Some Sons Of Belial And A Little Samuel

in takodalife •  2 years ago  (edited)

Alright, you all know the drill…

Number One, step forward. Number Two, step forward.

It was bullshit. The whole rap was a set-up.

You don’t put guys like that in a room together. Who knows what can happen?

No need to hand me the keys.

I’ve seen and heard the evidence.

Jesus Christ! Austin Steinbart! Buddy Holly.

You added Takoda Michael to that list.

Still… another great story some will sell their souls to keep from being told.

Perspectives and Relevance.

When you lie under oath in an American courtroom are there consequences?


What happens when you bear false witness against others in effort to destroy them and their children?

And there came in two men, children of Belial, and sat before him: and the men of Belial witnessed against him, even against Naboth, in the presence of the people, saying, Naboth did blaspheme God and the king. Then they carried him forth out of the city, and stoned him with stones, that he died. Then they sent to Jezebel, saying, Naboth is stoned, and is dead.

  • ‭‭1 Kings‬ ‭21‬:‭13‬-‭14‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Ask the spirit of Naboth.

God appointed Jehu via Elijah.

Do you know why Jehu drove so fast and furious?

I know some who have read the story of Hannah and I know some who have not read the story of Hannah.

The sons of Eli were men of Belial as well.

I know another story of Hannah many have not read.

The way her horn is being exalted some of you should pray she doesn’t decide to tell it.

As those who continue to bear false witness against her should already know, we have been covering this story for years now…

The following is a transcript of the opening statement from Hannah Mullens in court November 2022. -

”Good afternoon, Your Honor.

While I am disappointed to be back in front of this court, I look forward to finding a resolution to these recurring custody issues for both the Court, the parties, and most importantly my son Takoda.

Mr. Loyd has not dealt with this court, myself, our son, or our families with any honesty.

I know that you have reviewed the CFI report, and I appreciate that because much of the dishonest attack on my character and motherhood is documented there.

I also know that the concerns raised about my motherhood are there as well as witness testimony that demonstrates both Mr. Loyd’s dishonesty and my attempts to satisfy the court’s concerns regarding these attacks.

Five months ago, Tomilee said a tearful forever goodbye to Takoda. After I was found not guilty of the vandalism charges that Tomilee framed me for and this court rendered a decision in our custody dispute...Tomilee left Takoda saying that he would never be back. This was communicated via Talking Parents and I did not hear again from Tomilee at all. Last month, Tomilee told Judge Bland this was not true.

Even with Tomilee breaking contact, I notified him that I was leaving the state in order to respect the fact that I was having to make a quick decision to protect myself and my son, and realizing I did not have a final order in place. This was out of respect for the court as Tomilee was very clear that he planned to not be in Takoda’s life anymore. My ex-boyfriend also reached out to Tomilee as well as other family members of mine, in effort to cause trouble for me, and Tomilee jumped at the chance to exert unhealthy control over me once again. Fortunately, I was able to make the hearing Tomilee expected me to miss and Judge Bland was very fair. She ordered me to bring Takoda back to Denver and I obeyed her request. Tomilee lied to the court again when he told her he was not made aware I was temporarily leaving the state.

These two obvious deceptions are just the most recent examples of how Tomilee deals in deceit both with the family around my son and with this Court while under oath.

This strategy of Tomilee’s began in October of 2020 after he followed me to the point my father advised me to go to a police station. When I was at the police station seeking refuge, Tomilee took my only source of transportation from me in an ambush. He then successfully kept my son and I apart for the better part of the next year.

It was shortly after taking my transportation that the incident regarding our shared apartment occurred. I went to our apartment and retrieved belongings. Tomilee had a camera set up and caught me saying to my boyfriend that I wanted to cut Tomilee’s stupid coat. I was angry and said it out of anger. I did not cut any of his belongings. The fact that there was no such damage in the apartment after I left was testified to in trial by Denver Police Officers earlier this year.

Tomilee also reached out to every member of my family that would take his call to tell them that I had vandalized our son’s home and written ‘Die’ on the mirror. This began a campaign by Tomilee to undermine my support with family and to find allies within my family against me. My father’s estranged wife who was by profession a paralegal was living close to Tomilee at this time and was taking similar deceitful actions against my father simultaneously.

On November 11th, Tomilee filed a police report where the officer documented slashed items and the threat on the mirror. This was done after I had access to the apartment, your honor, and I am quite confident Tomilee and his accomplices knew the law and knew that the DV charge component would land me a night in jail. This was just the first of many attempts to destroy my mental health and sadly was effective with family members who I had very little contact with as they did not live in Denver.

November 11th was also the day that Tomilee filed the original Motion to adjust parenting time that has brought us to this point two years later.

Before I review the questions that the CFI report raises about Tomilee’s honesty with both this court and others I would like to address the concerns that were raised in the custody dispute regarding my motherhood.

Tomilee told the CFI he was concerned about my alcohol use, my mental health, as well as my decision making in my new relationships. Tomilee has always been a controlling older man to me and he was very upset about losing that control when I left him. I do not expose my son to people who would hurt him and at this point in our life do not feel Tomilee should continue to be allowed to exert this control over me. I do not attempt to exert control over the young girls that he seeks out either.

