when all the "approved" experts agree the masks we wear are meaningless. In biblical terms its similar to taking the mark, except for those of us like myself where they relaxed the rules for the injected and allowed mask removal. Many who weren't injected pretended they were to go maskless. It was at that point I enjoyed wearing mine to provide a door to discussing how the injections were not a vax and did nothing to prevent anything, but did offer many horrible side effects.

It's criminal they are still forcing this on us in the more (not so) liberal areas. Crimes against humanity really, to demand one limit their oxygen intake while demanding those with virtually no risk take the injection that does nothing except damage.

Sorry you had your first mishap in your lessons. I hate to say it but I would say that there is a large segment of children who are probably traumatized in ways that will not be evident for some time, much the same as I believe my fathers generation was with their nuclear bombs exercises in school. Nothing beats producing good little patriot zombies that a huge dose of fear coupled with pretensions of a lifeline (masks and poison injections and isolation) wont produce. Much better than making the masses obey through fearing the dictator, make them beg the dictator to save them and their loyalty is assured. So much they will willingly be soldiers fighting to enforce the dictators mandates.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

I’m still recovering from Fauci in my childhood fear mongering that everyone will die of AIDS.

The population is incredibly hypnotized. The Covid narrative switch to war makes me suspicious what legislation is being pushed here while everyone stares at the distraction…a conflict that has been going on for many many years.

I’d like to hope that the children will rebel and not trust the government and experts as their parents have but a lot of people are very weak-minded. For the public good is their mantra. And people are also very naive not believing that real evil exists.

Sadly, fear is expensive and the price will be paid. The masks have given comfort for the fearful and a visual sign that they are part of a movement to save the world. The pro-mandate people also shamed anyone questioning data and science. Government has become a cult and people blindly comply. Masks, mandates, jabs are sacraments. Passions are now directed to alienating all things Russia. People didn’t even skip a beat.

I know my students are strong. I push them and ask questions so that they grow to be mindful, creative, on purpose independent thinking people. We are living through an information war and I talk about it in different degrees to those around me. Not everyone is ready to be red-pilled so I concentrate on having a lot of skittles!

Truth will win. People have been finding God during this time to stay centered and strong. Also staying patient and loving despite hardship. I’d like to hope for a new renaissance after all this crazy.

Always good to hear from you, Jason. Peace!


Truth will win. People have been finding God during this time to stay centered and strong.

History doesn't suggest this is the likely outcome. The majorities have always demanded their lives be mapped out for them which is a large part of the social cohesion that has formed society.

As for God, I'm still unsure after many years of researching earnestly what those who claim to have found God are finding. Everyone who I know who claims such a finding seem to be on the same boat of manipulation and pain as the rest of us. In fact, if one studies most of the religious books the stories are mostly those who are favored by the God described in them to an existence much harsher than most. I used to joke one was going to have a lot of heartbreak and loss if one was favored by God. A cynical joking for sure, yet one can't deny that message being a constant in most of the writings.

Always good to hear from you, Jason. Peace!

Glad to have you here posting so you can here from me. Stay well as the ride hasn't gotten better, they just push us along a different path for the moment as they prepare their next move for control.

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