Before We Get Started, Does Anyone Want To Get Out?

in takodalife •  2 years ago  (edited)

It is a good time to discuss fear.

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One of my favorite men without fear has re-emerged.

I don't have to wonder if any of the others are paying attention.

Responsibility is presumed.

Between the Jehu downloads and looking out for those of mine attacked, this is the first full interview from Austin Steinbart I have caught since his website launched.

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Why do I call Austin Steinbart friend?

He wants to save America.

I have watched up close what he has tried to do for the past three years.

He is still fucking here.

His choice to still be here and the fact that he is still here says it all.

For those with perspective. Many do not have it as his story was so aggressively suppressed.

Getting this story was never a Tik Tok video moment.

You don't infiltrate a DIA contractor's ongoing op without his knowledge for views.

Listen to the interview and check out his website. Good background for what is coming. Ketchup.

I am going to lay off the spandex-porn codes tonight. Batman villians are complicated deconstruction tools.

Not to be @frankbacon or anything but let me be frank about fear.

Some call it star power.

If you don't understand that... then you do not have it.

That goes for the law enforcement and various other sneaky schemers who pay attention while whispering slander behind backs.

Those speaking lies and those pretending to be things they are not. Those covering their lies up by managing and enforcing narratives. The ones who have gotten up close and personal did not listen.

You do not get to stalk a young woman because she bore you a child.

As we have already found out in open court multiple times the system is not greased with your poorly constructed deceits. You know what evidence was entered into which cases. Why you would insist on throwing any of the players into the system is a question the system may soon start asking.

I know you lie about me to family. You lied about me in sworn court testimony.

I am trying to tell stories of Jesus Christ, Austin Steinbart, and Buddy Holly.

You really going to force me back to court reporter duty at the same time?

This Time It Is Personal

Hannah And Her Crazy Dad

Been a long time since this update. People do love photos of him. He looks so much like his mom...

Operation Babygirl Update

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Takoda and his mother are doing great and he is well taken care of and looked after. This isn't even arguable to the limited number of people who would know after she survived the onslaught of the past two years.

She yet be sure doesn't know anything about any of my politics or activism, like so many by design duh!, but I can damn sure teach her to blockchain and she already knows how to spit truth.

You know what they say about conspiracy theories...

"No way that many people could keep that terrible secret!"

That is why you should have built compartmentalization into your operation to frame my daughter for a crime. Should have... but didn't.

Ask anybody... I'm always amenable to the guys who want to cross the lines.

Batman villians are complicated.

Even so, some here comprehend these spandex-porn coded comms...

and I still have questions.


Here are two that will linger no matter the efforts of you and accomplices...

Who is Q?

Who cut the couches?

Your timing is terrible and that is how I know it is God's timing not yours.

He would tell you all to confess and repent.

Some of you should pray he doesn't send me.

And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

Matthew 10:28

2 Year delta. Not all the men without fear are men.


I remember optimism.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  


I'm O Positive

If I remember correctly 🥓

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


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1612076532716929029?s=46&t=dnM3plbxU6a0W42sGwMJgA twitter metadata:bmV3cGFyYWRpZ210dHx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9uZXdwYXJhZGlnbXR0L3N0YXR1cy8xNjEyMDc2NTMyNzE2OTI5MDI5P3M9NDYmdD1kbk0zcGxieFU2YTBXNDJzR3dNSmdBfA== ~~~


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Image 1-3-23 at 7.07 PM.jpg

80 minutes of always remember never forget. With commercial breaks.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


House Speaker is at Play. Big time!
Official is as Officially Does ✍️🙏🤳


You’re welcome fans.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I'm part of a Club of Potheads who understand the geopolitics of "NYKNYC"! And use Blockchain better than a bunch of wannabe punks ✋

FAMs only 🤬
No Fans 🥓

Entertainment or Enter Attainment... Your call.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Just keep moving


  ·  2 years ago  ·  



“It’s a sign.”

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  



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  ·  2 years ago  ·