I am not ashamed to admit that I have struggled with mental health issues. I grew up watching my mother with her mental health issues and am well aware of the stigma that people who struggle in this way deal with. I have dealt with this head on with the support of trusted family as well as in front of people assigned by this court. The CFI report, your Honor, I feel demonstrates not only my willingness to address these issues but my success in these efforts. These are efforts I will maintain my entire life both for myself and more importantly for Takoda.

I have quit drinking alcohol, your Honor. As Tomilee’s own testimony to the CFI bears out this was not an issue while we were together. Any alcohol I drank while with Tomilee was purchased for me by Tomilee as I was underaged. It only became a problem for Tomilee when he realized I was not coming back to him and again Tomilee’s own testimony in the CFI report bears that out.

Tomilee’s own witnesses testified to the CFI the stories that Tomilee told. Sadly, I suspect he also told many lies to his own family and that is probably part of Tomilee’s conundrum with what he testifies to and has testified to.
I know that you have seen witness testimony in the CFI report as to my efforts to satisfy the court. I would like to briefly draw the court’s attention to a few other figures mentioned in the CFI report.

Jennifer Harding is a member of my family in name only. The Harding family has bad blood with my father from their history regarding sexual activity around children. Her stepmom is technically my grandmother but we have no relationship and she has not spent time with me in many many years. The same lies Tomilee told others regarding me are listed in the CFI report and Jennifer Harding herself told the CFI that she “has no personal knowledge of these things.”

There are also a number of lies in the report about my father. The Harding family has had a long feud with my father that dates back to his reaction upon my sister and myself being shown porn in their home. My father is here to testify and is happy to put to bed any doubts about the allegations of his being a threat to Takoda. Takoda is very close to his grandfather and my father would do anything for him and for me. He has also dabbled in investigative journalism and has paid very close attention to this case as he would any of the stories he has pursued.

Tomilee isn’t afraid of my father. He is afraid of my father exposing him for the deliberate attempt to have me convicted of a crime I did not commit.

The third witness testimony I feel is telling is that of Tomilee’s own witness... Zachary Welsey. Not only are the same hearsay lies told, including that I was hooked on heroin, but there are concerns raised about Tomilee and his mental health that I feel are quite relevant today. Mr. Wesley expressed concerns regarding Tomilee’s attention to Takoda that ring quite true as I observed the same behavior after Takoda was born.

These concerns relate to Tomilee not feeling that disciplining a one year old to be of importance, preferring to let Takoda do what he wants. In my view, disciplining such a young child is more teaching the young child than discipline and Tomilee has demonstrated a disinterest in doing this. This is related to another concern Mr. Wesley discussed with the CFI. Tomilee has always been more interested in posting videos and photos of him and Takoda than actually engaging with Takoda. His desire to market my son with the #TakodaLife superseding his desire to engage in Takoda’s actual life is a troubling order of priorities. Mr. Wesley also expressed to the CFI that Tomilee is manipulative and boasts about that fact as a result of “being an Aries.”

Tomilee is correct, your Honor. He is manipulative and has demonstrated that both with his lies to this court, law enforcement, and his pursuit of much younger women with struggles.

Even with his manipulations and deceits, Tomilee is Takoda’s father. I have never sought to remove Tomilee from Takoda’s life and even now after he abandoned him completely once do not. I hope that the court will make a ruling today that allows Tomilee to continue as part of Takoda’s life if that is truly what Tomilee wants. I would also ask the court to urge Tomilee to seek counseling to help him with these controlling and manipulative drives as the CFI also recommended when filing her report.

What I have been through as a result of Tomilee’s actions is not important. I am getting stronger every single day.

It is time for Takoda to be free of this chaos, Your Honor.

Thank You.”

- END transcript

Court reporting is not my thing. Testifying in court also not my thing.

Our efforts to tell this story have already been made a matter of court record because of your lies about us.

Your efforts to destroy a young woman have already been made a matter of court record due to your own evidence submissions across multiple cases.

Your own witnesses for years have testified to your conflicting false testimonies told under oath.

The 911 calls.

The recordings of detective interviews.

The body cam footage with the dance of a dozen tells.

When I discuss the legend of Takoda Michael with his many friends and family keeping touch they almost all say the same thing these days…

”Surely some of the people in the system are starting to see he is trying to manipulate it against her?”

I remind them those testimonies are also already a matter of court record.


I am so proud of my daughter.

Jesus Christ. Austin Steinbart. Buddy Holly.

Takoda Michael.

So many stories… so many we won’t leave behind.


Who do you work for?

Who do I work for?

Why does it matter?

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Accept the arrows we must...


‘Who is Keyser Soze?’ was [their] make-believe.

Wanna know why?

Lend me your ears and I’ll sing you a song and I’ll try not to sing out of KEY…

Yep good thing he addressed the Tore hatred finally...

This one just dropped a few hours ago...

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Who do you work for?

No one frankly 😐 I'm retired.

Except for maybe my DAD! 🥓